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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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831810 No.831810 [Reply] [Original]

How do you obtain maximum leverage over your employees?

If I'm going to eventually be a boss I want to be a boss, not some schoolteacher type character with only nominal authority. Modern welfare states appear to produce bosses of that type, especially the EU, where I am currently a nomad.

I want to be able to fire at will and be shielded to the fullest extent possible from any slanderous accusations. That's not a euphemism, boys and girls. False claims are a thing that is bad and even cubscout heroes like myself can be a victim. It turns out the universe does not reward the good - what next, Santa not existing? I sure hope not!

So, how does a company or corporation ensure that its hiring practices are utterly its own and not subject to state interference? Can corporation status or ties to countries with few labour laws help?

Similarly, to what extent can a company's legal liabilities be limited? Or at least, to what extent can I pass the buck for my own personal actions in the role of bossman on to an abstract construct with legal personhood, i.e. a corporation?

>> No.831818

At work theres a relaxed atmosphere. People are never fired they are simply laid off.

Step 1: say dept is failing (fudge numbers or post info if its true
Step 2: send out companywide email of executive restructuring hardly ever true
Step 3: lay off particular people as if you were firing them.
Pros: groips know not to slack off
Cons: severance payout

>> No.831819

Idk, but fuck working wit you. You sound like a fucking cock.

You'll probably never be successful if for no other reason than your attitude. But good luck.

>> No.831887

This sounds like what I will end up doing.
However, my ideal is basically being able to use instant unemployment as a threat. In that case, I would fire one employee as an example, and just imply implications in private review meetings with troublesome employees. But I don't want those implications to be a bluff. If employing means getting their lips stapled to my teat, then I'll just automate as much as mechanically possible, even if a machine can't innovate, do something extra, or serve as a manager if it proves its intelligence and respect.

On 4chan, if you want to collect opinions, you need to be a clown.

>> No.831907

Just make sure you have all the proper paperwork filed. It's not hard.
3 written warnings after a performance review with a mediator. It might take a while (3-6 months).

>> No.832156

Have fun finding people who want to work for you after 1 or 2 of these.

>> No.832282

Yeah you sound like you'd make a terrible boss.
Although I understand why you wouldn't want to be neutered and have genuine authority to do your job.

On one side of the coin, the strongest authority is built up by strong interpersonal relations and trust; the authority you have to exercise is directly linked to the amount of respect and admiration your employees hold for you - regardless of actual "legal/official" heirarchy.

On the other side of the coin, in order to work with a strong team, you need to invest in their recruitment and training.

You want a strong team that listens to you?
Sure thing; to do this you need to fulfill your *responsibility* in participating the recruitment process and offering training.

You don't need to be a goody-toe-shoes to be a firm, effective boss. But as in all things, you reap what you sow.

>> No.832291

have your female workers hook up with the guys you want fired and then have them accuse the guys of harassment
intentionally start drama between the women you want to get fired

>> No.832355


Silk glove in a steel gauntlet, mang.

Tell them that as long as they work hard for you, they'll have a place as your employee.

But if they want to slack off or cause trouble, then they'll be fired and then you'll make it a point to make sure they have a very hard time finding another job.

>> No.832359

i only hire overseas / outsourcing.

it takes more work to screen all the candidates, and it takes a lot longer to build the trust, but being able to hire/fire at will with no regard for local labor laws makes life much easier.

structure workers as contractors wherever you legally can.

>> No.832383


That only works one or two times, assuming you're using websites to blacklist employees. If you're constantly blacklisting people it's not going to work.

More importantly, you'll just wind up with people knowing that you're a shitty boss and not wanting to work for you. Then you get nothing but trash.

The best route is to just remove as much actual human interaction as possible and have all your employee shit run by an HR lady. That way you can have her make employees work so they take their anger out on her, but not the larger organization. This is what all large companies do because otherwise you get people constantly starting stupid shit with their boss.

Of course the "ultimate" trump card is to just unionize as it causes senior employees to fuck over their subordinates, but you also have to make sure the top people are paid off and stay paid off with pensions.

>> No.832497


Do you communicate with these workers via the internet or in person as a non-resident?

>structure workers as contractors wherever you legally can.
I had heard a little about contractors as a means of passing the buck on safety standards, but it didn't occur to me that the role had other uses. This could be perfect. Thank you.

