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829859 No.829859 [Reply] [Original]

As self motivation is now impossible in 2015, I posit that everything is now marketing and none of your business ideas matter as anything more than an abstract idea.

>> No.829865

Stop doing acid during the daytime.

>> No.829870
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Not acid, examination of society.

Modern society is engineered specifically to squelch self motivation through a combination of long hours and grueling work, followed by distracting individuals from achievement through omnipresent internet-delivered entertainment. Any attempt at self motivation, where one tries to learn, grow, or break out and attempt something new is opposed, both directly and systematically.

People have been beaten into submission on this point that they've given up and have just accepted "taking it all in" and "finding themself" as axioms and permanent states of living, rather than seeing them as what they are, permanent states of inactivity and consumption used as a way to make selling things easier

In such a state, it's not what the thing is, just convincing the consumer that your thing is part of the "finding oneself" journey. Could be real estate, art, tuba lessons, it doesn't matter. The thing is irrelevant at all points of the transaction, only the idea and marketing.

>> No.829909


Interesting. My guess is that you are one of these NEETs, no?

What do you have against "finding yourself"? I say, knowing yourself is important because you are the only person you should attempt to please.

>> No.829910

If it's so easy, why doesn't your neet ass do it?

>> No.829916

Someone needs to lift more.

But seriously, this is only true for poor people. The wealthy just talk to a shrink, take a vacation, or buy themselves a new life.

You can break through but it takes intense talent, strength, or willpower.

I kinda agree OP, but not quite as fatalisticly as you.

>> No.829920
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No. Fuck being NEET, they deserve our pity, not our praise.

NEETs are the literal perfect example of squelched self-motivation. Most NEETs, despite the memes, aren't enlightened self motivated individuals. They're either incapable of rising due to personal/mental/emotional issues or accept entertainment laden stagnation and delude themselves into believing it's somehow an enlightened state.


In progress, anon, give it time.

>> No.829930
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As for "finding yourself", we already have a word for that called 'introspection', in which you sit down and have a hard think, look at yourself, figure out what you really want, like, dislike, and are willing to do to attain those things and use that thinking to make decisions without regret or fear of being untrue to yourself.

'Finding yourself' is the dumbed down societal meme version in which you are expected to engage in a combination of hedonistic activities and distraction in the hopes that introspection will somehow be found in process without expending substantial personal effort. Of course, this is destined to fail because that effort is what makes it useful and notable in the first place.

So nowadays, being the person providing the means for such individuals to avoid that introspection is what actually matters, rather than the actual product or service; they're looking for piece of mind, not a specific end.

>> No.831030

You forgot bucket loads of Xanax.

>> No.831898


I've been meaning to learn to market things, but it seems like all of the literature I've read in marketing is only marketed trash; the equivalent of sellers desperately trying to sell to sellers.

Have there been any books that have done in depth analysis of recent modern marketing campaigns, with stats on them and expert opinions?

>> No.831909

I dunno. The world is pretty big. If you do and see stuff you wouldn't normally do it widens your idea of what is possible. A lot of the time, doing stuff you wouldn't normally do involves paying for it, or working for free.
For instance an American might pay to travel to Sweden, discover he likes feminists, and move there. Or he might be from a family of doctors, volunteer as a charity telephone beggar, and quit med school to work in sales.
Introspection, thinking too much, is probably not that useful. Lots of people have had lots of ideas about life, and you are better off reading those than coming up with your own. But only you can decide about your life, and a lot of that is informed by change through experience not conscious thought. Hence finding yourself.

>> No.833377


This would be enough if that's how people actually handled it, most of the time it's just people trying shit and then trying to pretend there was a narrative of growth after the fact

>> No.833478

How do you motivate yourself?

>> No.834554

>As self motivation is now impossible in 2015

what makes you think this?

>> No.834574
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you sit down and take as much time as you need to realize that you have to make a decision every day, every hour, every minute, every second to do what it takes. That you would rather die than to be a loser/fag/pleb/pussy/sissy for the rest of your life. Now go out there and make some fucking money that's all there is to it and one day you'll truly realize that within your heart.

>> No.834587

That required deep introspection? It's concerning that you require that much work to succeed in human nature. You're not on drugs you just autistic

>> No.834590
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>almost hit rock bottom
>talk to parents
>go see a counselor
>severely cut back on drinking
>apply for jobs
>go see a counselor
>get a job
>finish seeing counselor
>have a reason to limit drinking, and to wake up

>> No.834602
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Not if you're an engineer who knows how to model a solution for a system an market it well. There's so many boomers doing so many inefficient things who are all too willing to throw money at their problems. Not to mention with governments starting to pay for more and more services they're even more loose with money.

>> No.834634
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>*ITT: excuses, self doubt, NEETness