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File: 1.15 MB, 1278x714, LINKTREASURE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8253746 No.8253746 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you invested in the withnet ICO, anon? It's basically LINK but 1000x better. https://republic.co/witnet
LINKIES BTFO HAHAHAH! They basically copied ChainLink and made it better :))))))))))

>How's Witnet different from Chainlink and other oracle projects?
>Most oracle projects base their approach on specialized oracles. Each oracle is connected only to a certain set of APIs or protocols, and you must choose which oracle to use.
>From our perspective, specialized oracles are:
>1. likely to have conflicts of interest,
>2. scarce and thus rather centralized as too much trust is put on each of them,
>3. trivially predictable and thus easily targetable by DoS attacks.
>In these schemes, oracle nodes typically use a trusted execution environment known as Intel SGX. This "enclave" is only available on selected hardware, so it's a clear entry barrier. Moreover, the SGX has recently been proven vulnerable to many attacks, including Spectre.
>Also, "tokenomics" of projects like ChainLink rely heavily on ERC-20 tokens in the >Ethereum blockchain to incentivize oracles to resolve tasks. This fact will hinder their viability until Ethereum's scalability challenges are solved or they accept alternative means of payment.
Sell all your LINK bags and put the money in the witnet ICO, there's still time.

>> No.8253881

Witnet approach is instead based on the most generalized form of oracles. They perform "retrieve-attest-deliver" tasks without distinction between the sources they query. Weather APIs are not that different from courier APIs! This way, we get rid of any conflict of interests, given that oracle nodes can't even predict which tasks will be assigned to them.

In Witnet, the oracle nodes in the network are called "witnesses". They are automated headless browsers that you can hire to retrieve information from the Internet and deliver it to you or your smart contracts. The more fees you pay, the more the number of witnesses that will be employed.

Although you can decide how many witnesses to employ, the thing is that you can't choose who they are. Tasks are randomly assigned to witnesses in proportion to their reputation.

Our proposal has a "fairness principle" hard-written into every detail. That's the main reason for refusing the use of TEEs or the SGX. We want to give everyone the possibility to spend the spare CPU and bandwidth of their computers (or servers, or phones, or even fridges!) fulfilling retrieve-attest-deliver tasks and earning rewards in exchange.

About the "tokenomics", we decided to build Wit as a native token to its own blockchain because in our case it makes no sense to cope with the challenges of running it upon a widely used PoW chain like Ethereum or Bitcoin.

>> No.8254025
File: 349 KB, 732x832, 1518561659069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>testnet 2019

>> No.8254126

so is it withnet or witnet and how much link do you have?

>> No.8254476

just sold 11k link and put it in witnet ICO

>> No.8254938


Omg, I’m so sorry my poor ignorant child

>> No.8255026

>testnet isn’t happening untill 2019

>tokens not released untill mainnet, meaning you can’t even enjoy a speculative increase in value while you wait.

>> No.8255028


>> No.8255104
File: 25 KB, 400x386, 1511053900075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hahahaha btfo hahahahaha
Nope, you're embarassing yourself

this is the real jason parser meme, no collatral, random picks, you don't even know wat you're getting into
I'm not even gonna get into the details but this shit is more prone to bad actors than enything I've seen lol

>hurr erc20
it's just token you retard, the network itself is blockchain agnostic

>> No.8256181

The thing is, every time someone succeeds at something you'll see a billion others copying them. But the one King that will stay King is always first movers advantage because they took the initiative. They have the most experience in the field. The most expertise. Everyone else will TRY to catch up, but no one can when literally the one who's designing and coming up with those new ideas are the Kings. BTC ETH LINK XMR are the true and only.

>> No.8256281

the CL network for smart contracts basically is what the first 2g networks were for the first cell phones

>> No.8256325


>> No.8256392

It's a fucking meme.
>Testnet in 2019 and we need our own blockchain because it's better (!), although there's no poc. We'll be able to scale better than Ethereum while staying decentralized.
Bunch of claims and nothing to back it up.

>> No.8256410

Not to mention beaner team with
Aragon lead dev.

>> No.8256541

I know this is bait and nobody can be this stupid but for those that actually invested in this, enjoy flipping your shitcoin when it gets distributed in 2020 while LINK is worth $100.