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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8315077 No.8315077 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of /biz/'s favorite reads? Not necessarily financial, but books that helped you grow as a person (pic related)
>as a man thinketh
>anything by thic nhat hanh
>man's search for meaning
>the law of attraction
>one up on wall street
>letters from a stoic

>> No.8315109

Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell is mandatory. Make sure you understand exactly why socialism is wrong.

>> No.8315133

basically the further you research economics the more you realize literally everything is a ponzi scheme and you should just be the first to buy into anything and everything that looks like other people may buy it

>> No.8315137

well i dind't like meditations that much honestly
there are good passages but generally it's quite repetitive

>> No.8315155

All of St Paul's Epistles, especially the first letter to the Corrinthians and Galatians.
Anything by Ajahn Succito.
Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhantepola Gunaratana
Happier by Tal Ben Shahar
Tatoos on the Heart by Fr. Gregory Boyle
Anything by Ajahn Brahm
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

>> No.8315158

Evola - Ride the Tiger
Jonothan Bowden is also excellent, one such example:


After you finish those understandings you will have to ask yourself how it took so long for those teachings to percolate to you and you will find the key to solving the conundrum of our time.

>> No.8315178

can't disagree there. aurelius never wrote it with the intent to publish, so i think a lot of it was reaffirming himself and his views. it stuck with me, though, and was one of the few books that translated into motivation for me outside of it.

>> No.8315210

read the mindfulness and happier books, both were good. i'm actually currently reading the power of now.
you might really like awareness by anthony de mello

>> No.8315293

any other good books on economics to recommend?

>> No.8315343


I mean there's this all this mania (I see it a lot when browsing through the top sellers list) about self-help books or motivational books. I really don't get it
I can say what I have on a shelf
Alan Watts
Eric Fromm
John Keats
Richard Feynman
Mordecai Richler

But there's not a book that really helped me "grow as a person"

>> No.8315410

The Turner Diaries

>> No.8315472
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From Zero to One - Thiel

>> No.8315479

The confidence man by Herman Melville.

If every interaction is a zero sum business deal then it’s not hard to make it. Even with just leaving the house as the goal.

>> No.8315519

Be Here Now by Ram Dass

>> No.8315674
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Holy shit you didn't understand fucking anything at all. I fear for those who depend on you financially

>> No.8315719

Not an argument. The ones who make the most money in any investment buy in when no one thinks its valuable, and sells when people find that 'thing' to be valuable, and the only way in a market hat happens if it more and more people buy

and I'm not saying there's anything inherently wrong with that, its just the way it is

prove me wrong

>> No.8315752

Karl Marx - Das Kapital

>> No.8315919
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>I know a lot about investing
>You have to buy stuff people want that they don't know they want it yet
>Remember ipod? That's a good one. Try to do one of those

>> No.8316035

thanks for proving me right. Its no mistake Warren Buffet is called "the idiot that will buy anything". You need to break all constructs you have in your mind revolving around economics and understand what money actually is, and thats a representation of value from other people. A man can only be wealthy if there's a government or construct that protects ownership and if other's desire said ownerships.

>> No.8316209

You're a walking advertisement for the Dunning-Krueger effect.

>> No.8316238

nope this is what every billionaire on the planet does, they're saying it not me friend

>> No.8316295

The World as Will and Representation
Shadow of the Torturer
Swan's Way

>> No.8316301
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>> No.8316317

What I'm proposing is that you don't actually understand anything they've said, as evidenced by your illiterate interpretation of value theory.

>> No.8316452

probably im just shitposting because im bored and my portfolio is red

>> No.8316491

the 6 pillars of self-esteem by that clever brainy guy who got with Ayn Rand

>> No.8316641

unironically enjoying 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson but I'm also pretty stupid

>> No.8316739

Slave mentality bullshit designed to rob your will.

