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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8243000 No.8243000 [Reply] [Original]

I work as a Australian Industrial Electrician. Today i made more money than any of you cucks will ever make day trading cryptocurrency. Want to know something amazing though? I can hold it in my fucking hand, that's right i can count my dollars right in front of my face. I'm not playing around with pretend coins that don't have any impact on this world.

I started work at 6:00 AM today. I was able to install 3 switchboards each giving me ~3000$ per. I fault found 3 motors ~600$ each for 30 minutes of work. I find problems that dont exist in every single customers business that i enter into. Even if its an old fucking boomer in their 70s who ruined our economy i dont care i take advantage of their stupidity.
>You really need this power factor correction unit!! Your kVA is too high and its costing you money!!!

Even though its completely fine i'll just bill them for a $900 part that was in perfect working condition.
The only way to get ahead in life is to fucking push your way around. So that's right today i made $12,585 Australian dollars. Meanwhile you fucking cucks are investing in digital garbage like "Bitbeans, Internet node tokens, Xtrabytes, and Digibytes" Spamming your fucking cuck memes and losing money..

Why don't you use your brain for a minute and realise that the latest SEC news is going to crash all of your crypto world around you in the next few months. Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme that only profits for the original founders. You will never make as much money as me in the trades because you're too busy failing realizing the only way to get ahead in life is through hard work and ripping people off.

Enjoy staying poor.

>> No.8243109

Enjoy it while you can, Screencap sent to Qld justice, NSW/vic/nt/wa fair trading, I think you over estimated how anonymous you are, I'm pretty sure those departments have significant powers to find your ip address. Then it's your balls in a vice you waste of life.

>> No.8243156

Stay poor faggot

>> No.8243192

ripping people off comes back to you as karma.

nobody gets away with it forever.

you will pay the price.

all is seen by the most high your creator.

take heed.

>> No.8243203

Lol bro, I'm a former D-1 football player, have abs at 6'1" 240 lbs, worked as a bouncer, Did army ROTC in trade school, turning it down for 500k welding job, and I bench somewhere around 420 lbs. I grew up on base and boxed since I was 8. I've got the quickest hands I've ever seen in person from a non professional fighter, especially at my weight. If my gf wants to talk chit I'll let her do it to a point before pulling her away. If some guy gets in her face? I'm either gonna do the responsible thing and get the bouncer or pick him up and slam his phucking neck into the concrete.

What do you weigh… 190 lbs? Bench maybe 275 lbs? Lol. You have no idea what it's like walking around as big and as strong as someone like me. First of all, 95% of men walk in fear of you, and 95% of the other 5% of men are just retarded.

Literally the last 3 altercations I've been in with other males ended with me giving them one back hand slap and knocking them to the ground (I'm terrified of hitting most men and either killing them or putting them into a coma)

Any type of altercation, verbal etc. whether it involves girls I know or guys I know just mildly amuse me as I know I can step in and regulate the situation in a split second if things get serious.

Take your tiny, wanna be, hard pretend phaggot ass elsewhere pussy.

>> No.8243213

>I find problems that dont exist in every single customers business that i enter into.

That just makes you a fucking scumbag. You're no better than a nigger thief. At some point somebody is going to get a second opinion on your bullshitting and you're going to get called the fuck out by a real electrician. I hope you get your license revoked you piece of shit.

t. union electrician that made 6 figures trading BTC in 2014 and now is part owner of a contracting company that doesn't need to scam people like a niggerjew to make tons of cash

>> No.8243223

Please don't report me its just a joke copypasta I dont actually have my own business im too autistic to deal with customers.
Please! I really don't want to get in trouble :(

>> No.8243226
File: 25 KB, 350x449, technoviking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welder 600k

>> No.8243424

This is my favorite copypasta.

>> No.8243440

Fuck off with this weak copypasta

>> No.8243448


>> No.8243452

i am actually an electrician in australia and you aren't getting 3k for a single switchboard

>> No.8243476

crab fisherman here, 1.2m

>> No.8243895

Me too but a leaf, was going to post this.

>> No.8243917

how do you guys do work in the winter, i honestly can't imagine doing half the shit i do in thick coats or gloves

>> No.8243996

The same as the other seasons, just sucks a little more. Thick gloves are a bitch and you will likely rip a nice jacket on the corner of box/panel/whatever every year.

Jesus do people bitch and moan about it though, Canadians are not toughing it out in the cold over here. They whine when it gets to +5 with windchill.
But as side from doing slab work there isn't that much work outside compared to inside.

>> No.8244261
File: 16 KB, 255x248, 1483805950272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


who pays these faggots to post here?

>> No.8244277

>reddit spacing

you need to go back