>The best route is to just remove as much actual human interaction as possible and have all your employee shit run by an HR lady. That way you can have her make employees work so they take their anger out on her, but not the larger organization. This is what all large companies do because otherwise you get people constantly starting stupid shit with their boss.
Could work nicely. But the lack of frankness is a little offputting. I basically want to be a tyrant.
All interaction is a struggle, and I want the world to say "uncle." If not I'll just go live in a cave.
To express myself less harshly, I want to be just as deferred to as a Japanese boss.

>> No.832507

Pias on their faces so they know you real.

>> No.832510

Please be a troll. I cringed so hard reading this post.

>pro tip you won't be a "boss" anytime soon

>> No.832511

>If I'm going to eventually be a boss
Your writing indicates you won't be a boss. Sorry.

>> No.832516

You cringed so hard... Do you realise that being easily embarrassed isn't a virtue? I am shameless. That is.

My writing usually triggers wishful fantasies of my death and mutilation. People like to imagine that I am fat, or that I wet the bed, or have acne, or am in high school, whatever makes the bad bad words go away.

>> No.832518

Please forgive us edgelord supreme

>> No.832521

Are you trying to insult me by calling me contentious?
What next, am I controversial? Getting chills here.

>> No.832524

Underrated post.

In short, use psychology.

>> No.832527

Even though you have deflected every word of advice in this thread with your own cognitive bias, here's my two cents:

The completely authoritarian "bossman" facade you wish to obtain through bending moral code can only be found in 3rd world or developing countries.

Run a blood diamond mine in Africa, and you can live your teenage (angst) dream...if you want to penetrate the minds of a developed workforce (US/Europe) you will have to deal with the fact that no intelligent man will ever respect you with your moral code and, therefore, never bee queen bee.

Sorry, kiddo.

>> No.832540

>you have deflected every word of advice in this thread with your own cognitive bias
Most of it, due to my goal orientation.

>The completely authoritarian "bossman" facade you wish to obtain through bending moral code can only be found in 3rd world or developing countries.
As far as I can tell, this is the case.

Right on schedule.
Now, how do you feel about my dermatological health, anon?

>Run a blood diamond mine in Africa
I was thinking a textiles place in Guangzhou while living in HK. Still, the Chinese are tricky to work with. HK is wonderful, by the way. Such vigour. I haven't been there since '13, though.

>no intelligent man will ever respect you with your moral code
I am not looking for respect. I am looking for... no, wait, I am looking for respect. It's just that you seem to equate respect with some kind of abstract father-love. I want people to be anxious about what they say and do around me. I want ties to be straightened hurriedly. I want tasks to be carried out promptly. I want private thoughts of theft or embezzlement to be fraught with dread at what I would do if I found out. That's all.

>> No.832548

Boss found dead in terrible factory "accident"; no Chinese workers witnessed the event.

I wish you luck in your endeavours.

>> No.832551

Fantasies of death and mutilation, ahead of schedule.
Maybe you should eat some ice cream?

>> No.832555

I'd run you over with my towmotor on "accident"

No big deal,I can pass a drug test.

>> No.832557



Leading with Power vs. Leading with Force

I lead my team without any of your silly psychological anxiety games because their healthy respect for me translates into power.

Meanwhile, your (theoretical) leadership by force will keep you in a position of power until the next person with a louder voice and a bigger bat come along to knock you off your podium.

But let's be real here champ...we can keyboard battle on 4chan all day, or you can prove your philosophy, as I have mine, in the only place that truly matters: in reality.

>> No.832558

If you treat people badly in business you deal with a lot of bullshit. Clients, employees, suppliers.
Basically it increases risk, usually more than any payoff.

If you want to feel in control, you probably shouldn't be in business because you won't find that here.
If you want to feel like a big man, you should probably run a good business and have an abusive relationship with someone mentally ill. Good luck with that.

>> No.832563

You are talking about running a factory like an ass hole in a country that has little respect for rule of law. If you think this is not possible you should reevaluate your situation.

>> No.832576

Yeah... the other thing here is...