>> No.8316787

anyone ever read margin of safety?
I've heard good things and got my hands on a PDF copy

>> No.8316796

Could /biz/ elaborate a bit? I doubt anyone will buy a book based on just the title and the author.
Bearing in mind that we're all speculating on highly volatile assets that hardly anyone outside of our special autistic clique understands I'm reading books about the irrationality of man. With that in mind...
Predictably Irrational - Good book highlighting mans most irrational views and how easily influenced 'rational' man is by psychological factors. More along the lines of a 'light' psychological textbook, but covers some behavioural economics and has a great final chapter on the subprime mortgage crisis.
Thinking Fast and Slow - System 1 and 2. 'Econ' and 'Human'. Remembering Self and Experiencing Self. Still psychology, but introduces some intermediate economic concepts and covers behavioural economics rather well. Really activates those almonds. One thing it does help you do is recognise irrationality and suppress it much more effectively, along with recognising the hallmarks of irrationality and potentially profiting off of it.
Against All Odds - The history of probability. I must admit, I only started reading this book recently, but so far it's proving to be a good read. Helps you better understand the development of probability/risk (and therefore modern financial vehicles) and makes clear many well-known concepts many statisticians come across.
Devil Take the Hindmost (A History of Financial Speculation) - A personal favourite, this proves that regardless of technology, culture or any other factor possible, speculation always finds a way. Where there is opportunity to make ridiculous sums of money there will always be those that push these limits to the extreme and reap extreme profits. Very interesting to learn that the activities we engage on here on /biz/ are nothing new in the world of finance, and are in fact rather tame compared to the behemoth schemes of past centuries.

>> No.8316805

Love this book. The black swan by Taleb is also great.

>> No.8316941

Thinking fast and slow is jewish bullshit. check who wrote it.

>> No.8317101


Great book

>> No.8317115

Yeah I'm well aware that kahnemann and tversky are both kikes, but that doesn't discredit their work.

>> No.8317141

Anything by Nassim Taleb.

>> No.8317244

Guess I'll have to check out Devil Take the Hindmost since I read all your other suggestions. I really enjoyed Thinking Fast and Slow. Against All Odds worked as a history lesson for probability/risk while the others made you question how you and others process information. All these behavioral economics books have numbed my emotions but probably for my benefit.

>> No.8317255
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>Pic related

/biz/ virgins who want to find out that sex isnt that special should read:

>Mark Manson - Models

>David Deida - The way of superior men

>> No.8317449
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>> No.8317763

Devil Take the Hindmost by Edward Chancellor is great, I'm glad you're considering it and I'm sure you'll enjoy it just as much as I did.
>Against All Odds worked as a history lesson for probability/risk
Yeah, that's what I was hoping for desu.
>All these behavioral economics books have numbed my emotions but probably for my benefit
Welcome to the true redpill. It starts to get bad when you start blurring the line between social and market transactions. ngl tho it's great for maintaining a logical frame of mind when dealing with money, especially its preservation and acquisition

>> No.8318341

corpus hermetica

>> No.8318373
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>Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhantepola Gunaratana

This book has improved my mental health substantially. It is like a manual for me now.

>> No.8318383

You realize Thomas Sowell has read all volumes of Marx's capital, and was himself a marxist in his 20s?

>> No.8318406
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The Book of Five Rings

>> No.8318410


>> No.8318984

Don't buy the white cover version. Some kike gets royalties off it. Red cover only. US residents can get the red cover online but not Canadians (at least in my searches)

>> No.8319037

Peter Joseph “The New Human Rights Movement”

>> No.8319055

Go to /lit/

>> No.8319223
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Stop doing stupid shit, and learn how to identify when you are being affected by your unconscious emotions, /biz.

You will become a better trader.

>> No.8319277

Man, Economy, and State for an introduction into Austrian School economics
The Ethics of Liberty to learn what a free society is actually like, and to better understand people like Roger Ver and Craig Wright

>> No.8319392

fucking self help autists in this thread. how about reading a good novel rather than your daily "here's how you can fix your own anus" booklet?

>> No.8319428

Thank you for this thread OP

>> No.8319512


>> No.8319551
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This book is a must read for anyone involved in crypto.

>> No.8319573
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Good call

>> No.8319610
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This was written in fucking 1997

>> No.8319638
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Amazing, isn't it?

