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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 60 KB, 600x400, DXucfjkVoAANCxW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8239900 No.8239900[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pic related is where I work.
Note the nigger on the wall.

>> No.8239921

I'm an analyst at a law enforcement agency. I help the gang unit lock niggers up lol.

>> No.8239948

would kill myself having to work in a office like that again

did that for 10 years fuck this shit

>> No.8239953

so, not cucked at all it sounds.
do you use racial descriptions for perps, e.g. "suspect is a Black male" or is that not allowed.

>> No.8239973

yeah i did it for 5 years and had a mental breakdown and quit.
it's extremely Fake & Gay.
note in the picture, which is a real picture except for the text i added, that most of the workers are white.

>> No.8240017
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more pictures here:

>> No.8240295
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San Diegan here. I've done business with your company before. Yeah, I'm sorry you have to deal with the white SJWs there.

You do realize you guys charge way too much right? I could get a poo in India to do it for 1/5th the cost, no joke, sure I may have to do a few things extra but it's not that difficult to figure out. Best to look for a better job if you're their "marketer"

>> No.8240372

I work in an injection molding factory.

I get paid $18/hr with to shoot the shit with my coworkers while pushing a button. It's loud, and it's hot, so cucks only last half of a shift before walking out.

>> No.8240426

wew, theres a fine line between qt and hitting the wall :(

this looks fucking unbearable. an autist like me couldnt survive in this type of "company culture" driven job

instead i work in a shed all day crushing and grinding coal

>> No.8240971

>instead i work in a shed all day crushing and grinding coal
me and you both, famalam

>> No.8241002

Which one is OP, guys?

>> No.8241069

Jennifer > Katie > girl in the lower right > guy in the middle > Carli > guy with the gingham shirt

>> No.8241107


>> No.8241113

I’m unemployed with herion addiction, I have other things to worry about. If this is the biggest conflict in your life then good for you faggot, couldn’t last a month in my shoes

>> No.8241124
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This guy has the look of a broken man. Thats OP

>> No.8241126
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>> No.8241133

Work in the food service industry. I'm so cucked. Gotta yessir yesmaam every fat cunt that walks in.

>> No.8241135

Definitely Jeff C

>> No.8241197

bottom right looks like a stacy that would get fucked at a music festival

>> No.8241258

I work in an Atlanta ghetto ER. I even fucked one last week. Huge bitch with a weave that I bet weighed 5 pounds. I was stoned as shit and Ive been in a bad frame of mind lately. I ate her pussy till she screamed. I fucked her for over an hour because I just couldn't get off. Bitch had HUGE toes and she smelled like lotion. I must admit I was surprised at the pussy - plenty of white bitches smelled worse. The ghetto is hell. Atlanta is the fucking American congo. That nigger bitch thinks I am a white god. Pussy was good however it could have been the best piece of ass in the world x 2 and I still wouldnt take her home to mother. There is no hope we are all doomed.

>> No.8241281


>> No.8241287

aren't those the retards who had that hilarious job interview video that was posted on /pol/? it was this huge room with hundreds of job applicants all clapping while a conga line of stacys were running around saying some gay ass SHABOOYA HA HA SHABOOYA thing

>> No.8241293

good thing i'm not a dumb nigger who would get hooked on heroin then.

>> No.8241303

For those who want something different, night shifts often attract a different kind of person. You might feel more in your place there than with people who work during the day.

Cultural appropriation. I hope they're proud of themselves.

>> No.8241322

Get clean, stop heroin and other drugs. It's though, but it can be done, and you'll feel better after, trust me.

>> No.8241365


>> No.8241379

lol i just quit smoking 2 months ago and felt like a bitch couldnt imagine heroin withdrawals

>> No.8241421

I used to work at a research institute that had a giant 15 foot tall poster of ole' Nelson "Necklacer" Mandela in the entrance, with some gay quote about impossibilities.

>> No.8241458

lol OP posts his workplace

4chan realizes they have a full listing of all workers

>4 posts by this id

>> No.8241467

I work whenever I want out of my car. When forced to go to the home office I notice some asians, one Mexican, zero blacks, a handful of Jews with top floor offices, and I'd say workforce is overall 15-20% female. These days, not bad

>> No.8241516

I'd normally pick Katie B but dropped the idea once I read Arizona State. Miles of cock

>> No.8241542


>> No.8241706

is that trevon's wife in the top middle?

