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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8300514 No.8300514 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ has become a circlejerk of Chainlink bagholders trying to shill Chainlink to each other. You faggots are all already have Link. It’s like Cutco knife salesman trying to get each other to buy their shitty knives.

>> No.8300567

It's unbearable. You would have thought that the ICO bagholders would have been able to get out by now, but the new waves doesn't even seem to realize they're memeing. No wonder the Link team is telling them to shut up and fuck off. In the best case scenario, Link could have modest success, but /biz/tards will tank the fucking thing.

>> No.8300594

It's too late anon, you're already a linky.
You just don't realise it yet.

>> No.8300619
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it's honestly the most infuriating thing i've ever encountered on the internet. i'd create a filter but i want to be able to see all the wojak threads when stinkies get BTFO

>> No.8300657
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1000 EOY

>> No.8300690

Genuine question, what would you do if link hit $10 or $100? Would you have to leave biz for ever?

>> No.8300719


>> No.8300737

Look up what Link actually is and you'll understand there is no way that it reaches $100 - it's literally impossible - and even $10 would mean that the market has reached in the tens of trillions. It simply doesn't have the potential to do any of this, which is what makes the delusion so weird.

>> No.8300756

Weak FUD

>> No.8300766
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this. you have been infected. you WILL buy LINK. it's just a matter of when now.

>> No.8300773

lol... pathetic fud

>> No.8300776

There's a reason no one outside of 4chan cares about Link.

>> No.8300780


if you were here in October you'd know that edging is a cornerstone of the SmartContract.com company. There is no hype, only energy spent towards working on the product. In fact edging was what Sergey focused on for his Philosophy degree. This explains why partnerships are being kept secret and the suddenness of the inevitable singularity. When the singularity happens, be sure to open the Citizen app if you live in the SF bay area and look for an incident titled "office building flooded with semen" as Sergey et al will no longer be able to contain themselves. Sergey will blow the biggest load though as he's expressed a greater propensity of a hard on for decentralization. In fact in his interviews the first word Sergey says to candidates is "decentralization." No sentences or words around it. He looks intensely at their crotch, and if the candidate doesn't get wet or hard in 30 seconds the candidate is rejected.
With this information the reasoning is clear: a significant partnership has been secured, and the smartcontract team has been vigorously doing laundry or buying new underwear. This isn't sustainable however because the massive volume of pre cum will ruin the dry cleaning machines. It's only a matter of time until the laundromats find out whats going on. Hence it is a race against ejaculation, and a rigorous mental battle to keep their enthusiasm in check.

>> No.8300804

>Reaching the current mcap of EOS is literally mathematically impossible
You realise that fud from absolute retards is the strongest shill there is?

>> No.8300835

if LINK moons then it would be the exception to the rule "don't buy out of FOMO"

there's absolutely no fucking way i'm getting into something as shilled as LINK.

>> No.8300837

>You would have thought that the ICO bagholders would have been able to get out by now
We already made our profit, its the people who bought from us that spam it now.

>> No.8300852

buying right now isn't FOMO, it's smart money.

you will be FOMOing at around $5, I imagine.

>> No.8300864

>I can't multiply or divide

>> No.8300873

based swaglord

>> No.8300877

enjoy your bags

>> No.8300883

Ok, I tell someone to look up what Link actually is, and I get accused of throwing "weak FUD" and "pathetic FUD". Good luck with your investments people.

Sure, a maker of cassette player adapters will overtake actual electronics companies.

>> No.8300916

It's the only thing that makes sense, but some of the new people seem to actually buy into the memes. I shouldn't care since I'm not that will lose anything, but it's just so ridiculous.

>> No.8300922

How much a token is "worth" is 100% speculative right now, we all know this.
That doesn't change the fact that all your points are fucking stupid because you are a brainlet.

>> No.8300928

I bought at 15 cents. Stay mad.

>> No.8300930

>I’m not autistic
>I’m about to miss my shot to make it because of it
>atleast I’m gay

>> No.8300944

Insult me all you want, I'm still right.

>> No.8300951


>> No.8300968

dude it is not even about link anymore. it is about ranking up on the wallet leader boards, we could careless what link even fucking does. we are all just trying to buy more link so we can post our wallet rank. sorry you are not in the club.