>> No.8319665


>> No.8319704
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>> No.8319736
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>> No.8319764

holy shit anon, thank you for this recommendation.

>> No.8319777

>/pol/ recommended reading
is this a compilation of reddits favorite books or something

>> No.8319783



>> No.8319835

thanks just found that on reddit, is there a pdf or epud of this anywhere?

>> No.8319863

48 Law of Power. And everything else by Robert Greene.
Awaken the Giant Within. And other Tony Robbins books.
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker
Smartcuts by Shane Snow
Sapiens and Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari
Principles by Ray Dalio
Bold by Peter Diamandis
Winning by Jack Welsh

Also seconding The Power of Now, Zero to One, Thinking Fast and Slow, Nassim Taleb books

>> No.8319997


Download it through IRC use this guide


>> No.8320126

I like him but can't get through it. Some points take a long time and go nowhere.

>> No.8320136


>> No.8320207
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rate me bruhs

>> No.8320567

>rick and morty

>> No.8320604

top lad

>> No.8320663

The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the Transition to the Information Age must read. It predicted crypto, the swing back to nationalism & the coming City state & opt in online governance in the 90s.

>> No.8320680

I have a book on Sikhs, Orthadox Christianity & Jordan Peterson i need to read. Meditations was great

>> No.8320929
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This is the /biz/nessman’s best friend

>> No.8321057

> White

>> No.8321164

Can anyone suggest a personal finance book?

>> No.8321293

Decent, but why so much Gary Vee if you dont do affiliate marketing or something? I hope its serving you well either way but unless you're actually building an online brand its useless to you.

I think you would like Grit

>> No.8321364

i like the idea of it but i don't execute on shit and don't take *ACTION* -- pretty sad desu

thanks for the book, i added it to my wishlist

>> No.8321428

48 Laws of Power
Mein kampf

>> No.8321628

>not a real book
fuck yourself lad

>> No.8321660

Karl Marx capital

>> No.8321736


>> No.8321783
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/lit af/ ?

>> No.8322139

>48 Laws of Power

I feel tempted but I already have a pessimistic outlook and heard this book is basically a how to for sociopaths.

Worth a go?

>> No.8322205

It's ok, mostly real life power plays are more subtle. The rules of work is better imo and the more applicable way to advance in career, still sociopathic to some extent.

>> No.8322282

Also I feel like meditations was some cuck shit
>(you) be a slave because it's your moral obligation
>but I'm aj aristocrat and that's my moral obligation
I mean he's not wrong since even in the US most people aren't socially mobile. But still it shouldn't be an aspiration to be mediocre

>> No.8322288
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>> No.8322315

my question is this if the real value of amazon was 600000 per share but people were only willing to pay 1000 per share because they saw dick pills as more valuable whats to stop amazons shares from staying at 1000?
If CNBC stopped covering amazon if people didnt use amazon everyday but it still provided decent value how would that value ever translate. Pro tip it wouldnt.

>> No.8322328

I think you should reread meditations because what you took away from it is borked

>> No.8322330

Its pretty sociopathic, unfortunately you will come to realize that capitalism is sociopathic. Take for instance rule #2: "e wary of friends - they will betray you more quickly, for they are easily aroused to envy. They also become spoiled and tyrannical. But hire a former enemy and he will be more loyal than a friend, because he has more to prove. In fact you have more to fear from friends than from enemies. If you have no enemies, find a way to make them. "

>> No.8322351

Aldous Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy

>> No.8322440

Now I'm torn. I'm looking for something more applicable and less philosophical and honestly I'm not an edgelord expecting to be the wolf of wall street or a crimelord. The only thing is, are both books focused on business? Laws of Power sounds like it's for life in general, although I'm a little hesitant to read relationship advice from Patrick Bateman.

>> No.8322443
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This is also good read, I always considered it a meme book but it gives very good insight into the methods of Chinese market manipulators

>> No.8322490

Yes, called it in the 90s

>> No.8322583


I recommend it not for manipulating other people, but make yourself be aware that there are unscrupulous people out there who use these methods.

>> No.8322596

>From Zero to One - Thiel

>> No.8322740

On Peter Thiel's list of must reads.

