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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8306408 No.8306408 [Reply] [Original]

How do I learn trading in the stock market? I can't really go back to school for an undergrad at this point, I'm finishing my Masters next year.

Are there legit places to learn that don't require a degree? I also don't want to learn off some loser on Youtube or go to some seminar for normies. What's a legit way to learn to market?

I don't even necessarily even want to be a day trader, since bots dominate that shit. I'm just super curious about this whole field and it seems pretty exclusive.

>> No.8306417

You don't learn the market, the market learns you.

>> No.8306440


How do I get the market to learn me?

>> No.8306441
File: 141 KB, 717x880, goback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought into the degree meme
enjoy your debt Norman

>> No.8306456


I'm Canadian so my debt is actually reasonable.

Anyone with real advice?

>> No.8306479

You've gotta treat it like a high class woman. Let it get comfortable, rub it down, give it some gifts, then beat the shit out of it when it least expects it to show who's boss, followed by gently comforting it so it doesn't leave you, then you repeat the process.

>> No.8306487

investopedia would be a decent start.

>> No.8306495
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yah, use your degree to make a time machine and go back to when you started your degree, then buy bitcoin instead or else you're never going to make it.

>> No.8306515


Thanks learning a lot already

>> No.8306518

Intern with some Jews on Wall Street.

>> No.8306526

Canadians are the third most indebted nation on earth. Read a paper. It was front page of the National Post yesterday.

>> No.8306585


SHIT! Since I'm Canadian that must mean my debt is out of control!FUCK

>> No.8306769
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>> No.8306816


Wow, it's crazy how this applies to every single person in my country, FUCK!

>> No.8306841

Fuck off son. The dude made the crack about "I'm Canadian so less debt". Obviously that's bullshit. Keep smelling your own farts though leaf.

>> No.8306913

Don't enter till the big collapse next year

>> No.8306951


It was me fag my VPN changed which means my ID did too.

I was talking about how our student loan debt is actually reasonable compared to yours, and let me connect the fucking dots for you, which means my debt from being in school is actually not bad (assuming you're a fucking Yankee because of your shit reading comprehension).

>> No.8306954 [DELETED] 



It was me fag my VPN changed which means my ID did too.

I was talking about how our student loan debt is actually reasonable compared to yours... let me connect the fucking dots for you... this means my debt from being in school is actually not bad compared to if I went to school in the US

>> No.8306990

I've been up two days straight trading so comprehend this dick in your mouth. If you want to learn how to trade, you trade. Period. All the """theory""" in the world won't mean shit without the practical experience and it's all practical experience. You leaf pukes are always looking for the easy way out. Just do it. Lose some moonies or loonies or whatever you call your monopoly paper up there. When you've learned more than you've lost, you'll be ready. You sound like a real smartass that thinks he knows it all so I doubt you will learn anything.

>> No.8306996


Your logic is so shit

>> No.8307013
File: 8 KB, 600x200, D7882B83-D3C8-4401-8C0B-F958C2A91912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever heard of YouTube nigger?

>> No.8307019

>I can't really go back to school for an undergrad at this point, I'm finishing my Masters next year.
You don't need a certain finance or economics degree to understand and be successful in the stock market. There's a reason why IBs, HF etc. hire all kind of degrees as long as the person is smart and dedicated. Everyone can learn the basics through some guides and experience within a few months.

>I also don't want to learn off some loser on Youtube or go to some seminar for normies. What's a legit way to learn to market?
What the fuck? You want to learn but don't want to learn? Watch Martin Shkrelis series on finance, it's a good place to start and not too boring/dry.

>I don't even necessarily even want to be a day trader, since bots dominate that shit. I'm just super curious about this whole field and it seems pretty exclusive.
So you don't really want to *work* in finance or are really interested in the subject. You've seen The Wolf of Wallstreet, American Psycho or Wall Street and now want to be part of an exclusive club because their offices and suits look cool. Not gonna make it.

Also the reality is NOT like in the movies for most guys. Even if you make it (which I doubt) prepare for long hours, barely any freetime and working on the weekends for 3 years.

>> No.8307048

This. And, they invented these things called "books", and there's a couple out there about investing, lol.

Seriously, though, Investopedia, and sites like investorhub, (gasp) /StockMarket, there's tons of forums for newbies, and start reading the Wall Street Journal everyday. There's tons of Youtube channels and podcasts, too.

If you want to learn how the actual process works, go look up study guides and materials for the Series 7 exam, that's the exam traders have to take and pass to trade stocks.

>> No.8307077
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You will have to do your own research and do your own mistakes. You will get justed in the beginning.
Most of the so-called 'financial analysts' are plain confirmation-biased retards, leave them out.
Also your degrees are worth shit once you get into live action, nobody can predict how you will react once things get hot.
The best start is to do some papertrading..buy at imaginary points, sell at imaginary points.
There is two essential advice I can give you:
1. don't try daytrading, fees will eat you up, you will get rekt by algos, invest in steps, start a position, if it falls buy for the same amount of money (not shares). No pro goes all in.
2. Don't. Listen. To. Biz.
What is it you want to know?
I taught everything to myself, lost lifetime to learn the very basics and had month with only 3-5 hours of sleep a day..if you are serious about it you will have to pay your fair share anon.
I now run a fund with a 30-50% yoy return (no derivatives). I did it all.

>> No.8307102
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>> No.8308090

You lazy fuck will not make it.

>> No.8308284

Put money in the market. Read shit online. It's all online. Books, articles, stock picks, glossaries, etc. The stock market is a huge database of information that can be used to make profit through percent increases that compound. Easy to make money but it requires reading and patience. Something that normies can't do anymore because they were conditioned by a certain "chosen people" to stay away from that thought process. Realize meme stocks are just that, memes. Soon you will realize what are good stock picks that can be considered assets in your portofolio. Start with investopedia and check out the morningstar forums. Don't do what /biz/ says. Would you let that quiet smelly autist at work tell you what to do with $1000 dollars?

>> No.8308600

Really dude? Information is effectively free now. If you have access to the internet you can learn anything short of brain surgery. Stop being a lazy fuck and put some effort in

>> No.8308701

Just start day trading. Crypto is great BC its 24/7 you can play all day until you don't suck.

>> No.8308842

>prepare for long hours, barely any freetime and working on the weekends for 3 years.
No, not all of finance is IB dumbshit. You barely know more than OP.

>> No.8308877

>i run a fund with 30-50% returns

>> No.8308893

Read an books. You went to uni but cant learn anything on your own.

>> No.8308915

You cant. Memelines dont predict pumps, dumps and whale movement which is 95% of crypto market movement.