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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8316772 No.8316772 [Reply] [Original]

We still laughing at you
As a matter of fact: we will laugh at you forever, even if it goes to $1,000,000 or 1 cent
You will never win

>> No.8316845


Is laughing how you deal with the pain of knowing you could have been rich if you weren't so stupid?

>> No.8316859


>> No.8316886

Meanwhile, I am laughing my way to the bank.

>> No.8316889
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>> No.8316914

So you're paying your taxes then
>knowing you could have been rich by supporting human traffic, paedophilia and drug traffic

>> No.8316936
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Go back to something awful.

>> No.8316956

The subreddit reads exactly like Shit Reddit Says?

>> No.8317042


These people are just massively salty normalfags who can't cope with missing out on being rich. They have to convince themselves that their choice was actually a good one. Otherwise they'd have to accept their shitty situation and poor choices

>> No.8317055

Only place cringier than here
>unironic caturday tax page king xD we're such oldfags

>> No.8317070

Oh shit, I'm sorry.

>> No.8317189

I thought it was just ironic trolling and found it a bit funny tbqh

>> No.8317208
File: 345 KB, 1119x908, Untitled 86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, we're laughing at you.

>> No.8317218

Good. Listen you will never achieve anything by being a NEET. Get a job, go to college, be a respectable human being in society and MAYBE you will get money and happiness in your life. The harder you work the higher the probability.

>> No.8317242

To be honest it's your fault if you're still poor, especially if you live in America. You have to be retarded to be poor in developped countries (or even moderatly developped ones).

>> No.8317261

I'm really pissed off after reading that, how are Redditors so retarded?
"You didn't earn that money hurrrrrr"

>> No.8317272

The most clumsy trolling I have ever seen

>> No.8317290

That's not how capitalism works, well sort of, off course it needs retarded people willing to enslave themselves so the masters can profit, I chosed to be part of the second category.

>> No.8317308

Redditors have a really hard time understanding that you can achieve success through hard work.

>> No.8317327

the platform continually reinforces that kind of before even in it's in your face retarded like that exchange was

>> No.8317353

>You will never win
>even if it goes to $1,000,000
um... ok retard

>> No.8317444

>you didn't have to sift through trash to collect plastic for 16 hours a day just to make 20 rupees a month, therefore you don't deserve it
how hard is it for plebbit SJWs to understand that just because everyone didn't suffer the exact same hardships in life, doesn't mean that they didn't work hard for what they have?

>> No.8317659
File: 95 KB, 319x319, wow cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine dedicating your entire life to make fun of crypto owners.

Do you think these guys get laid?

>> No.8317780
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I’m preeeeeetty sure if it goes anywhere near 1000000 we win, and you’ll agree.

Do you have washboard abs from constantly laughing. Have any of you had personal or relationship problems from just being a constantly laughing maniac clown?

If people making money is that funny to you, do you guys go watch people do lucrative jobs for laughs?

>> No.8317797

>Do you think these guys get laid?
is that a rhetorical question?

>> No.8317842

seriously how the fuck are all you you cunts so stupid? That whole reddit is full of BTC owners who are trolling the fuck out of you all and you have bee nfalling for it daily for years.

be ashamed

>> No.8318321

Cool dude. Then we can all be happy. If it hits 1 million I'll be laughing about the money I made and you can also have a laugh. Everybody wins.

>> No.8318336


>> No.8318365

the only time we think about you is when you post cope threads here

>> No.8318372
File: 381 KB, 1280x720, C02DAEC8-5AAD-42D7-8A77-EBF0006C1334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le brainlet supreme

>> No.8318382
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I remember that subreddit back in 2013 and the pissed people there. Wonder how many JUSTED themselves because they lost out on becoming millionaires.

>> No.8318394

so you're saying they were only pretending to be retarded?

>> No.8318402


>> No.8318462
File: 307 KB, 2048x1638, Cb2P0_TWEAA2E_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even if it goes to $1,000,000
Is this the crypto version of "if you kill your enemies, they win"?

