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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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825386 No.825386 [Reply] [Original]

When will it stop?

>> No.825394

A few years ago all they did was say that facebook is doomed because they can't monetize mobile.
>I believed them, fuck me

>> No.825397

and now, they are collecting money from their new store system.
E- commerce.

>> No.825399


Facebook was founded in 2004 and only really started getting popular in 2008. I'd reckon that they have until 2018-2020 until other services are able to successfully compete with them.

I base this on that most web-based companies only have a lifespan of about ten years. Even Google's sheen is slowly deteriorating as other services begin to rival it.

Hence why both FB and Google have been trying very hard to break into non-web based markets, like providing internet service or building manufacturing robots. Those things tend to be more profitable than advertising or data mining.

>> No.825404

I wouldn't touch it. I lived through the death of MySpace. It was so sudden and unexpected.

MySpace was actually more enjoyable than Facebook too. All the music and customization and everything. If it could just die like that you better believe the same can happen to Facebook.

>> No.825413

I still don't think it's a bad idea to spend a few weeks collecting profit and then bailing out.

>> No.825419
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The thing that's keeping Facebook afloat is e-commerce. I still wouldn't touch the stock as it's incredibly overvalued. (look at their earnings) the stock is trading at over 6x earnings. That's a good indicator to stay away.

>> No.825421

It's not just about the social media experience anymore at this point... everything is connected with FB and they own lots of other prospects.

>> No.825425


That doesn't matter, at least when it comes to future preformance. AOL had far, far more control over things and look at how well they're doing these days.

Facebook may be going strong now, but if they don't actually produce any tangible goods or services eventually tastes will change, demographics will shift, and someone else will be getting all the clicks. Look at how Ebay has been hit in the past few years despite being the biggest e-commerce site. Same for Amazon, who's finding more competition as traditional chains figure out how to do online sales.

I'm more curious about Facebook trying to offer cheap internet service in shitty countries, as that could have some real value. But the press around it reeks of clickbait, sensationalist bunk. Google is a bit stronger in this regard as Google Fiber is an actual thing, and so far Comcast and AT&T are slow to compete.

>> No.825427
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I think Amazon will weather the storm as the largest online retailer though. Everyone is doom and gloom on Amazon, but they have smart leadership. Ebay I'm not so sure about. Plus Amazon still has decent earnings and no debt.

>> No.825431


True, but it all depends on how deft their competition can be. Safeway proved that a regular brick and motar store could successfully beat them (specifically with grocery delivery) by using their regular stores as distribution centers. Obviously Amazon won't be going away anytime soon (again, even AOL manages to stay alive. They even bought the Huffington Post this year) but they'll have to compete a lot harder than they are currently. Amazon's biggest asset is the sheer width and breadth of things available to buy, but the issue is that other companies can do that too. Look at how Amazon was able to take over Ebay as the largest E-commerce site.

>> No.825496

You raise some valid considerations.

>> No.825501

meant to buy $101 july 30 calls ending up buying 24 calls

oh well, save me zuckerberg

>> No.825575

Why are they even that high?

They're not producing a product or service at all, the only thing they have it a site that people use to chat and upload pictures on. I can't see how that should bring in money other than some adverts on your site.

>> No.825579

New economy is entirely hype based. Get used to it.

>> No.825585

Oh, one of these days around twelve o'clock
The whole wide world will reel and rock
The sinner will tremble and cry for pain
And the Lord will come in his aeroplane.

>Cho: All you thirsty of every tribe
>Get your tickets for an aeroplane ride;
>Jesus our Saviour is coming to reign
>And take you to glory in His aeroplane.

Oh, talk of rides in automobiles
Talk of fast times in motor wheels
We'll break all records as we upwards fly
For an aeroplane joyride in the sky.


You must get ready if you take this ride
Leave all your sins and humble your pride
Furnish a lamp both bright and clean
And a vessel of oil to run the machine.


When our journey's over and we all sit down
At the marriage supper with a robe and crown
We'll blend our voices with a heavenly throng
And praise our Saviour as the years roll on.

>> No.825590


>Why are they even that high?

dotcom boom 2

I'm serious, just look at China's attempt of a tech bubble is deflating. Half the companies on the Shanghai index cannot be traded because Beijing knows that all the investors want to sell off right now. Six months from now it's going to be a clusterfuck when everyone there unloads their toxic assets (re: worthless stock). The same is semi true for here in the states, though most of the damage will be contained to the NASDAQ. Investors don't see profits from companies and then start selling stock. Eventually people realize that pets.com tier sites aren't worth billions of dollars. Then the NASDAQ is back where it was in June 2000, and everyone scratches their heads as the Fed can't just start another housing boom or lower interest rates.

I don't mean to go full /pol/faggot here but when it comes to tech stock, the next year or so is going to be a mess as the correction starts due to the world slipping into recession again. It'll be a great time to buy though.

>> No.825596

Thry own instagram and whatsapp and a bunch of other shit too , basically no matter the age or demogrqphic facebook controls in someway what you spend a large amount of time staring at every day.

The vr stuff is of course the most interesting but even in the immediate , any business with an online presence (every business) is wise to spend money advertisig on facebook.

>> No.825608

150 is their peak


>> No.825628

I invested early on after the first initial dip. forgot the exact price but I'm poised to make a little bit of money if I sell, which I'm probably going to do soon. Probably if it can get to 110-125. Keep some shares but certainly going to cash out most of it.

Not too long and gold will be hot again. And silver.

>> No.825646
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>> No.825866
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Get on board.

>> No.825870
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daily reminder that facebook is a forced meme

>> No.825871
File: 464 KB, 856x901, 1423154084164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that facebook is a forced meme

>> No.826017

When you buy stock and you want to sell how do you do that? Thats called liquidating right? What do you do if you cant manage to sell all your stock before you feel the shit will get bad?

>> No.826031

Facebook is the new yellow/white pages. As the owner of a young business, the exposure i get for free through facebook is immeasurable, and for a modest expenditure, i can double or triple my reach.

>Old people ruined facebook

Old people have money and buy shit that their old people friends like and share. If facebook was still "hip", they'd be in m00ts boat shilling pocket pussies and chink candy for pennies.

>> No.826065

you put in an order to sell with your broker.

if nobody will buy you have nobody to sell it to and you are stuck with it.

>> No.826078


>Facebook is the new yellow/white pages

That's Google. Google is the directory, Facebook is, at best, the cheap sunday-only paper with a million car and real estate ads on every page.

Also, 30-40 year olds don't nearly spend as much money on Facebook crap as 18-29 year olds. I know this from personal experience hawking various things on FB. If you're measuring exposure, then you're probably better off buying a radio or pennysaver ad as 30+ year olds still pay attention to that.

>> No.826128

I'm not ecommerce; I'm a local tradesman. Google is useless; facebook drives sales.

>> No.826131

Facebook won specifically for being utilitarian and not gimmicky

The over customization was why myspace failed , turns out people want to be able to message their fri3nds from middle school if need be and not have to wade through sparkly bs