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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8295688 No.8295688 [Reply] [Original]

>there are December buyers browsing /biz/ right now

>> No.8295752
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>there are bitcoin maximalists browsing this board

>> No.8295769

Hello there. Sadly, I'm still at 2x.

>> No.8295827

Lmao. I wonder how they'll feel once Bitcoin is at 2k. Fucking hilarious.

>> No.8295838
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>there are no-linkers browsing biz right now

>> No.8295980
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Bought december 19th or something and still x4

>> No.8296265

It hurts. It hurts bad.

>> No.8296358

Those who bought in early January had it worse.
>t. 33% down on initial investment

>> No.8296468

X4 your $100 ayyy lmayo

>> No.8296504

>there are people who don't hold Turtlecoin

>> No.8296541


s-sure, just 33% *sweats profusely*

>> No.8296560
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Reporting in, bought at $0.75 still in profit

>> No.8296612

Bought early November. Never sold at any pump..was up 3x fold... Now im down 33% from initial investment. Want to die.

>> No.8296662

Bought in at late december (ath), after following crypto for a year without extra money to put in.. now i'm down 50% and idgaf anymore

>> No.8296694

what made you think buying at ATH was a good idea?

>> No.8296739

I followed crypto from january 2017, late december It was exploding and i fomoed in, nobody at that time was expecting that crash... That said i would have put money in 2017 but i couldnt

>> No.8296766

Early 2017

>> No.8296790

Bought my bitcoin stack sub $500. Cashed out a portion (5btc) in December. Bought a new car and a bunch of computer equipment and paid the tax man.
I'm looking to take a chunk of my remaining profit to get back in, but my instinct says to wait. I think the streets are not quite bloody enough yet.

>> No.8296801

down 44% on I.I. still, it would be worse if I hadn't done some day trading and swinging.

>> No.8297080

HODLing strong. However, i put half my stash in longs/short daily after the early march pullup trades so despite my hodls being -20% from initial investmen, my general value has increased 40%.
And i know that any day now, some faggot whale will liquidate me without notice so i lose all my cash besides the meager shit i've cashed out with.

>> No.8297172

what leverage?

>> No.8297200

25x (but most came from the 50x lev short dump some days ago). Incidentally the whales started dumping so looks like i'm heading towards liqs

>> No.8297215
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>> No.8297234

Got in on December 12th, still up 1100%, I sold the top of DBC, Ripple and Cardano. I then tethered for a month.

>> No.8297439

>boasts about not having lost anything in months
>actually paused the game after 10 minutes
I you've tethered at any point, then you weren't really playing.

>> No.8297520

I'm perfectly fine with being a /biz/ newfag, bought only linkies except flipping shitcoins for even more.
Just fuck my shit up 1000eoy

>> No.8297524

Was only for late January early February, I'm not playing a game, I'm here to make money.

>> No.8297701

We need to start posting gore and pets assholes to make them run.

>> No.8297717

Go back to /b/.

>> No.8297733

I'd say that's about 70% of /biz/ at this point you clueless faggot.

>> No.8297744

Well he has done better than 99% if biz and can always buy in when there is clear uptrend. If you havee holding shitcoins this year you are retarded.

>> No.8297747

There are ONLY December buyers browsing /biz/ right now.

Old fags cashed out at $5k/10k/20k.

Now this shit hole place is only made by poor fags HODLers, pajeet shillers and normies that will never break even their initial investment buying Bitcoin at $15k/20k.

>> No.8297849
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December cuckmaster reporting in. Went from 189$ to 77$

>> No.8297925
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>> No.8298043

lol this hits too close to home...

>> No.8298070
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nobody at that time was expecting that crash

>> No.8298079

>Lmao. I wonder how they'll feel once Bitcoin is at 2k. Fucking hilarious.

November buyer, but close enough.

I'll be fine. Been meaning to buy in for years, kept seeing it post on /b/ but never got around to it. I'll be dollar cost averaging to maximise my returns on the next bullrun. I have this thing called a "job" and the tiny percentage of my income that buying cryptos constitutes is less than I used to spend on a weekend out when younger. So, IDGAF if it goes to 0. Same attitude I had 10 years ago when I bought the dip after the GFC. Thanks for the feels though /biz/tard, it's appreciated.

>> No.8298110

>Bought early November

Lies. November it was still only $7,300. That was my initial buy-in. So you're up faggot.

You brainlets do understand that fudding each other constantly is just pissing into an ocean of piss right?

>> No.8298142
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>There are people on this board who didn't sell in December

>> No.8298359

So you went from nothing to nothing. Good job. Cash out and buy yourself a steak dinner, you deserve it.

>> No.8298962
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>Tfw your first impression with crypto is "buying the dip" on January 15.

>> No.8299151

Most people don't trade BTC, or not just BTC.

>> No.8299272

Dam wish i did but dunno where to start. What spur rs u guys learn from