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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 107 KB, 1408x478, Screen Shot 2018-03-11 at 9.35.10 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8266602 No.8266602 [Reply] [Original]

why are blockchain devs so obsessed with niggers? lamo

>> No.8266623

They need to compensate
Also white guilt

>> No.8266628

About to dump this shit if it's not fake news

>> No.8266631

It's a noble act to try to help the troubled and underdeveloped

>> No.8266633

Ethiopia no less lmao

>> No.8266642

And go back to pol with these cancerous threads

>> No.8266646

because blacks belong in chains

>> No.8266655

well in cardanos case its because the dev is a tranny that is probably obsessed with getting aids in some sort of elaborate bug chasing fetish

>> No.8266658

Because using cryptos is more important than getting basic necescsaty in water and food.

>> No.8266673

because wakanda

>> No.8266675

digits confirm

>> No.8266688

he got it

>> No.8266753

Two reasons:
1) Theyre faggots who get off on virtue signalling
2) Africa's population is booming, it will be a huge important market by 2030. Third world shitholes benefit more from these massive technological changes because they don't have to use them simultaneously with outdated legacy systems. They're also quicker to adapt because they dont have the over zealous regulation and punitive taxes the west have. (Litrally africa has an advantage because they dont have to pay welfare for niggers. Go figure)

>> No.8266777
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Africa is a shitshow of a continent. Mud huts, genocide, tribal piercing. But these tools, not specifically cardano project, could advance development of a lot of countries there. Guys like Bill Gates on the education front. Disruptive blockchain technology that puts money DIRECTLY in people's hands, gets them cheaper/healthier food. Instead of warlords. Cheap phones, even super poor can get smart phones now. Elon Musk launching internet satellites. Chinese on infrastructure. It could happen man. We might see a decently developed Africa in 20-30 years.

>> No.8266795

Africa will never be an important market

to be an important market, you need to produce something of value to trade on the marketplace

if you do not do this, you cannot buy foreign goods

>> No.8266813

>puts money
For free?

>> No.8266857

Well no. They can make money online, or buy selling produce. Hard labor, educating. And they'll get paid handsomely through these coins, at our rates of pay.

>> No.8266885

The continent has tons of natural resources, too much corruption to develop though and blockchain may help with that

>> No.8266891

They have shitloads of natural resources.

Africa may be a shithole, full of warlords, dicators and roving bands of wogs, these all pose business risks, but there's money to be made there.

>> No.8266926

all you need to do is create a normiebook to see that Africa is slowly progressing. half of it is being colonized by the Chinese, but their main cities are becoming tech literate

these devs are still nigger loving retards for thinking it'll benefit them, but still.

>> No.8266940
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BLACKEDcoin when?

>> No.8266958

I don't know if you are all actually retarded, or trolling. This is a way to appeal to the masses. Africa has always been used as a marketing tool, and this is no different.

>> No.8266970

virtue signalling. how else can they show they are better than the other sjws they identify with.

>> No.8266984

there's a fundamental difference between VS marketing tools and foregoing profit and progress to give free shit/redistribute profit to monkeys

>> No.8266996

Marketing budget.

>> No.8267009

Africa has huge development chances
Just look how china starts to outsources everything
Africa will be the new china in 50 years

>> No.8267010
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you gotta hand it to hipsters. They know how to fix up a shit show city.

>> No.8267016

>giving niggers millions of dollars worth of stella that people paid for is part of the marketing budget

>> No.8267036

niggers cant think for themself

>> No.8267048
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>> No.8267054

Getting rid of the whites in Rhodesia has been negative progress and south Africa looks like it is next. Becoming developed in twenty years seems like a pipe dream.

>> No.8267068
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The reason why is they are unbanked. Trying to get niggers hooked on crypto so they blow all their money on it.

