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File: 68 KB, 877x613, funfair-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8316094 No.8316094 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone around who is interested in this coin? I don't hear much discussion about it nowadays but it seems as though the team is trucking along development-wise. They're frequently doing things that for other cryptos would be pumping the price constantly—networking, attending conferences, building up actual business behind the scenes. They're a b2b company so it's not extremely obvious, but you don't exactly have to read between the lines or infer very much to see what they're doing.

Jez San said that they were hoping to launch in "single digit weeks" (nine?) as opposed to the Q2 roadmap estimate, which I honestly think was a gafff on his part, but it could be big if true.

Pic related: the old logo

>> No.8316141

Yeah I hold a small amount but it has fallen so much from when I bought in that I just feel a bit jaded with it

>> No.8316172

fuck yeah I bought in at 5 cents and expect great things from Jez "Butterball" San. This plump bastard is gonna make me filthy rich I love this guy. The people fudding FUN are just faggots that bought in at the top and are now butthurt its a great project.

>> No.8316192

They are my heaviest bags. No point in selling now, I wait for progress

>> No.8316211
File: 46 KB, 524x535, 1520901285726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding 100k unironically. Very hopeful. One of best projects.

>> No.8316217

I think it will do fine, but it gotta wait out this bear market.

Also, I struggle to see this coin over $1 in 3 years, it's still a 25x, but we want more than that, or else we wouldn't invest in crypto.

Either way, it's gonna survive the reckoning that crypto is gonna have eventually.

>> No.8316231

I'm in the same boat
I got in at the top in some cases. I hold quite a few tokens... in fact, I think I'm in the top 200

>> No.8316289

>Also, I struggle to see this coin over $1 in 3 years, it's still a 25x, but we want more than that, or else we wouldn't invest in crypto.
$1 would be massive, that itself is borderline wishful thinking in my opinion

>> No.8316355

If im not mistaken, 1$ would be a 5 billion marketcap, which is okay, it might even get bigger, if there is real major adoption, but it's way too long.

>> No.8316375

>If im not mistaken, 1$ would be a 5 billion marketcap, which is okay, it might even get bigger, if there is real major adoption, but it's way too long.
Well, their 'launch' appears to include adoption by some partners (casinos), so it may happen soon-ish. I just hope that it doesn't coincide with some general cryptopocalpyse.

But you're a bit off in that there are something like 11B coins in total, not 5B

>> No.8316465

what'd you buy in at?

>> No.8316536
File: 147 KB, 653x725, 247BD836-2353-4B76-B4F9-4715A3584F0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it’s quiet it’s because they are accumulating, when they are fudding, it’s really time to buy. It’s still a good price at .05

Dark horse of 2018, I can see it goin to .30 in Q2 with launch

>> No.8316587

what is this nonsensical list lol

>> No.8316599

>$15 Verge
o lawd

>> No.8316618

wasnt launch supposed to be end of q1?

>> No.8316626

Between 4 and 11

>> No.8316628

Release, not mainnet launch

>> No.8316648

So mainnet means product launch?

>> No.8316673

Their goal is supposedly to have the product running on the mainnet in Q2 (which, to me, means late June) which would be followed by anyone who wanted to adopt it thereafter

However, they seem to be playing things by ear, and if Jez wasn't full of shit (I think he probably was), this may happen a couple of weeks early ("single digit weeks" last week I think)

>> No.8316677
File: 2.52 MB, 400x362, 1471368890851.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>no LINK

>> No.8316685

the image is completely silly
>(alphabetical order)
lol k

>> No.8317477
File: 50 KB, 476x520, 707C0E8E-83F9-41ED-BC4A-8C64157C577A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That list is maurius. Or however you spell his name.

People seem to love his shit though

>> No.8317500

it's pretty asinine

>> No.8317523
File: 87 KB, 474x460, 1476610258467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8317542

He said it’s single digit weeks.

It’s mid May. I can link the quote if you want.he spoke at the ETHCC.

>> No.8317563

I don’t disagree. I like it’s memeish triggering qualities but I mean, some of those are ambitious for 2025

>> No.8317565

How do you get May out of 'single digit weeks'?

>> No.8317643

We said we were going live in Q2. We’re now hoping that’s single digit weeks away.” -Jez during EthCC presentation.

That means at the latest, 9 weeks would put the timing at mid May-mid june (sorry anon you were right)

>> No.8317689
File: 20 KB, 600x370, pajeetedf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about you guys, but I have never owned a coin that I have been more comfy with.

>> No.8317777

>Single digit
>Atleast nine
>Now + nine weeks = mid May

>> No.8317806

my mistake, but anyway that's still just a couple weeks shy of the original projection

I guess it sorta implies that it could be earlier than that, but most likely it just seems like they'll be pulling it off sooner than the very end of Q2, which is okay in my book. I just hope ETH and BTC recover a bit, fucking hell

>> No.8317943

Are you the guy that owns 10MM FUN that used to post here?

>> No.8317950

Nope, that was someone else

>> No.8317967

So how much do you own?

>> No.8317970


>> No.8318504
File: 87 KB, 512x512, FUN_Chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last time I checked there were only 73 individual addresses who had more FUN than I do. That's with 250k. Trying to bump that up to 500k but I think my buy order might be a little low.

>> No.8318608
File: 150 KB, 600x810, FUN_Chan6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double-checked this. at least 900 addresses have more than me. Either I was way off when I last checked or people have been stocking up.

>> No.8318712

People been stocking up

>> No.8318752

Is 100k the minimum required amount to make it?