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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8312980 No.8312980 [Reply] [Original]

Who here muthafukken /comfy/?

They basically said they're not announcing anything big until market is healthier, but they're still putting out some neat updates on progress every few days.

Can't wait for the based water-stealing-conglomerate (Nestle) partnership in the coming month(s)

>> No.8313112


I love that their marketing team isn't full of retards... Dropping little gems daily but waiting for the right time to start dropping bombs.

>> No.8313113

why are you trying to help biz anon?
this is one of those coin that you should be fudding to accumulate at this price while bizlets think it is a scam. Don't worry the fomo will come on its own at the right time

>> No.8313171


Cool. I will ride the Link train for a few thousand more sats then swap into this. Team looks awesome.

>> No.8313179
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Finished accumulating a few days ago, thought I'd pay you niggers back after shilling me RaiBlocks in december

>> No.8313197
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Every time my friends attempts to fud this, 50 new wallet addresses get added to the ambrosus erc20 contract.

We've given up at this point and are just trying to accumulate

>> No.8313266

Holding 2k

Am i going to make it?

>> No.8313285

This coin is a steaming pile of cow dung

>> No.8313450
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Yes, yes. I remember you retards calling RaiBlocks a scam coin, commie coin, etc back when it was $1. KEK. Just go through AMB's website and look at the insane qualifications their team have. PhD professors from the best european universities and 10+ years of experience in very high up positions of relevant industries.

>> No.8313572


Sell at $5 or $10. That'll give you enough capital to hit the next moon.

>> No.8313626

that's weak... you can do better cmon

>> No.8313652 [DELETED] 
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this thread again

>> No.8313754


Take a leaf from the general thread from last night lol

>> No.8313810

You genuinely believe 5 or 10 is in the cards? And on what timeframe? I've seen PharmaPhag project it being a mover in 2019. MountainJew has it earlier. WatchBro said he's moving into it after some other moons. Kimchi is in it already.

Also it is bizarre that four tripfags are shilling it?

t. massive AMB position

>> No.8313862


I caught the kimchi threads but I'm not sure about those others you've mentioned.

I think $10 is easy if they partner with a huge pharmaceutical company. CEO already said that they have an NDA with a british pharma manufacturer.

My take is that if they show some good token economics and announce their partnerships in the coming months, this shit will fly. Way past $5. It'll hit VEN territory market cap this year IMO.

>> No.8313891

I agree with you friend, may it be so

>> No.8313955

Also, you're not going to hold for a masternode? Going to dump after pump?

>> No.8313979


Depends on how the masternodes work. If it's like VEN, I'm definitely holding a portion for that sweet, sweet passive income.

>> No.8314013

This thread needs more FUD. Wheres that BearWolf faggot.

>> No.8314055

We need a convergence of all TripFags, somehow they all got locked in the AMB ecosystem.

>> No.8314082


The mong'll be here the second someone shares this thread in swissfaggot's telegram.

>> No.8314700

How much do you reckon is needed for a masternode?

>> No.8315554
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Don't worry, you will beg me to open a telegram in the end. Daily reminder: NO price action this month OR the next.