>> No.8267105
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>> No.8267117

Even African countries like Somalia that are in perpetual state of war get +2.5 - 3 % economic growth.
Rwanda has tripled its HDI post Rwandan Genocide.
Also the whole ''China colonising Africa'' is a half truth at best while china does have its scummy contracts it seems to be wanting to more or less want geopolitical gain and image and make africa a future chinese consuming market then pure '' resource stealing''

>> No.8267133

You must have never met any blacks.

>> No.8267159

That's why we need a stronger education front.

>> No.8267189

these silly brainwashed sjws still thiink africa is a wonder like the british and french found out long ago, the niggers will rob you kill you and destroy anything good white people built. africa is a wasteland because of niggers, not how much dirt they have

>> No.8267219

Going the xlm way huh?
Hope you guys are ready for steady loss

>> No.8267241


Easiest way to get adoption when there is no legacy infrastructure getting in the way. Blockchain becomes the foundation infrastructure.

>> No.8267260

GDP is bad math. Just because they are breeding more and eating more doesn't mean that the country is developing.

>> No.8267283

Education doesn't raise IQ retard.

>> No.8267396
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>Education doesn't raise IQ retard.

>> No.8267434


Niggers are the most annoying people to ever be around. It would be a blessing for me to never have to lay my eyes on one of those annoying, same color as my shit looking motherfuckers again.

>> No.8267479


>> No.8267496
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Ah, truly the thinking man's coin.

>> No.8267497
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Anon, this is /pol/.

>> No.8267529

>We might see a decently developed Africa in 20-30 years.
how are they going to magically raise the IQ of the population for that to happen? interracial breeding grounds?

>> No.8267559

Because there is a lot of capital which can’t be put to work as it can be in the western world

>> No.8267612

It already exists, it's called the USD

>> No.8267670

>spend trillions of dollars
>expend hundreds of years
>create pre-built cities and towns
>teach agriculture and economics
>still live in mudhuts
>still picking fruits off trees and killing endangered animals with spears for meat
Such a waste they are

>> No.8267687

Why are you?

>> No.8267699

Another one bites the dust... god fucking damnit, fuck the niggers, why are they the worlds responsibility? Why can't they take up responsibility for their own lives

>> No.8267872

right but the same people putting on airs of being noble pressed children into prostitution after the earthquake in Haiti

>> No.8267936
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>> No.8267948
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>> No.8267965
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>> No.8267977

How do i long niggers?

>> No.8267988

this will be the greatest pink wojacking Europe has ever seen

>> No.8267993
File: 69 KB, 474x447, XRP Feels Great Man Cosmic Moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 20-XRP minimum to open an XRP wallet completely solves this problem.

>> No.8268004

>natural resources
So we want to do business with the Chinese then. They're the ones getting the natural resources out of Africa now that the white man has abandoned it. Niggers don't even know how to extract their resources let alone know how to sell them.

>> No.8268013
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Okay. No natural growth, no valuable product. Will Dip hard!
or else...... were fucked

>> No.8268018

Education helps, but only to some extent. There are two problems with Africans - their education is shit and their genetic predisposition is not favourable in terms of developing cognitive capabilities.

>> No.8268029
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People need to know if the development team of their coin is wasting investor resources. Giving stuff away to Africans for nothing in return is extremely wasteful and harmful to investors.

>> No.8268035

Where do people get this idea from? I opened a Ripple wallet before I owned any.

>> No.8268038
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>> No.8268047

He's right, it doesn't. Not to any significant extent. The IQ test is all pattern matching, gorillas and chimps can take it (and often do better than niggers).

>> No.8268048

>help the troubled and underdeveloped
not unless those reciving help are sterilized, all you are doing otherwise is setting up a population ponzi.
Can't feed em dont breed em

literal cuck

>> No.8268058
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Checked. Invest in MelonCoin
Relevant checked. Honestly at this point I don't care, there's nothing I can do. I want to become an elite so I can escape the oncoming brown horde.
Africa is actually developing fairly quickly. They'll still always be a shithole, but now they've reached a point where the growth is going to be exponential and they'll need to go somewhere because a large amount of the continent is uninhabitable. Western countries' decreased birth rates is the perfect excuse to import them.
>For the economy!!