>> No.8241708

I dropped a 5 year, 2g/day habit in 2012 and haven't looked back. Tried NA/AA but couldn't deal with the cult like nature of the program, but it absolutely helped me through the first few months. Look into a Suboxone program with a reputable doctor who recommends a decent taper-- there are lots of scumbags who want to hook you on subs and keep you paying $250-400 a month for their scrips. Find help to get through the physical wds and once you're through that, work on repairing your life so that you end up not having any reason to go back to smack. I went from very near death to starting my own business in just over a year. Dope isn't even an afterthought for me now, and I have built a successful life for myself. It can be done, but you have to truly want it. If you aren't ready to quit, you never will. Stay safe, Anon. Good luck.

>> No.8241819

>workplace involves my bed with a tv for netflix/youtube background watching

you niggers will never understand

>> No.8241853
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>just look her in the eyes, take charge, and be yourself bro

I think it has to be kiernan h, with very small chance of tony hawk's lovechild Jeff C. Kiernan H. is the only one whose bio fits the /biz/ profile.
I'm sorry you have to work there OP, it looks terrible

>> No.8241912


Glad to know I'm not the only San Diegan on this board.

>> No.8242304

Mohammad Ali was very redpilled actually.

>> No.8242325

top left and bottom mid are the only human looking ones. The rest smell S J W from a mile away

>> No.8242335

That's some depressing shit. Also cringe as fuck with duh nigga on duh wall and the grass haha americuh is a fucking fag country. happy i'm not a dumb loser americunt like you fags. working for duh jews so duh jews can afford child prostitutes and bombing civilians in the middle east.

>> No.8242363


Just moved to SD last Fall. Looking for a career change. Is there any way I can get a tech job here without connections or degree ?
I have some experience in Python, JS & C++ from back in Europe. I've been hitting hackathons and meetups to try and meet people but no luck so far.
Entry level is fine. Willing to work hard.

>> No.8242386
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>john now enjoys spearfishing bla bla

whenever I read this shit I just picture them going on a paid guided tour ONCE and then say shit like "I go spear fishing" fucking normies

>> No.8242388

i fucking hate that open office shit

cant do anything without people in your shit

>> No.8242412

this, I'm a pleb financial sales guy but god damn at least I have a sound proof office with a heavy metal locking door.

>> No.8242424

le 56% face is real.
/pol/ is always right.

yeah i know they overcharge, to pay for the token wimmenz and bloated upper management. doesn't matter, i no longer work there. sorry if you got overbilled or lacked service.

>> No.8242434

It's brian for sure, just read the description, they're passively aggressively negging him and hes the last on the list

"Born and raised a Jayhawk, Brian graduated from the University of Kansas in 2010 before moving to sunny San Diego in February of 2014. Comparatively speaking to most of his co-workers, he is fairly new to the SEO game, but has enjoyed learning the nuances of the business. Writing is his passion in all aspects of life, and he feels very lucky to be getting paid to do something he loves. Other than skinny-skiing and going to bull fights on acid, Brian’s hobbies include making obscure movie references, sports, educating his coworkers on Midwest geography (there’s two Kansas City’s) and pontificating about the deliciousness of KC BBQ (it’s the best you’ll ever have)."

>> No.8242444

lel, that guy actually died, randomly, in his 20's. i'm not joking. all that "positivity" at the work place didn't do him any good. fucking died at the wheel of his car for no reason.
sauce: http://www.sanluisobispo.com/news/local/community/cambrian/article93478342.html

>> No.8242459
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Very. Fortune 500s are all about not getting sued/fined so they push the Marxist shit hard as fuck. Every single goddamned coworker I get to know is pissed they are forced to put on a mask and sing along to this bullshit. Our entire workforce is putting on a huge show to appease like 17 assholes that can't figure out what bathroom to use.

Basically, they are just breeding workforce contempt and killing employee loyalty on a massive scale because some shitfuck in HR needed to justify their existence and give engineers training on workplace inclusion and the importance of diversity. Everyone knows its bullshit, even HR. When does this charade end?