>> No.8318495

The reddit victim mentality is just pathetic.

>> No.8318529

I've actually been thinking about these pathetic cucks, and I think they're the enemy /biz/ needs. Most other boards can accuse obvious shills of being from some website or other, but we have no real common enemy. I think it would be great to tell shills to go back to r/buttcoin. Or are they too pathetic and feeble to even be a good nemesis for us?

>> No.8318536

I cant imagine sitting and fudding btc since 2013 and missing out on becoming instant millionare

>> No.8318548

back in my day this got you a public ban

>> No.8318553

Plus we're just in it for the lulz, these boomers would be butthurt for days over some anon's offhand remark. And they have nothing to do while waiting for their 10% yearly returns from shekelstein approved investments

>> No.8318566

I'm just wondering... the people that post in that subreddit must have lost a lot of money. Why else would you hate it so much? People there seem to be in great pain

>> No.8318567
File: 9 KB, 232x217, 1508733859855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>join an antibitcoin joke community
>have years to accumulate being aware before mainstream attention
>missed your chance at becoming rich

y-you didnt really do this, r-right?

>> No.8318614

rare papi

>> No.8318666

cause he made it it means everyone can make it. I am a future millionaire waiting for the next bullrun. Yes

>> No.8318692

Many of them did just that. Then they justify it by calling crypto immoral.

>> No.8318702

It's a combination of no-coiners and people who lost their asses with a small helping of people like us.

>> No.8318707 [DELETED] 

Awesome cryptopia pump is going down tomorrow and you're invited!

discord gg/4gQsHam

>> No.8318770

I am the most enlightened person here. I read Outliers (mobile version is dead I think):

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fte-EOzSBL0 - 'Malcolm Gladwell "Outliers The Story of Success" - YouTube'

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fte-EOzSBL0 - 'Malcolm Gladwell "Outliers The Story of Success" - YouTube'

>> No.8319054

Pajeets are back, bull market confirmed

>> No.8319260


>you're privileged enough to live like shit for 2 years

holy shit these guys are pathetically sad. Is there a foundation I can donate to to ensure these fucks never have any say in any political environments?

>> No.8319305

Trump Campaign.

>> No.8319474
File: 32 KB, 750x186, SmhoyaU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically did that but never checked the prices. Only followed the fud/sfyl/muh adoption and the tech discussion.

Stopped going there in the last 3/4 years cause the sub was getting empty and I thought that the community would be dying out. I think I heard about Ether when it was still below 1$ in retrospective. Fucking hate myself.

>> No.8319635
File: 347 KB, 631x479, 1212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The buttcoin dude has the point, but it's disgusting how I can taste the salt.

I mean I get of course people have haters in every aspect of life but buttcoiners from reddit sound super salty and going 100% full force it almost seems like satire.

>> No.8319683

Well then again they are the leading viral marketing social engineering breeding ground of modern lefty CNN tier banana ideology.

I mean Trump has a LOT of dirt on him but the lefties are so controlled they'd rather spend time pushing a far fetched conspiracy with the Russians then the other 20+ things about Trump that could fuck him. I guess you spend so much time indoctrinated into lala land you lose grip of reality and built up a stubbornness when you lose to much.

>> No.8319855
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Can you imagine if these people were actually real? You kinda understand the balance in the universe for the losers in society no matter the environment, opportunity given to them.


>> No.8319897

>implying that you too aren't a redditor

>> No.8319974

Go back to pol

>> No.8320287

But he said Bitcoin, not Monero.
Oh wait you're just a redditor who doesn't know jack shit besides Jewish lies.

>> No.8320332

>using reddit as a measure of what the left thinks
this is the equivalent of using /pol/ as a metric for all right wingers

>> No.8320353

Literally slave morality.
except /pol/ is a fringe site, and reddit is one of the most popular sites on the internet. So it's closer to using Twitter or Facebook for a metric.

>> No.8321058
File: 58 KB, 781x723, 5085259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're a redditor
>You're from /pol/
Well which am I?