>> No.8268069

investing in africa is a total money pit, very relative to the analysis of a company. Your safe space is calling.

>> No.8268070

You realize that if the third world develops it benefits the entire global economy right?

Why are nationalists such brainlets? We live in a globalized world whether you like it or not.

>> No.8268072
File: 46 KB, 824x423, UN world population births per woman graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8268077

/pol/ retardation aside, Africa is the perfect testbed for crypto

-untrustworthy institutions
-widespread cell phone usage, as well as mobile payments
-little existing infrastructure, easier adoption
-adverse conditions, good for testing a system's robustness
-little regulation

Basically, Africa is the perfect testing ground for new tech.

>> No.8268081

You know developed countries generally have very low fertility so this growth would mean that they still live in mud huts

>> No.8268096

bullshit it pumps of the population of people who never could afford to take care of themselves, it is creating a human ponzi scheme that is going to crash when Whitey stops giving a fuck

>> No.8268097

The only thing that will help these poor shitty parts of the world is genetic engineering boost IQ.

>> No.8268099

Yeah good point except the fact that it is filled with niggers to the brim who are too dumb to invent a wheel in the 19th century let alone use something like crypto currency.

>> No.8268109

>importing low iq niggers for the economy
even in a short term perspective thats completely retarded
the low birthrates doesnt come from nowhere. its a plan to destroy european people.

>> No.8268112

You're so dumb.

Africa is 1.2 billion potential customers for your business.

>> No.8268124
File: 38 KB, 408x612, gates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stellar Lumens successfully distributed.
>Food aid protocols in place.
>Vaccination programs complete.
>Gibmedats from Europe and America secured.
>Population growth targets are in line with UN expectations. Shall we initiate Operation Bantu Expansion, Mr. Gates?

>Pump it.

>> No.8268130

Go back? /biz/ is /pol/ making money. Or do you seriously think crushing the (((banking))) system is a REALLY un/pol/ idea?

You're in the wrong place plebbit. Back you go!

>> No.8268135

You can't send from it until there's more than 20 XRP in it. You can't send the entire balance - you have to keep 20 in reserve.

>> No.8268140


>> No.8268141

Because people are different. Very different. I like my country's culture, at least what's left of it, when compared to third world countries. Even if all humans are genetically the same (lol) they still have different cultures, and the drastic population shift that is coming is going to completely fuck over developed countries. But dude man we're all just people, fuck borders and shiet, that's just the way it is :^)
I know that, but that's what they tell people. We're all the same, we need more workers!

>> No.8268147

Jibrel will allow you to tokenize niggers.

>> No.8268149

because niggers will accept anything cause they have nothing to lose. Its an excellent testground.

>> No.8268153
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>> No.8268158


No, customers are people that are productive in their own right, and bring their own hard earned cash to trade with. Africa has to have gibs to buy anything - they're welfare recipients not valued customers.

>> No.8268161

>>Africa is 1.2 billion potential customers for your business.
People seem to forget that the world is finite, has boundaries and limited resources, we are starting to peak in a lot of materials, why do we want more competition for limited resources?

Africans can not feed themselves with out whitey, there will be a spectacular die off of the Africans population when honkey stop giving a fuck

>> No.8268167

>I like my country's culture
That's just a >muh feels argument. Culture will always be second to GDP growth

Personally I don't give a fuck about the white race. There's no room for sentimentality in business. People will do whatever is most profitable.

>> No.8268169

Jibrel is about tokenizing assets you idiot, niggers aren't an asset, they're a liability

>> No.8268171

Very scary and exactly what will happen if western nations continue to give them hand outs. Africans are genetically different to us. We have larger brain sizes and Neanderthal DNA. They are scientifically proven to not be as intelligent. There really is no help for them. I wish the world was different like the liberals pretend it is.

