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8246867 No.8246867 [Reply] [Original]

what is the best way to show disdain for roasties after making it

>> No.8246890

be gay

>> No.8246892

by ignoring them and not going out of your way to show how much you disdain them by looking for ways to show how much you disdain them

>> No.8246894

Stop giving a fuck about them you beta

>> No.8246893

I don't care what they think.

For some reason dating really young girls bothers them a lot. Also women from other countries.

>> No.8246896

becoming gay

>> No.8246898

Find a good woman and marry her

>> No.8246900
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Become gay.

>> No.8246914

Anon, just let it go.

>> No.8246920

This. When they're still single and desperate for a man, you win.

>> No.8246935

become a girl

>> No.8246947

Why does she look like Jessica Jones

>> No.8246959

go trans, be better looking than them, take their husband/boyfriend

>> No.8247004
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>> No.8247020

>being near niggers

>> No.8247038

pretending to not care about them is not alpha tho
you'll be like those /fit/ gymcels
just start cleaning your room and forget about them

>> No.8247689
File: 266 KB, 1077x1841, roastie btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pump and dump them (the ones that are actually attractive)
They will feel the same pain of dumps as we went through in cyrpo

>> No.8247749

I'm not buying this one.

>> No.8247777

I believe it. That bitch looks trash af, of course you don't have to show her any respect

>> No.8247809
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>> No.8247839

/pol/cucks worship women because they need them to make white babies. You don't understand anything.

>> No.8247853

I would suggest to become gay, but considering your post is not biz related and more like a r9k retarded fantasy I’m pretty sure you already suck dicks

>> No.8247854

Be as toxically masculine as possible because you don't have to worry about your income Taking a hit.

>> No.8248453

Quads confirm

If you make it, do the same thing they do to us autists, string them along. Tease them with your money but never let them get close enough to have it. Never show ANY romantic interest. Do favors on your terms (if she asks for a ride home, say no. You have to offer to give her a ride home)

>> No.8248510

So don't pretend.

>> No.8248699


>> No.8248716

Ignore them and show contempt
Mix and pick the right one out of the bunch.
If she ain't the one, she ain't worth jackshit.

>> No.8248777

Never marry them. Fuck hookers and date younger girls hotter than them. If you do date a roastie, never let them have much money and make it clear you can easily leave them for someone else

>> No.8248805

first post best post like fucking always

>> No.8248861

The funniest thing is. Guys like this think they are alpha. Literally can smell the insecurity through the screen. Do you really think this girl is anything but a waste of time? You think you will find a hot nice gf by talking shit on Tinder to random sloots? Lol fucking idiot KYS.

>> No.8248916
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>> No.8248917

kinda sad how true this is :S

>> No.8248941

This thread:

>> No.8248972

Far too much text that pic fails as a meme.

>> No.8249101

I never claimed I could find a nice qt on tinder you dumb cunt. I like messing with them

>> No.8249214

Fuck off.

>> No.8249687
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a man in his twenties can find someone just as easily as a man in his fifties, age is irrelevant when it comes to men
women have until 27 and thats it, past that you roasties are obsolete and out of the market, enjoy your spinsterhood

>> No.8250229
File: 325 KB, 781x892, don't.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore them entirely

>> No.8250292

this is my fetish

>> No.8250302
File: 95 KB, 664x918, 8380644019_ceb10e8d0c_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gays should be executed.

>> No.8250355

Does she have no arms?

>> No.8250785

That list needs a few more items.

>Don't marry (don't support their asses)
>Don't talk about politics with them
>Buy an egg, get a surrogate mom and become a single dad of five children.
>Don't date local spoiled princesses, date younger and foreign girls.

>> No.8250868


>> No.8251004

Fuck their mothers; treat both like shit.

>> No.8251195

Stay salty you sad little virgin.

>> No.8251242

> ok sweetie lol bye
naaaah sweaty that's when you drop the big guns, there's no coming back from sweaty.

>> No.8251294

They burned in molten lava with the One Ring.

>> No.8251361

>If you make it, do the same thing they do to us autists, string them along.

>> No.8251637
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>> No.8251714
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>> No.8251740

>gays should be executed
>posts homoerotic statues

>> No.8251859

Liberals are the most pathetic cancer on the planet.

>> No.8252071

Fuck them in the ass

>> No.8252270

I agree completely. Only on rare occasions when they step out of line do they need to be ripped. Otherwise ignoring is always the best victory as they are designed to want attention by nature.

>> No.8252317

Get the fuck off this board you MGTOW faggots. You clearly don’t know much about women.

>> No.8252324

Your image is missing aids

>> No.8252473
File: 36 KB, 623x450, 1510933350216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims statue's head which is just a man head is homoerotic
>insinuates the poster is gay

>> No.8252518

>Being a simp

MGTOW hits the nail on the head when it comes to roasties. They really are inferior trash and closer to leeches than humans

>> No.8253206


>> No.8253254

full of cucks in this thread lol

>> No.8253477

I'd love to date a foreign girl with family values but they are pretty hard to meet.

>> No.8253605

Bayer once infected 10,000 people with HIV because they got some tainted pills

>> No.8254036

Bayer is probably the worst laboratory on earth, doesn't surprise me.

>> No.8254115

>doesn't look up the full statues to confirm