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8294112 No.8294112 [Reply] [Original]

Another ICO is moving from ETH to Stellar.
Why are you not yet all in anon?

>> No.8294169

>Ireny Energy
literally who?

>> No.8294266

>scam ICO moves from one scam platform to the next

>> No.8294294

i dont get why anyone would an eth based ICO when stellar is so fucking fast and already has a great sdex. the FairX delay worked out fucking great given the state of crypto. hopefully the market will be mooning in the leadup to it's launch now

>> No.8294328

Because Stellar is for fags.

>> No.8294516


Because they are giving free XLM to undeserving niggers

>> No.8294746

Brainlets as always, you can't get free XLM in Africa unless you're a patent owner or productive in business and the like. They're trying to adopt it as a world wide currency, unlike most of the coins here just having value based on speculation with no real purpose. It's why in a few years it will be one of the only ones to survive.

>> No.8295121

If they won't give it to niggers, they will give it to poor chinks (or whoever). There is still 5x the current supply to give out, which is -400% from the get-go

>> No.8295234

Is it really hard to realize that Stellar is paying shit ICOs to move to them?
Last time it was KIN

Once EOS starts they are going to do the exact same thing. It won't work, you can't buy network effects. ICOs need users much more than users need ICOs.

>> No.8295251
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whoa, that makes two then
on a more serious note stellar tokens and contracts suck ass

>> No.8295276

>is this a good long term hold or just a pnd coin? cloud computing seems interesting and the team looks pretty good. i dont really know how important this could be for use cases tho


nice one

>> No.8295286
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>> No.8295493

"At the genesis of the Stellar Network, 100 billion lumens (XLM) were created as specified in the protocol. As part of its custodial mandate, SDF is entrusted to oversee that the vast majority, 95 billion, of the lumens are distributed to the world.

SDF manages the execution of lumen distribution, with oversight and direction provided by SDF’s Expansion Board. The initial lumens held by SDF are required to be distributed to the world in the following manner:

50% for distribution via the Direct Sign-up Program
25% for distribution via the Partnership Program
20% for distribution via the Bitcoin Program
5% held by SDF to support operational costs


Well shit. Even if it was technically good (it isn't, it's centralized like ripple) they are giving 95% of the tokens away. How is that supposed to go up in the long term. It's like sitting on a bomb.
Just look what happened when mt gox sold several thousands.

>> No.8295527

Yes give your money to nignogs