>> No.8268178
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>> No.8268182


>> No.8268183

>No, customers are people that are productive in their own right
False. A customer is just someone with money who buys your product. I don't care if he got that money in the form of a paycheck, welfare or if he mugged an old lady. As long as he's spending that money on my product, he's my customer.

I know that you retard. That's why I'm saying that it's in everyone's interest that Africa develops so that they CAN afford to buy shit from us.

>> No.8268198

>Personally I don't give a fuck about the white race. There's no room for sentimentality in business. People will do whatever is most profitable.
Bullshit. The Jews will sacrifice profit to fuck over whitey. Just look at Netflix or anything Hollywood produces these days. Its not about making money anymore, its about pursuing their long term agenda.

>> No.8268200

This. I remember someone telling me about how some of the fastest growing countries are in Africa which seamed amazing but once you did some research you realized two things. One, growing off of a zero base allows for very easy and high growth and two, a lot of the growth is based on population growth. Blacks are not getting better at being productive they are just getting more.

>> No.8268204

>basing his worldview on a shitty science fiction movie
Brainlet confirmed

Cry more. I'd gladly sell out my race for profit. I don't care about any of you. I'm out for number 1.

>> No.8268205
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Oh hey Shlomo!

>Personally I don't give a fuck about the white race. There's no room for sentimentality in business. People will do whatever is most profitable.

Yeah, I know you stand for nothing higher than yourself Rabbi. I'd expect nothing else.

>> No.8268215

I don't care about Jews either. They can do whatever the fuck they want. They seem to be pretty good in business though. Maybe you can learn something from them.

>> No.8268229

It's hilarious how /po/tards turn into communist niggers when talking about the jews.

>waaaah those mean rich capitalist jews are keeping me down ;_;

Pathetic. People like you will die poor.

>> No.8268233
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Sure Herschel.

>> No.8268279
File: 330 KB, 1209x551, culture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DO you actually want to live among non-whites? Because even if YOU don't care about race, THEY do. Whiteboys' biggest downfall is tour assumption that other "races" can adopt an individualistic mindset like us, but they will always favour their group.

I hope you get what you want just so you can see how fucked up shit will be, living in a fancy gated community with masses of brainlets scrambling at the gates, throwing rocks at your lambos and shitting on the streets

>> No.8268291

Europe is literally done. The racial homogeneity is about to be shattered this century and with the population boom in Africa and the water shortages and climate change that is going to occur there literally hundreds of millions of people will become refugees and will flee to Europe.

This is the end my friends.


>> No.8268297

>>it's in everyone's interest that Africa develops
Africa and Africans should be left the fuck alone, if they need food aid they get sterilized.
Buy shit does not create value. Nogs are pretty much incapable of producing anything of value other then labor in mineral extraction.

Africans where never meant to live this way, the White mans way, they are mentally incapable. Africa will always be a money pit.

>> No.8268306
File: 71 KB, 531x414, Shadillay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your ID spells "racewar"

>> No.8268319

Cheer up Anon, this is the beginning


>> No.8268321

>DO you actually want to live among non-whites?
I want to be rich and live far away from poor people.

>I hope you get what you want just so you can see how fucked up shit will be, living in a fancy gated community with masses of brainlets scrambling at the gates, throwing rocks at your lambos and shitting on the streets
You're sounding more and more like a commie. Shouldn't you be protesting immigrants taking your shitty blue collar job? Faggot.

>> No.8268333

The next fifty years are going to be insane. Hopefully my fellow /biz/raelis will have accumulated enough in the next decade that we can establish a safe haven.

>> No.8268337

wrong link
National Revolution Turn on, Tune in, Take Over! Kai Murros

>> No.8268347
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thats no coincidence

>> No.8268354

You are dumb. Africa is a potential goldmine. The Chinese have realised this and that's why they're investing heavily in Africa. Africa's purcahsing power will one day eclipse that of Europe or North America.

