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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8310331 No.8310331 [Reply] [Original]

>Entire board is now just fear, anxiety and general negativity

What happened guys?

>> No.8310345

It's over.

>> No.8310347

bitmex shills and salty "bears" who are actually just december buyers who sold at 6k

We'll go back to pajeet and discord pnd spam threads once the market picks back up again

>> No.8310352

Reality happened.

>> No.8310356

Bear market. Everyone is scared and questioning their holds.

Bull market will bring back positivity.

>> No.8310360

fear, anxiety and general negativity
yes let's call it this instead of fud

>> No.8310364

The great pajeet cleansing of 2018. we almost have our board back free from the street shitters.

>> No.8310369

Hell no it aint, im buying shit on sale. I hope this shit lasts couple months so ive time to fill my bags even more.

>> No.8310378

>Entire board is now just fear, anxiety and general negativity
Time to buy

>> No.8310385

this board can never make up its mind

>> No.8310386


>> No.8310417
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Goldman Sachs paid shills are here to persuade us to sell our precious coins.

>> No.8310428

Pajeets have been purged, next are fagn brainlets that can't think beyond this week's prices. Then we can have nice things again

>> No.8310455

We lost, better do suicide before it gets even worse.

>> No.8310465

Lower highs for over two months now.
At some point everyone got tired of perma bulls and "We're back" or "Bitcoin will never be under X ever again" posts.
Shit's dead. Crypto and /biz/ are dead. I think everyone gave up when we hit 6k.

>> No.8310476

Altcoin holders got BTFO.

>> No.8310477

I'm pretty sure the market will moon to ATH the minute I kill myself.

>> No.8310484

actually it isn't necessarily a bad thing. all this shitty positivism you read everywhere else just traps you into being like a braindead monkey. the FUD just hones your ability of critical thinking and distinguishing between shitty FUD, good FUD, actually good projects and vaporware shit you should stay away from.

everywhere else everybody 100% shills his fucking bags, no matter what. it is virtually impossible to gain any substantial information with the retarded super positivism because nobody wants to have his coin drop 0.1%, so everything gets censored and spammed.

here you have, aside from the degeneracy and shitheads that want to trap you into doing wrong things, some filter. it is for you to decide how substantial it is what you read.

>> No.8310488

Crypto is dead, we'd be lucky with 50% gains over the next few years.

>> No.8310502

just newfags larping as professional traders

>> No.8310507

Do it already then...save the rest of us!!!

>> No.8310509

>pink ID
>"DiP" on ID

I guess it really is over, sorry lads

>> No.8310551
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>> No.8310566

Good post. But I meant the huge shift in board sentiment since mid-january to February.

Is it just the amount of time? One entire financial Quarter making people more fearful? Is it just that it doesn't satisfy their immediate financial needs anymore so they get out of crypto to return to more traditional investments?

Why is everyone so much more negative now compared to last month?

>> No.8310577

Pls anon

>> No.8310609
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>mfw proles beat down by the excesses of capitalism actually thought an excess of capitalism would get them lambos and not just beat them down

>> No.8310611

we got Nobuaki Kobayashi'd

>> No.8310621

But when's the bull market coming back in your opinion? We should be solidly in bull territory at this point in the year, but it's looking like we're totally fucked. If May–June doesn't bring a bull, it's over for crypto.

>> No.8310627
File: 5 KB, 681x80, 2018-03-13 10_40_25-_biz_ - _Entire board is now just fear, anxiety and genera - Business & Finance .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would 4chan memorialize me with something like this?

>> No.8310629

Perfect time to buy d e s u

>> No.8310633
File: 174 KB, 1931x1855, 1c8gn7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If so and so happens, its over for crypto

>> No.8310634


Means it is time to buy.

>> No.8310648


>> No.8310652

the specific negative sentiment towards BTC at this point is mainly due to the legions of cucked 6k bottom sellers that were generated in the 6k dip. so they are either delusional enough to think their "TA" spam on 4chan may make the market move there again so they can buy in or, which is more probable, they just want to make others miss out by trapping them into selling at the worst possible moment.

just notice how these threads suddenly always pop up right after a big dip.

>> No.8310662

All indications point to the bull market coming back in 60-90 days....a repeat of last year. As they say, history repeats itself. Cliff High's predictions also point to the bull coming back during this time. Look to Late April early may. Until then, keep on buying and dont look at your alt charts.

>> No.8310675

Means it's time to buy

>> No.8310690

>Says the board is filled with negativity
>Gets a lot of very positive replies

>> No.8310726

>I meant the huge shift in board sentiment since mid-january to February.

Are you stupid or what?

