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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 93 KB, 610x458, 0F23C8CB-4143-4838-B537-0DA81B93CEBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8287664 No.8287664 [Reply] [Original]

Is ethereum classic the only safecoin besides ethereum? If the flippening happens wealth will be transferred to ethereum meaning bitcoin definitely isn’t a safecoin in the long term. And all other platforms are highly experimental at this stage. There’s no telling what will happen to them. As for ltc and bch, they have no smart contracts which is potentially the only real value crypto may hold in the future apart from functioning as a currency like money

>> No.8287683




tehehehe, sorry, I like to fart a lot... Wait, wait

*pushes harder*


Aaaaahhh.... It feels sooo good to release the gas... Wait, another one is coming...


Aaaahhh.... You like the smell, don't ya? You like the sound, right? Haha its okay, theres nothing wrong with that... Oh, Oh! Here comes the last one, it feels big...


AHHHHH.... Phew!! *sniffs* woo... It smells awful. Tehehehe, I hope you liked it. ;)

>> No.8287684

>smart contracts are the only real value crypto may hold

hello newfriend, might want to keep researching. I bet you think DAG coins are better than BTC too right? You have a lot to learn

>> No.8287693

I unironically get turned on by brap posters

>> No.8287699

t. brainlet
the only reason bch will survive is because it is adding expanded fintech capability via smart contracts over 2018.
btc is going to die.

>> No.8287709
File: 168 KB, 2560x1600, Zachary-Quinto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note that these transparent shills never feature overly skinny girls.
The idea that looking at fertile females makes males less risk averse (ie. more likely to fomo into your bags) is a well known one.
I wonder how many pageets read this in a book somewhere, and how many of them just stumbled into it.

>> No.8287712
File: 6 KB, 250x250, nano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8287804

ETC is literally a meme coin, and pure cancer. It has zero future and was created by people that were very butthurt about the ethereum fork.

Anyone who buys it deserves to lose everything.

>> No.8287827

It has 3 massive teams independently working on it as we speak. Side chains are coming soon

>> No.8287844

>BTC is going to die
newfriend this has been said since the inception. If you really understood the tech you will realize everything is just a clone or a scam compared to BTC. Even ETH was hacked in its early days due to lack of network security, though its much harder now with the current hashrate. ETH has a place and smart contracts are useful but any turing complete blockchain should stay away from being #1 for good reason. The longer ETH is #2 the healthier the whole ecosystem will be

>> No.8287942

At least shill with an attractive girl. This thing is disgusting

>> No.8287995

Stared at this image for 20 minutes before realizing she wasn't lying on the floor.

>> No.8289022

Thanks for letting us know.

>> No.8289148

A bug in ETH also let a dev delete like 300 million dollars worth in november I think.

>> No.8289335


>> No.8289351
File: 23 KB, 500x269, C93BE22B-F74A-4A08-8515-0DB1ACDF63CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