You're ignoring a massive opportunity because of /pol/ memes. What a dumb cunt.

>> No.8268367

Because Africa is the next frontier. Not the fucking Arctic. The Russians can have that. They thrive in inhuman conditions because they aren't human.

>> No.8268380

>You're sounding more and more like a commie.
I don't care about class, even massive differences in wealth. My point was that even if you have a huge amount of money, if your country is shit you will still have to deal with it.
I get where you're coming from dude, cbf arguing any more

>> No.8268386

Please just get a vasectomy done, please.

>> No.8268412

>My point was that even if you have a huge amount of money, if your country is shit you will still have to deal with it.
If your country is wealthy and people are doing well financially then it won't be a shit country by definition. Holy fuck what a brainlet you are.

>> No.8268430
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>> No.8268448

Africa will be nothing more than a resource faucet for as long as niggers live there, that's what China uses it for.

>> No.8268501

>>The Chinese have realized this and that's why they're investing heavily in Africa
The Chinese are colonizing Africa, there efforts over there are resource extraction efforts. The Chinese are not race blind and know the limitations of Africans.
China needs Africa resources to create and supply its own domestic service economy.
The Chinese colonization 2,0 of Africa will make what make the Europeans look like compassionate cucks.
Africa is gonna get strip mined with billions of low iq nogs on a desolate continent, Africa is gonna be a horror story over the next decades.


>> No.8268503

>This reading comprehension
You have american-tier reading comprehension. I'm talking about YOU, not the country. If you become wealthy by importing third worlders, you could still be living in a shithole

>> No.8268523
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>establish a safe haven.

Like so.

>> No.8268542

Wrong again since in your scenario I'm getting rich off the cheap labour of third worlders. They work for me, I give them money which they then spend on my products or in the local economy.

Immigration is a net benefit for businesses. Pretty much every economist agrees. Only blue collar working class retards get shafted by it. Sucks for them I guess.

>> No.8268558

Because Niggers are the only one gullible enough to buy into their spiel

>> No.8268561

Then explain why the standard of living and purchasing power of Africans has done nothing but climb over the past few decades.

>> No.8268574

>Only blue collar working class retards get shafted by it.
Funny thing is they were getting shafted by automation even before that.

>> No.8268599
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>> No.8268611

>They thrive in inhuman conditions because they aren't human.

so shouldn't africans be thriving in africa?

>> No.8268629

massive foreign aid you dumb faggot.
This is how nogs live with out the help of Honkey. Once honkey stops giving a fuck this is what Africa becomes again but with a billion rather then a million people.

Negroes in Negroland

>> No.8268665
File: 377 KB, 820x1020, amerimutt6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wrong again since in your scenario I'm getting rich off the cheap labour of third worlders. They work for me, I give them money which they then spend on my products or in the local economy.
You'd still be surrounded by third worlders... brazil seem like a good place? They have a good gdp. How about amerimutta?

I don't care if Mr Goldman's projections for the economy are good if I have to worry about being robbed, or live in a dirty, polluted place like China, or be surrounded by filthy subhumans. Some things are harder to quantify; just because business is booming doesn't mean I'll be happy.

>> No.8268686

And why do you think countries are investing in Africa? They're not doing it out of pure charity. They're doing it because they see it as a long term investment you stupid cunt.

They know that Africa and Asia will soon account for the vast majority of the world's purchasing power.


>> No.8268716

Don't even bother reasoning with that sack of shit. Just resolve that we will have to kill people like him during the revolution.

>> No.8268719

Brazil is a poor country. The US is a great country to live if you're rich. Probably the best country in the world to live in if you're rich.

>just because business is booming doesn't mean I'll be happy.
I really don't care if you're happy or not.

