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8257607 No.8257607[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8257638

All in on Bitcoin at $17000.

>> No.8257656

0.25x from January ATH

>> No.8257664
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Im 50 and if I knew life would be this bad I should have killed myself a long long time ago.

>> No.8257672

wrong turn

>> No.8257676


>> No.8257697

A fucking disaster laden with bad decisions

>> No.8257704

Moon or an hero

>> No.8257722

fun 10$ eom

>> No.8257727

ffs man, can you survive without selling?

>> No.8257733
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>> No.8257754

20k loan into NEO in September 2017

>> No.8257776

I'm really damn sure that anyone can equally easily fuck you over

>> No.8257777
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Just fuck my shit up.

>> No.8257799

wish i was never born

>> No.8257809

relax, dips like this happens every january

>> No.8257831

well played.

>> No.8257840

Skill meets luck combined with more luck and success and potentially lots of more luck if certain things pan out

>> No.8257881

Im too stupid to become successfull and relevant in the real world but too smart to accept my fate in a world full of more retarded people than me.

>> No.8257893
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He bought the dip on December 10th and hasn't sold.

>> No.8257917

Already sold some. Have to sell more by the end of the month.

>> No.8257938

I'll do it later.

>> No.8257946

bitcoin seems too complicated back when I first heard of it back in 2010 so I didn't bother

>> No.8257959

Lambo moon land or bust.

>> No.8257964

This is just a season of my life.

>> No.8257987
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>> No.8258007

Beware the fury of a patient man.

>> No.8258016

have had sex with entirely too many women, and now my loving gf who is quite literally a qt 3.14 wants to marry me. I like pussy man. I can't do one set of boobs forever.
but at least she cooks and cleans and loves me unconditionally right?

>> No.8258019

suicide soon idc

>> No.8258030

feels bad man

>> No.8258070

Made my first mil in cryptos bull run of 2017

>> No.8258091

This winter is freezing cold, is it always like this?

>> No.8258105
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hey /biz/ how do i get rich without working hard?

>> No.8258126

I can do it in one word: failure.

>> No.8258139

16k to 9.5k
No gains since January.

>> No.8258159
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>> No.8258163

Liquidated longs

>> No.8258173

and then it got worse.

>> No.8258176

oh you poor cunt

>> No.8258232
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I still remember all the btc give-away for dubs and trips on /b/

>> No.8258291


>> No.8258295

Unironically gifted and a great childhood but I keep. Fucking. Up.

>> No.8258347

Story of my life. Also checked

>> No.8258365

Im just smart enough to understand how dumb i am.

>> No.8258388

If you went that far, there is no point now, is there?
The same applies to the current crash.

>> No.8258431

pretty cool guy, eh learns from his mistakes and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.8258433

I've been suicidal frend.
Want to know what cured me? Honestly?
DMT. Dimethyltriptamine.
You're on biz so I assume you have crypto.
Go darknet and buy some good quality stuff.
Go into it with a good mind or you probably will kill yourself. Just a heads up.

>> No.8258458

Anons who are reading this. I give you the same advice. DO IT IF YOU'RE DEPRESSED.
But go into it with a sound mind. And understand what is told to you. Be careful. Be happy.
Change your life for the better. you can do it, you just haven't yet.

>> No.8258586

well said

>> No.8258603

>tom clancy

>> No.8258621
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>> No.8258631

Never give up anons.
After every darkness the light comes.
You must fight until you succeed or die trying.

Wise man once said: It's better to die standing than to live entire life on your knees!


>> No.8258633

Did you do it alone or with guidance from someone who already did it? The effects of psychedelics like mushrooms are entirely dependent on the setting and context. Never tried dmt.

>> No.8258709


When you do DMT it does not matter where and who you are with. You enter another dimension.

>> No.8258716


>> No.8258740


I would also heavily recommend Julius Evola for those who bother reading this. You will thank me later but be prepared for his works and ideas. I found myself finally finding independent affirmation of my mindset and it served to formalize and rigorously outline my mindset.

>> No.8258765


>do DMT when youre depressed
>only do DMT with a sound mind


>> No.8258841

tell me about the entities you encountered on DMT. it's amazing that so many people have similar experiences meeting extradimensional intelligences.

>> No.8258874


It can not be explained by words. It's something you have to experience your self.

>> No.8258876


>> No.8258994

I went to other places on salvia but after I could always trace the images to something relevant in the environment or a previous thought process. It was clearly dependant on setting. I was always looking for insights so the first time my mind constructed an old indian man sitting in a subway tunnel whispering secrets that I couldn't quite make out. Later I went to a land of frogs and they explained through dance that the secrets they kept were all beyond words. As a human it's my job to try to translate. The frogland was all in bright neon colors because of the light in the setting I was in. They represented my intuitions so these frogs eventually made me rich.

Salvia works different for different people, my friend who I did it with didn't go anywhere, just became weird and lost control of language while for me the real world would disappear the moment I took a hit.

>> No.8259019

But i have no life

>> No.8259598

I want out

>> No.8260123

This could be going better.

>> No.8260152

It's true. A different dimension. I was with other people but none of them pharmopsychologically experienced.
It doesn't matter. Just be careful and make sure there's at least one person you trust there.