>> No.8300970

I'm talking about you, at $100 LINK would have a marketcap of $35 billion, $100 billion if you went off of the total supply rather than circulating amount. You claimed it would be tens of trillions at $10. I mean I don't think LINK is a good buy currently either but you're flat out retarded.

>> No.8300992


>> No.8301010

when you're not a poorfag, a 3x does wonders :^). and there's much more to come.

>> No.8301028

Not making fun of the sat gain. Wew lad how new are you?

>> No.8301055

Agreed desu. Chainlink bagholders are the new bitconnect retards.

>> No.8301066


I hope you have your life savings in this.

What? Reread the post.

In any case, anyone who bought Link because of the memes should research it as soon as they can to make sure they fully understand what it is and have an accurate picture of where it might be at EOY. The echo chamber and circle jerking that's going on here is insane. Do your research, then see for yourself.

>> No.8301121

I legitimately want LINK to moon just so you people can start your own reddit board called like r/stinkylinky and then start posting "LINK IS FINISHED LMAO" everytime it drops 10% from like $1k to 900.

>> No.8301139

Nice bait

>> No.8301169
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The whole Chainlink subreddit showed up to counter-shill.

You dipshits wouldn’t be out here defending it so hard if it had actual value. If it had an some revolutionary application coming down the road it wouldn’t matter what people said about it, it would prove itself eventually. It only needs an army of shills because talking some bigger retards into buying in is the closest they’ll ever get to offloading their bags.

>> No.8301202
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1000 EOY
Check em

>> No.8301204

>If it had an some revolutionary application coming down the road it wouldn’t matter what people said about it, it would prove itself eventually.
of course that is the case. we just enjoy shit posting as we wait for the guaranteed, inevitable price singularity :^)

>> No.8301320

Poor effort anon. Poor even by biz standards.

>> No.8301344

The absolute state... ok, telling people to do their research and not blindly trust memes is not only FUD now, but bait too. All newfags should simply buy then close their eyes and "visualize price singularity for $1000 EOY". Did I get this correct?

If things go well and it gets adopted, Link might double or triple in value before the end of the year, but that's really as far as it will go unless the market goes on an insane bullrun that completely obliterates everything we've seen up to now, and even then, the returns would only be double that. Link is not a bad project, but people need to be realist.

Almost everything that is said about Link on 4chan is nonsense. There is no way to get accurate information here. Anyone wanting to invest money in this would do well to research it then just avoid this whole community altogether.

>> No.8301354
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I genuinely can't tell if you're just shitposting or if you really are retarded.
LINK is the #2 best performing crypto of the past month. Nobody is trying to "offload their bags".
Let me guess, you're a TRX or ADA bagholder? That's the only way you could be this assmad.

>> No.8301361

>If things go well and it gets adopted, Link might double or triple in value before the end of the year, but that's really as far as it will go
says who. based on what. your feelings?

>> No.8301368

Looooool these fudders are not even putting effort anymore.

>> No.8301396

This is retarded, so I'll leave on this. Screencap my post, then read it again at the end of the year.

>> No.8301429

Anon... I'm an expert in TA, according to my analysis Link will be 586 in May and 2324 in December 2018. Screencap this now and read it in a couple of months.

>> No.8301440

Don't worry about the fudders. They either already hold Link, or will fomo in from $10 up to 10k

>> No.8301498


The Linkie is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a brainlet, a shill, a pajeet, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Bagholder and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>> No.8301530

Please tell me you didn't waste more than 5 min of your life brainstorming this idiotic post. 0/10 funny, 0/10 original, 10/10 redditor post.

>> No.8301541

>7 posts by this ID

>> No.8301563
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Speaking of doing your own research, here is the whitepaper and FAQ for Chainlink:
Now you don't have to be an uninformed buyer that panic sells after the next iteration of Link FUD.

>> No.8301724
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I think you are overestimating the rationality of this market. Some of the biggest gainers during the bull run were absolute garbage. They went back down eventually, but still, short term gains don't necessarily reflect future usefulness.

>> No.8301845

Stay mad, stay broke

>> No.8302129
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>> No.8302161

You do know it's the same 20 people posting on biz right?