>> No.8268724
File: 38 KB, 313x286, 735FC949-EC6F-480C-B726-CABA3680EDC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I only hold ADA and XLM
>mfw both are nigger coins now
>mfw when I sell now I would lose 50%
Just kill me

>> No.8268738

Sure buddy. Good luck with your revolution. I can't wait to see the brains of /pol/tards splattered on the streets when the cops and the army guns you down.

Come on. Try it. I dare ya.

>> No.8268751

Keep voting for the left. They are your only hope for survival.

>> No.8268773

That post was truly awful. It is painfully obvious that you do not belong here. But that is okay! There is a positive solution. Rather than trying to fit in, you should strongly consider going to a site more suitable for posters like you, such as reddit, tumblr, or maybe even Gaia! You have plenty of options. You will be happy, and we will be happy. Best of luck, but don't come back.

>> No.8268776

guessing demographic trends outside of 25 - 30 years is like predicting the weather a month from now.

not exactly an exact science.

>> No.8268783
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>> No.8268786

leftards are in cahoots with the police and army you say?

>> No.8268787

ID checks out.

>> No.8268797

>Population ponzi
Lmao gonna steal this term

>> No.8268826

I vote for whoever will help me make the most money.

Meanwhile you'll keep LARPing online and dreaming about a revolution that will never come.

I've been on 4chan since 2007. I'm not going anywhere.

Only one way to find out. I really hope you autists try something. I will laugh so hard watching you get murdered en masse and imprisoned by the people that you think are on your side. You have no clue how the world works. Money is power.

>> No.8268837

>Let's fix thousands of years of evolutionary specialization in a couple schoolyears

>> No.8268838

>Hur dur immigration is good because businesses can get cheap labour
>This only impacts blue collar workers negatively

Nigga an entire generation of middle class can't get on the housing ladder because of immigration.
What happens when these immigrants decide not to work and take advantage of the ridiculously generous welfare state? The taxpayer has to foot the bill.

Take your bait somewhere else kiddo.

>> No.8268881

Why should I give a fuck if you can't afford to buy a house? It's not a right you stupid poorfag.

>> No.8268963

Please do, serious it is a literally ponzi.
The day that evil racist whitey stops feeding them,
they will go back to eating each other.

>> No.8268968

>I've been on 4chan since 2007
you sure? you sound like you're 12 years old

>> No.8268988

Which is possible. 2007 was only 11 years ago.

>> No.8269049

Dreaming and ranting about things online is literally all these people have for them. Deep down they know they have no power to change anything.

>> No.8269057

ADA nigger coin

>> No.8269087

Time to sell my ADA, bought at 0.4 $ and im fucking 50% down already anyways

>> No.8269090

Listen to ten minutes of the you tube link i sent.
Africans can not modern civilization no matter how much you want to believe.

>> No.8269121

The funny thing is that you'd dump faster than anyone in this thread if a project declared that it was going to help feed US Christians in poverty.

>> No.8269137

Because previously people in my position could afford to buy houses in their 20s. Thanks to stagnant wages and a huge increase in demand from fresh off boat migrants, rent prices are sky high and house ownership isnt even an option.

Don't be so fucking dense.

>> No.8269145

You can't help those that genetically can't help themselves.

>> No.8269194

>Because previously people in my position could afford to buy houses in their 20s. Thanks to stagnant wages and a huge increase in demand from fresh off boat migrants, rent prices are sky high and house ownership isnt even an option.
That doesn't answer my question. I'll ask again: why should I give a fuck if you can't afford a home? That's not my problem.

>> No.8269249

>I would rather niggers and third worlders use up all the housing stock, paid for by the taxpayer, than hardworking citizens being able to afford a home.

>> No.8269306

I really don't care who pays as long as they pay me. Why is this so hard for you to understand?

>> No.8269447

Y not find a comfy hole in the ground snd then neck yourself? Serious question

>> No.8269705

>thinking his house/apartment/whatever is worth something after he rents it LeQuan and Lakeesha

>> No.8270236

LeQuan and Lakeesha can't afford it. Neither can Cletus and Darlene.