>> No.8260233

I know it sounds conterproductive.
I'm just saying be careful and have safe people around.

>> No.8260242


>> No.8260243

scared of death, not fond of life

>> No.8260256


A lesson was learned but the damage was irreversible.

>> No.8260802

Fuck.......too late now man. DCA that shit, don't take the loss.

>> No.8260843
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how the fuck did i end up here

>> No.8260854

Perfect at inversely timing the market.

>> No.8260988

I'll do you one better: Absolute power over the market, to make it do the opposite of what would benefit me.

>> No.8261018

i make pizzas for pennies

>> No.8261025

I fucked up

>> No.8261432

Sometimes I think that the aliens or AI controlling our computer simulation just don't want certain drones to make money because it would throw off their calculations.

>> No.8261450

All the way up, all the way down.

>> No.8261487

I am so fucking bored with life.
There ya go op. Its the truth too

>> No.8261597

The current simulation is based on the historical data collected from your original footprint on the world including these threads. Just spoof a footprint where you suddenly got really rich and the simulation will reflect that, ez money.

>> No.8262026

lay down and rot

>> No.8262127

isolating myself, pretending to be an intellectual and not doing any schoolwork

>> No.8262332


>> No.8262350
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Damn lad.

>> No.8262664

Life sentence for murder

>> No.8262809

Jerking off every day you were able to jerk off might be bad for you.

>> No.8262859

I really hope Link isn't a meme.

>> No.8262874

Doge was a meme

>> No.8262889

I will make it through pure force of anger

>> No.8262930

There is such a thing as too much asian pussy.

>> No.8263177



>> No.8263849


>> No.8264270


>> No.8264315

"Hier steh ich nun ich armer Tor und bin so klug als wie zuvor!" -Faust

>> No.8264343

Buy high sell higher or die

>> No.8264431

Im extremely stupid or brave

>> No.8264870

Holy shit! Today, March 11th 2018 at 3:50am PST, I am fucking rich all of a sudden!

>> No.8264911

Also, since present monent, the Binance bots don't put their buys and sells one sat closer to spot price than mine. They aren't acting like little pricks at all now!

>> No.8265310

Get rich or die rekted

>> No.8265384

Only alive so I don't disappoint my parents.

>> No.8265405

Buy high, sell low

>> No.8266289

Congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.8266319
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Fuck I shouldn't have done that

>> No.8266402

Need a gf or will kys

>> No.8267031


>> No.8267038

>have safe people around
what if you dont have any friends or acquaintances
it sounds safer to bust some alone than invite the neighborhood druggies

>> No.8267155

I'm probably the luckiest person I know in terms of opportunities that fall into my lap, but I'm too stupid/slow to see them and take advantage, then they're gone.

>> No.8267291

nice man

>> No.8267960

Dubs of truth, you summed also my life.

Had the chance of being together with my oneitis 10 years ago but i was a fucking autist, and this thought haunts me almost every day.

>> No.8268028

If you're feeling doubt now it will only get worse over time.

>> No.8268064
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>> No.8268121
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if a humanz lacks purpose in life, it distracts itself with pleasure

>> No.8268126

You're seriously haunted losing out on some girl from 10 years ago? C'mon man, that's sad. She's probably like a 6/10 anyway. Ask her on a date today or fucking move on to someone else.

>> No.8268156
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here you go anon

>> No.8268261

I actually moved on and was bit of an exageration that it "haunts" me, but i feel like i lost my last boat to normie life with her.

Found her on Tinder in January and we chat a bit until i told her i miss her voice, she stoped replying there.

The thing is that i know that she was in love with me but i was afraid of being in love and acted like a fucking autist.

Sounds ridiculous i know.

We are all gonna make it...

>> No.8268371

Getting better but not good yet

>> No.8268424
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There will be blood.

>> No.8268443

crippling debt

>> No.8268637
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Sold the dip.

>> No.8269028

Late to the party

>> No.8269861

Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.

>> No.8270555
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Happy family, failed human, loan slave.

>> No.8270892
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The Stock Market.

>> No.8270918

Showed early potential, but spent his time and passion on marijuana and video games.

>> No.8270959
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Caffeine all day just to stay awake,
melatonin every night just to fall asleep.

>> No.8271288

Let the good times roll.

>> No.8271318


squandered every advantage my parents worked so hard to give me.

>> No.8271526

Assburger's syndrome.

>> No.8271531


>> No.8271585
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Melatonin + DPH + Kava Pills + White Noise, or absolutely no sleep. I wake up fuckin drowsy and binge caffeine. Repeat every day until death.

>> No.8271593

You can also easily cook it but buying is pretty good too. Did you try changa or normal dmt?

>> No.8272431

God's plan; beauty, love, glory.

>> No.8273221

Quiet desperation.

>> No.8273300

Not yet over.

>> No.8273325

What method do you use? Same as described on erowid?

>> No.8273356

Always need to learn things the hard way.

>> No.8273639

Consistently trading at pure losses

>> No.8273697

I used a naptha/limonene tech with acacia bark, worked pretty well.

>> No.8273758


>> No.8274103
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I regretti the spaghetti.

>> No.8275079

All in dbc 68c.