>> No.8322776

Fucking this

>> No.8323838
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>> No.8323931

To the back of the bread line with you.

>> No.8324178

Redpill me senpai

>> No.8324225

Taleb is great and everyone should read him. Follow him on twitter for a while if you don't believe me. That's my redpill.

>> No.8324330

Thanks anon

>> No.8324395

Repetition is the whole point, it was closer to a self-directed self help book which was never meant to be published.

Still, there’s a lot of wisdom in there.

>> No.8324518

This is unironically one of the most useful business books out there. Its controversial and drops some major greenpills. The only thing this book doesn't tell you is that going from 5 to 1 or 3 to 1 is a much easier way to make money, most millionaires I know IRL have small monopolies serving their local areas.

>> No.8324545
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Alchiavelli - We wuz prances

>> No.8324548
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only self help book you need

>> No.8324601

thanks just bought 1 paperback copy

>> No.8324631

>48 Law of Power
this book is basically a guide to become a slimy social climber everyone hates. it will help you make money though

>> No.8324652
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>> No.8324677

How does someone become this smart? Like, seriously how? I see so many individuals making bulls-eye predictions about how society will turn out, is it just a combination of STEM and life experience or something? I can only see as far as AI and automation, maybe BUI and that kind of stuff but this is like next level new paradigm type thinking.

>> No.8324709
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>A crucial part of this change will come about because of the effect of information technology in liberating the holders of wealth from expropriation through inflation

is this the /biz/ bible?

>> No.8324801

This is a good point.
t. Been a victim of workplace narcissism/sociopathy.

>> No.8325008

Just wanna thank everyone who’s contributed to this. Got some great fucking books lined up

>> No.8325017

>being this much of a dumb gommie
kill yourself gomrade

>> No.8325131

Rich dad poor dad is for suckers

>> No.8325273

why? i see this meme here a lot. its just basic financial literacy for plebs. i dont think think you realise how totally inept most people are with money

>> No.8325299

t. poor dad

>> No.8325375

mother of god

>> No.8325438

1. Taking financial advice with no success prior to writng a book of financial advice
2. Cyclical thought, annoyingly rendundant
3. ELI5 why passive income = good (no shit)

>> No.8325517

Here's a reading list I've compiled over time, haven't got into all of them, only a few. Also currently skimming through letters from a stoic, the will to power, the gay science, and meditations (again).

>> No.8325532

From the beginning:

>Fooled by Randomness
>The Black Swan

All by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. If you haven't read and understood these, you most likely don't understand probability and chance. Absolutely critical.

>The Intelligent Investor

By Benjamin Graham. I know how much /biz/ shits on conventional investment advice, but it's good to know how most suckers do things.


Robert Greene. Basically the book of Monk Mode. If you want to get amazingly good at something, read and follow it.

>What I learned Losing a Million Dollars

Gives a case study into exactly the kind of errors that NNT describes in the earlier mentioned books. Don't confuse luck with skill.

Generally, I am a fan of Stoic literature/philosophy as this also helps to provide a thinking framework to remove the emotion from investing/trading decisions.

>> No.8325901

>1. Taking financial advice with no success prior to writng a book of financial advice

implying that makes the advice any less real

>2. Cyclical thought, annoyingly rendundant

not an argument

>3. ELI5 why passive income = good (no shit)

again, it's an INTRO to finance for normies.

now i know not to take you poor dad's seriously

>> No.8325951

It doesn't make the advice less real, but it does reduce the validity of the conclusions. The author did not have skin in the game in terms of real risk of destitution by following what he writes in his book.
If the writer had real risk, and not only survived, but succeeded, then it would be a must-read.

>> No.8326063

These are must read for everyone, in my opinion.
Also, I have heard a rumor, that Sun Tzu never existed, and the 36 stratagems were written by Italian philosophers. Or was it Confucius?

>> No.8326740

Thoughts on Peter lynch?

>> No.8326963
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>> No.8326980
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12 Rules For Life: an Antidote to Chaos

>> No.8326980,1 [INTERNAL] 
