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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8294660 No.8294660 [Reply] [Original]

It is absurd how easy they are manipulating the prices lately.

>> No.8294684

Yeah, it should have never gone past May values

>> No.8294694

>bear market
>increase in shills for exchanges with margin trading
>norman everyman who missed his chance to sell ATH starts selling on leverage
>btc continually dumps
>norman everyman repeatedly opens short positions using his insider level information
>btc skyrockets $2000+ in a day
>squeezes everywhere
>new bull run, new ATH incoming
>normies get royally fucked a second time

>> No.8294708

And that goes both ways. So stop being sad and watch the Jews do what they do best. They won't be happy about it, but if you don't fall for their tricks they will make rich by proxy.

>> No.8294716

Should ban margin trading

>> No.8294724

This isn't some manipulation game, people are dumping thousands of BTC and a few brave soldiers are buying but not nearly enough.

Wishful thinking...

>> No.8294729

>he thinks dumping thousands of BTC at consistently $200 current ask price is easy manipulation.

This is state level players, op (mafia and organised crime are state level these days too, so not suggesting it's a government soon this).

This isn't price manipulation, it's desperate exiting.

BTC is too easy to track. Now that every world government is watching the blockchain, the dirty money is panic selling their way out.

It's pure desperation, not manipulation. And it's a net positive for the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

>> No.8294762
File: 15 KB, 404x250, 10034541_H14866427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya thats why the top hundred wallets are twice as large as they were a couple of months ago.

>> No.8294788

i was with you until the last sentence. if bitcoin itself dies a spectacular public death it will empower crypto's enemies to play whack-a-mole to a point of diminishing returns for anyone living on the grid.

>> No.8294793

Winner winner chicken dinner.

I've been buying and selling every little dip. I hope I don't get caught with my pants down.

I have an all in buy set at 9700

>> No.8294799

S..so w...we're going back up again?

>> No.8294808

this. fucking vultures advertising margin trading should be ashamed of themselves.

>> No.8294862
File: 41 KB, 768x605, F191BD4F-FB01-45D1-BCA9-435B5C2D83D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will keep taking you pathetic gambling addicts for a
Ride in sideways market till you are broken and poor. You have addictions especially if you trade in margin

Either hold for a year or more and get on with life or sell and buy depending in news. If u catch bad news early sell. Thats all you should be doing lest you get fucked by these whales.
They will manipulate the market side ways and you might think you spot a pattern l. They will train you only to do a u turn and make you poor in one bad move.

Dont gamble this shit

>> No.8294863

Looks like buyers are back, I bet the chinks, gooks and nips will dump their bags on my head while I sleep though.

>> No.8294889

There is heavy bot manipulation going on. Anyone watching this can tell that. Rocket-like pumps out of nowhere. You're just playing a guessing game as to if the bots will pump or dump at this point. Whales are able to do it to this extent because there is such low organic interest right now.

>> No.8294959

Everyday I wake up and check my blockfolio for the BTC price. One days its 8200, the next its 9400, then its 85 and the next its 92. Every day I think about buying BTC in the 8000s but I know I the second I do its gonna drop, drop, drop.

>> No.8294962

>buyers are back
>after a 80-day long bear rmarket with no signs of stopping

>> No.8295008

top100 as % of total stayed at about 20% for last couple months, not is little over 18%

>> No.8295034


It will.
These whale groups are taking the bitmex addicts for a ride, but they are trying to be consistent enough so that people like you finally think you see a pattern. Basically training you. Then when you go in they do a u turn and change the tactics, probably a huge dump to 5k or a moon who the fuck knows only them.

Just hold or buy the dip. Selling bad news asap is the only sure way.

>> No.8295199

>Bear market means there are no buyers ever
>Bear market means the price goes down in a straight line
>local tops or bottoms doesn't exist

>> No.8295499

So is this the 51% attack we feared would happen?

>> No.8295522

>all selling is manipulation

LOL. the bubble is over and money is leaving the market, of course the price will fucking drop

>> No.8295546

>the bubble is over
This is only bad if you hodl.
If you think about it, the days of bitcoin pizzas with low transaction fees were what BTC was all about.

>> No.8295664

quiet, newfag

>> No.8295921

So... Sideways for a couple of hours before the next massive red dildo candle it is then.

>> No.8295983

Sounds about right

>> No.8296008

>the days of bitcoin pizzas with low transaction fees
bitcoin still does this

>> No.8296511

The top wallets are exchanges and account for hundreds of thousands of individual users, silly billy.

>> No.8296533

You seem to think my post was saying this is the death of BTC. It is not. This is making BTC much stronger and resilient to individual manipulation.

>> No.8296602


Lol this is something the but muh top wallet fags always seem to forget