You could argue that if people are doing creative work, you should motivate them with aspiration and passion and belonging. While monotonous dumb work is best motivated with fear.
I uh, don't buy that personally. I think monotonous dumb work is best motivated with performance related pay, which can be counterproductive for more complex jobs.
I think more complex jobs are best motivated by a feeling of ownership, aspiration, and a belief in long term positive consequences from success. Workers who feel that do self generate anxiety, so you don't have to.

>> No.832584

>Meanwhile, your (theoretical) leadership by force will keep you in a position of power until the next person with a louder voice and a bigger bat come along to knock you off your podium.
Yes. Great moral fable.
You're saying that my private property and company will be seized from me if I want people to do their job, be respectful to their boss and hesitate to rob me. Bear in mind that the crazy tyrannical leverage I have in mind is the ability to stop giving them money.
Is this correct? I just want to hear you admit to having typed those words a few minutes ago, no doubt in a different state of mind.

I want to be able to stop giving money to people after I start.
Not rub my cock on their face.
I understand in the land of Entitlement and kumbaya that they are basically the same thing, but maybe try thinking outside the hugbox?

I am talking about running a factory like every other factory in the country.

>> No.832590

Alright, this is a fairly reasonable set of observations on the thread topic, so I'd like to thank you for that.

The issue is that the work I require is monotonous, dumb, and also extremely temporary and disposable. Hence the crack about automation. I suppose contracting could cover a lot of it.

I suppose I would also require some halfway intelligent office workers. I am tempted to draw them from my vast pool of cousins, but they would believe they could not be fired, and that's just not a good situation for me.
I will be pretty footloose personally and as a business, so I might need to fire and hire office staff once or twice a year if they're not willing to jump continents.

>> No.832602

>You're saying that my private property and company will be seized from me if I...[instill a morally objectionable business model].

Yes, yes I am. Even as majority stakeholder.

See: "breach of fiduciary duty"

You and your fantastical business are a lawsuit waiting to happen. There is a reason why business like your imaginary one don't exist in developed nations. You were born a century too late, little one.

>> No.832621

You're going to have to explain how I am knocked off my podium with a bat when I have never broken a law.
You don't imagine I will be going into this half-cocked, do you? I want it airtight.
So, let's get specific. I know you prefer to coyly imply with averted eyes, but gosh, I just wanna know. Which of my employees will become the legal owner of the company and the building it operates from?
Is it the one with shifty eyes? Knew I couldn't trust him after I told him when his lunch break ended and he looked up at me with a milkshake straw in his mouth and a leer that said "I'm going to knock you off your podium. With my bat."

>little one.
Are you delicately implying that I am a teeanager? Again?
Because that's already been done.
Try delicately implying that I just maybe might be fat or gay or something. But do it on tiptoe, or else I might notice.
Maybe try "buster." No, wait, I know about that one and the implications it implies. Delicately.

>> No.832637

Im not OP but i dont see why he sounds like a cock. IMO it makes perfect sense to be a direct, harsh boss. If you are willing to put in a superb amount of time and effort to try and achieve succes, why shouldnt you be allowed to only have people working for you with the same mindset? Why would you be forced to keep lazy shits working for you?

>> No.832644
File: 42 KB, 600x404, 1437566193110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Elliot Rodger wants to own a business

Also see: Nightcrawler, a /biz/ edgelords' wet dream. Too bad he'll never manage more than his world of warcraft guild.

>> No.832668

Nightcrawler is truly /biz/ the movie, much more so than Wall Street, Wolf of Wall Street or Boiler Room.

>> No.833075

I am abrasively blunt.

>> No.833128

>I basically want to be a tyrant.
There is a reason tyrants only exist in shit countries like North Korea. Intelligent, quality workers won't work for you; unless you are paying them suitcases full of money.

This guy >>832527 is right. Go run a blood diamond mine in Africa. Your managerial philosophy will only work in McDonalds, a sweatshop, organized crime, a boiler room, or possibly a stupidly profitable trading desk.

>> No.833144

Well, I'm in the clear then.

I love HK like I said, but I've found eastern Europe to be surprisingly liveable, even if the coffee is lousy. I could commute from Trieste or Vienna if I get sick of the place.
How good are the local labour laws, guys? Id est how non-existant are they?
I already know the wages are pitiful and that the people are surprisingly competent and orderly, even if they don't know that squatting is boorish.

>> No.833156

Lol op is a bitch nigga