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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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824760 No.824760 [Reply] [Original]

Hey biz
How do i get 25% return in a week?
I have a thousand dollars
Legal or illegal i dont care at this point.

>> No.824764

Buy as much cocaine as you can, cook it into crack and sell it to junkies.

>> No.824766

Poker, betting or lend it to some stupid fuck that will accept such interest rate.

>> No.824771

Is anyone here good at poker
Like an ace at it?
Ill lend you the fucking money

>> No.824776

People that are good at poker wouldn't need to be lent money.

That must mean that they just lost all their money and will soon lose yours if they're looking for a lender.

>> No.824779

lots of professional poker players sell action.

>> No.824784

That makes no sense.

Why would they split their profits if they can get 100% of the profit?

>> No.824789

I could lie to the credit card company about my income so they raise my credit limit.
Should i go for it?

>> No.824795

Hey, I am great at online poker. I also am signed up with an online poker service that will discretely send me the winnings. I can get you a 18%-29% return on your money in a week, as long as we're talking $500-10,000. email me at my throwaway: wb430@yahoo.com

I have to do some tech work until noon but I'll get in touch with you then.

>> No.824798


>> No.824800

it reduces variety. it makes sense for tournaments with a high buy-in and reduces their own financial risk / costs in case they bust before theyre in the money. usually, the players selll pieces at a premium (with mark-up).

>> No.824834

I will give 250 if you have a good reason

>> No.824835

I need to pay my rent

>> No.824839

How much is your rent?

>> No.824841

$150 a week

>> No.824845


>> No.824848


>> No.824850


It's government subsidized housing

>> No.824852


i can get 25% return on your 1000 in like 10 minutes on roulette.

i have developed a strategy that has yet to fail me.

>> No.824855

No its a housing unit with 4 bedrooms.
I pay for one of the bedrooms.

>> No.824857

Its not martingale on primedice is it?

>> No.824860

It's still not impossible to get 25% on martingale. If OP's so desperate..

>> No.824861

I tried it and lost 13 times in a row

>> No.824863

Do you work?

>> No.824871

>Take out life insurance policy
>Kill yourself

>> No.824878

Find a stock that does this:


Stocks I've seen do this several times per year are:

specifically look for biotech companies that are about to release trial results for promising treatments. For example, BCRX was researching a cure for ebola.

Also, if you didn't see that link, the stock just shot up 46% since open as of posting it.

>> No.824879

>specifically look for biotech companies that are about to release trial results for promising treatments

Yes OP, do this.

Especially if you get an email or a phone call telling you about a stock that just rised a huge amount and is expected to rise exponentially very soon.

>> No.824883


>> No.824885

All of the stocks I posted are not pink slips; they're openly traded on the NASDAQ, and I literally have no positions in any but the TPLM stock.

I stand by what I said. Do your research, find a small-mid cap bio-pharma stock with drugs undergoing clinical trials that will have the results released soon. It's risky, but it's about as risky as blackjack/poker/roulette.

If you go the gambling route, then for fuck's sake, don't do it at an online casino.

>> No.824887


i use a modification of martingale. i have never experienced being unable to meet my target, so far- although I accept that possibility. I think the risk is about 0.24 %, on a 1000 stake.

>> No.824890

Really, the only low-risk investment from a financial standpoint would be illegal drugs. Your realized returns would be 50-300% depending on your drug chosen, and the volume you'd get with $1000 would easily be movable in a week.

But then you open a whole other can of worms as far as risk goes.

>> No.824892

WEX looks like it might do something it has high volume but hastn shot up up yet Its volume is +69.9% yet its only risen +1.51%

>> No.824896

>i use a modification of martingale. i have never experienced being unable to meet my target, so far- although I accept that possibility.
>I think

Have you used computer simulation to test your ground-breaking betting system?
Do you have a PHD in mathematics?

Because this is something that people far more intelligent than you have been trying to come up with for years...

>> No.824903


I know that. I researched the probabilities, and the phd guys seemed in approximate agreement.

>> No.824907

If your betting system works so well why THE FUCK are you on /biz/ right now, and trying to get more money off this poor sap?

Get your ass in a real life casino and come out with over $100,000.

>> No.824929

im going to deliver.

tell me what time frame you have, and be honest.

>> No.824952

Ok my email is anondump@protonmail.ch
Btw what will we use for escrow?

>> No.825068

Your posts made me want to wish a /biz/ version of Hotline Miami.

>> No.825108

Stock options. It's earnings season. I made %400 in the last two weeks from netflixes earnings

>> No.825231

So i should invest in netflix?

>> No.825232

Options are a bit more complicated than just buying shares. Look up some info on it.

It's WAY more risky and speculative, and just a step below trading in futures.

Dude, if you're poor enough to be living in government housing, $1000 is a literal fortune. Just save that shit, and go work on bettering your position in life, rather than risking it all in some shitty "risk a grand to potentially make a couple hundred in returns" scheme.

>> No.825240

you would have to have a suicide clause and wait two years for that to cash out.

>> No.825242

lets say Netflix went up 10 dollars how much I would make on one contract of 100?

>> No.825243

I got it
What if i do martingale+binary options?

>> No.825278

Don't gamble your money away. Do you have a job?

>> No.825291

The higher your returns the more risk you will be taking. At the astronomical rate of 25% / week, the risk you'll take is equally astronomical, so expect to lose your money if you find something that fits the bill