>> No.8310730

The Death of a Dream

>> No.8310754

i bought in at 14K

mistakes were made

>> No.8310796
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Look up. Stay alive.

>> No.8310804

>blockfolio threads on /biz/ for two weeks?
>"we're here" arrow at the bulltrap section of that bubble graph pic threads?

you should have bought 2 weks ago

>> No.8310819

I unironically spent 40% of my fiat buying at 8.8-8.9k. I'm still expecting waking up tomorrow to a big fat red candle of death.

>> No.8310836
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>> No.8310852

same here actually. I averaged down all the way from 9,8k to 8,8k, buying ~3 BTC.

>> No.8310866

>shit on sale

yeah good luck with that falling knife, this bear market will continue for YEARS. there's that mtgox trustee fag with an infinite amount of BTC who keeps dumping whenever he can, the market is riddled with overzealous normie "traders" who sell as soon as they see 5% profit. it's a dying market, time to move on, or try your luck exploiting its volatility as long as it's still alive..

>> No.8310880

truly spoken like a cucked 6k bottom seller

>> No.8310895

>board is now FUD

I wouldn't know that feeling, I'm all in LINK.

>> No.8310899

>All indications point to the bull market coming back in 60-90 days
other than looking at last year's chart, why do you say this?

just seems like baseless speculation

>> No.8310911

>there's that mtgox trustee fag with an infinite amount of BTC
pretty sure he's got less than the 24h volume lol

>> No.8310940
File: 173 KB, 505x505, 1462943489827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We'll go back to pajeet and discord pnd spam threads once the market picks back up again
I sure hope you're right

>> No.8310969

Because crypto is to fiat what the car is to horse and buggy. This is groundbreaking, disruptive technology. Add in the political and cultural changes and chaos and you have the perfect storm for a revolution in the currency world. Shit is changing man, take a look at the sheer amount of new coin projects out there. This shit is not going away, BTC is not going to die, crypto is not going to go into some long bear market lol. This is just a temporary phase, 60-90 days until the bull comes back, that's all that it needs now. This is NOT 2013.

>> No.8310990

So your opinion is based on baseless speculation and cool ideas

got it

protip: disruptive tech doesn't mean the market for random coins is going up, nor does it mean bitcoin can't "crash" all the way back to 2000

>> No.8311048

>trying this hard to fud
He's right though

>> No.8311049


>150k BTC left
>daily BTC volume is in the billions
>if you'd want to sell 150k @ $10k average hundreds of billions of dollars would need to be injected into the market
>trustee doesn't give a single solitary fuck about crashing the market to zero

oversaturate the market long enough with BTC dumps and it dies forever.

>> No.8311061

Same here. Feels good.

>> No.8311063
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>Entire board is now just fear, anxiety and general negativity
>What happened guys?
You probably filtered out LINK threads
>disruptive tech doesn't mean the market for random coins is going up, nor does it mean bitcoin can't "crash" all the way back to 2000
This is why it's probably a good time to start betting definitively on projects that have long-term prospects. It's important to have a hedged portfolio, but it's equally important to be heavily invested in projects that are going to dominate and rise out of the ashes of any shitty market conditions.

>> No.8311073
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>BTC will die forever

Yeah, I guess literally nobody is waiting in anticipation with money ready for a mega dump. BTC will go to ZERO.

>> No.8311091

>baseless speculation and cool idea
Welcome to biz faggot. If you want to be gay like that and dismiss someone's opinion because they dont have any approved sources, its best to head on over to Leddit

>> No.8311098

>This is why it's probably a good time to start betting definitively on projects that have long-term prospects. It's important to have a hedged portfolio, but it's equally important to be heavily invested in projects that are going to dominate and rise out of the ashes of any shitty market conditions.
That's why my portfolio is 70% FunFair

>> No.8311107

>falling knife
>bear market will continue for YEARS
>infinite amount of BTC keeps dumping
>a dying market

This is the no spin zone.

>> No.8311109

>baseless speculation and cool ideas
literally capitalism

>> No.8311111

you don't get a free pass to spout dumb opinions unchallenged just because we're not le ebin enemy website

>> No.8311137
File: 173 KB, 2688x2688, 1519892211966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oversaturate the market long enough with BTC dumps and it dies forever.
On the other hand, if the BTC market can get through this and survive, then we're really in for the next biggest bull run, no?

>> No.8311144

You should take your own advice you dumb nigger. You offered no counter to my ideas, just whined like a little bitch that it's a "baseless opinion". What an idiot cunt.

