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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8307177 No.8307177 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck can't believe it. Told the devs 2 days ago they needed to integrate the aft nanowave flow matrix.

Now the kernels are leaking and withdrawals on exchanges suspended?

>> No.8307185


Here's the easy synopsis:

kernel out-capacitator generator being restored to uncompromised levels of the problematic algorithm queries first chanced upon then rectified and still in external thrust outlayers.

>it's bad

>> No.8307212

Yeah it's pathetic, this exploit has been known for a long time I don't know why they didnt fix anything
Incompetent devs I guess

>> No.8307222

Brainlet here. Does this mean the issues on exchanges were because of Nano and not the exchanges fault?

>> No.8307229


Devs in the Discord:

""We had to resync the NAT for the DMZ in order to avoid TCF of the edge firewall. The load balancer is manifesting a TNG, no ETA. Someone tore all the 802.1q tags off, so no one knows where they're homed anymore..."

>> No.8307241


Dude this si fucking huge. Could bring everything down

>> No.8307279

>kernel out-capacitator generator being restored to uncompromised levels of the problematic algorithm queries first chanced upon then rectified and still in external thrust outlayers.
>people will fall for this

>> No.8307285


Bro check the Discord if they haven't made it private yet

>> No.8307307

Pretty much game over for all cryptos now because of this vulnerability. I'm raging right now.

>> No.8307309

5 posts by this id

remember to sage lads

>> No.8307339


Im the fucking OP idiot.

>> No.8307340

hahahaha. wtf is this nonsense NANO fud all of the sudden?

kernel out-capacitator generator?
HAHAHAHAHA, how can people make this up. NANO is not a timemachine or something. :')

>> No.8307369


did you even read the whitepaper bro?

>> No.8307395

look for yourself:

>> No.8307401

Read the whitepaper. And if you understand ordinary blockchains as well, then you'll realize how this opens up a new hacking vector for the whole cryptosphere. It's like quantum computing has just had a breakthrough.

>> No.8307633

HAHAHA, this is just code. Nothing to do with any kernel leaks whatsoever. It's just devs working on a good product. Nothing to see here.

>> No.8307691
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>> No.8307752

>aft nanowave flow matrix
Wtf? Whats with all the science fiction shit and Nano? I first suspected the guys who said this were on MDMA or some shit and just talking crap.

>> No.8307863


have you ever coded before?

>> No.8307903

No I haven't

>> No.8307953


Then you wouldn't understand

>> No.8307964
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>> No.8307992



>> No.8308028
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>> No.8308050

Last time this fanfiction was posted on here Nano moon'd. Time to go all in retards.

>> No.8308076

Yeah exactly.
I think they are fudding because they want it to drop and get in cheap. All for the expected roadmap that will drop anytime soon.

>> No.8308101

It's not even fud it's literally pasta like ShadowLink fork kek

>> No.8308139

This was the same FUD before the last pumps good news m8s