>> No.8311150

>hey man I think muh teapot floats in space
>"that's fucking retarded"

>> No.8311174

a board filled with
>General negativity

>> No.8311196
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Hey genius, I'm still waiting for your masterful rebuttal to what I said. Unfortunately, saying its a "baseless opinion" doesn't count. You need to offer, you know, reasoning behind it. I'm sure you understand since you a learned student of the arts and philosophy, and you are used to your ideas being challenged, and certainly dont whine like a bitch in greentext or anything.

>> No.8311201

>pajeet and discord pnd spam threads

oh shit I completely forgot about those. really goes to show how bad things are

>> No.8311202

>if u want sourced arguments with some logic to them, go back to r*ddit!
>hey man where's ur formal rebuttal LOL

kek what a retard

>> No.8311203


Do not think, you need to feel. Thinking is bad.

>> No.8311206

Check em

>> No.8311236

Bruh you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.8311249

oh no, however will I survive the embarrassment associated with my colored ID on 4chan

>> No.8311258
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Wow, what a piece of legendary, based opinion. We are all in awe of your debating skills. Please continue.

>> No.8311312
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please tell us more about how crypto is disruptive which thus supports random and baseless numbers and time frames you pulled out of your ass

>> No.8311319
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What do you expect? The moron desperately tries to shill his FUN bags

>> No.8311341
File: 443 KB, 655x653, 1447087952561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The ABSOLUTE state of biz
You're the retard. You attacked his thoughts for being baseless (which they arent) and just speculation with no sources. He pointed out that you dont offer any sources of your own. But you're so dumb you think he's contradicting himself when he tells you to go to leddit, because you're acting like a Low T bitch.

Have people lost this much money in crypto? Jesus christ.

>> No.8311363

He pulled random shit out of thin air
didn't support any of it with any actual logic
even went so far as to admit that if I wanted actual debate I should go zeddit (?)
I called it baseless because that's what it is

you are stupid and so is he
>hurr prove a negative durr
fucking retards lol

>> No.8311407
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Don't bother he's hopeless. He probably lost so much money in the market it drove him insane. Poor lad.

>Pic related is him

>> No.8311427

laura Shins latest podcast has baited biz into panic selling

>> No.8311503

>If May–June doesn't bring a bull, it's over for crypto.

Kill yourself If you're not being hyperbolic.

Crypto is the future, it cannot be destroyed it can only be delayed.

>> No.8311527
File: 14 KB, 584x697, 3cc3b1fd-94fb-496a-8f51-5ff81d49c6c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know OP

>> No.8311528

Well, I think crypto is to fiat/other tech what cars were to horses and buggies. Yeah, it'll still be around, but that doesn't mean the current coins won't all crash to zero in the process.

>> No.8311574


>> No.8311590


If that's the case you might want to start looking into project that were around even when crypto was flat-lining.

The die-hard are the best to invest in anyway imo.

>> No.8311600
File: 7 KB, 194x259, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These people actually think they derserve formal arguments
Speaking in a language you can understand-
see you at 3k faggot ahahahaha

>> No.8311621

>trustee doesn't give a single solitary fuck about crashing the market to zero
He does.
He doesn't want to crash the price too much of the stuff he's selling.

>> No.8311657
File: 346 KB, 1443x661, virgen_chad_oil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happened guys?
Magic internet money ain't so magical anymore. And now all the low-life neets that falsely though that this would keep on going forever and that it would turn their shitty, virgin lifes around have to face reality.
And reality ain't too sunny for neets.

>> No.8311678

they will come back
at the moment it's just not worth it to shill their crap

>> No.8311693

LINKies are so deluded they are still optimistic in current market conditions. The only beacon of light in this dark jungle full of cunt bears

>> No.8311726

Newfags needed to learn about taking profits. The amount of idiots getting mad at me for telling them to do it or what have you is insane.

>> No.8311765

The bubble has POPPED. Crypto gains are OVER. You are a LATE ADOPTER.

>> No.8311795

smart people have exited, others are starting to catch on

>> No.8311982


internet commerce disrupted the retail industry as predicted

but if you invested in any online retailer but Amazon (PETS.COM!!!) you got left holding bags

there is a major chance that the cryptocurrency that moons to become the standard hasn't even been invented yet and all 1500+ of the current ones will fail, including bitcoin

>> No.8312623

Look at me.

I am /r9k/ now.

>> No.8313236
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Imagine actually being stupid enough to believe in dialectical materialism.
Kill your self

>> No.8313462

The dream is dead.

>> No.8313479

/biz/ is FAG'N pretty hard indeed anon, indeed.

>> No.8313558

they forget that the mt gov trustee is offering cheap prices on crypto and don't have fiat to buy any.
also it is cause most haven't even been in this a year yet and think they know it all, its fuckin pathetic