>> No.8242474

...and nothing of value was lost

>> No.8242483

autistic neets get buttmad about comfy high paying office jobs ITT

>> No.8242501

there's a lot of gaming companies in north county area as well as downtown, what exactly are you looking for, sounds like you're open for anything. just look around, see what other fags similarly qualified are working at via linkedin, indeed, craigslist, etc. those are the main places to apply. if you want to get into defense industry there's that too. OP is referencing internet marketing company. and as you can see they're a bunch of fags so if you can tolerate that then that's up to you. just gotta drink the fakeass corporate Koolaid to get the bi-weekly paychecks.

>> No.8242512
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>thinking im a polfag nazi and didnt screen shot this thread and send it to your employer

>> No.8242533


I might if I ask around shoot me an email on my throwaway


>> No.8242544

Easy way to identify normies is if they value social capital over actual interests.

I work more or less alone in a medical psych practice. I get to meet interesting people from many walks of life. Politics cannot and do not play a role. It's nice.

>> No.8242546

go for it fag i don't give a fuck

>> No.8242574

doesn't matter, he was still a nigger.
>hurr durr i'm suddenly muslim now so i can't go to vietnam to die for the jews
smart move but at the end of the day, gene matter. i don't care how "redpilled" Ali was, i wouldn't want his kids anywhere near my kids.

>> No.8242634

>inb4 everyone thinks it is a guy but is actually a woman

>> No.8242664
File: 55 KB, 217x190, 1463817887877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i hated my job, and quit
>i was told to be tow the line, but refused
>i absolutely hate black people
>i am absolutely racist
>i am creative
>i am doer
>i am productive

>> No.8242669

speaking of not working in a cuck-place how does one find those people with money willing to trade if for a human gamble

>> No.8242790

thanks for the tips. would actually love to work for the defense industry. sounds a lot less cucked than SEO/marketing too. But being a non-US citizen might kill my chances... Any companies you'd recommend looking into? Booz sounds interesting.

>> No.8242804
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>get called up to the Boss' office
>"Your work is great and all but you're not connecting well with the other employees, you need to leave your bubble and talk to them, share a little about yourself, they're all great people and they want to know you"

Jesus fuck just let me earn my fucking paycheck and head home. No one has to know I spend my nights and weekends masturbating to hentai and trading shitcoins.

>> No.8242835

This is why I hate being employed.

Nothing wrong with the work and putting your head down so the day goes quicker. But why the fuck do i have to interact with a bunch of idiots i dont like.

>> No.8242844

yep, i know that feel all too well.
the company outings, happy hour, and forced charity work is especially annoying. i'm dead serious, they make you do stupid shit like go help out at the local foodbank and then take photos to post on their social media to show they are "giving back to the community". this is why tech companies in the usa are slowly dying...

>> No.8242873

They are dying because Pajeet will do the job for 1/5th the cost.

>> No.8242904

The company didn't take his photo off the website? Cold.

>> No.8242905

>passion for SEO
stopped there

>> No.8242936

I worked in a factory before. Most people don't last long in these kinds of jobs.

>> No.8242957

White men used to work the same factory jobs for decades on end.

Then the gates to the 3rd world opened and now its high staff turn overs and shit wages.

>> No.8242961
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I live in the same place. San Diego is awesome but it's not worth the money, crowds (you know who I mean) and traffic to live here. We have too many fucking transplants it's making me consider moving somewhere comfier

>> No.8242978

Why not? It's hard? The other anon said he just presses a button...

>> No.8243043

Based on what you tell us about yourself, I would love to connect with you Anon.

>> No.8243089

I feel you, I don't understand why normans are so obsessed with social interaction...especially in the workplace.

>> No.8243091

Yeah, the transplants from south of the border are terrible.

>> No.8243095

>we have too many transplants
>let me move somewhere else and be a transplant

>> No.8243104

>Easy way to identify normies is if they value social capital over actual interests.
Elaborate please.

>> No.8243116

Katie B. would get the dicking and that faggot Harry Styles Sr. would watch.

>> No.8243128

>Hanging a picture of a black nationalist that hates racemixing and names the jew
Bretty good, actually.

>> No.8243165


Depends on the type of work that's done. At the place I used to work at, the workers are assigned to different "lines" on a rotating basis where different products are produced. We had to inspect and pack products in boxes at rapid speed.

>> No.8243182

yep, it's pretty obvious what happened after the 1980's in the USA and similar First World English speaking countries:
>more and more weaker people, women and shitskins in manuf. jobs demanding higher pay, more benefits, etc. which raises cost of labor for factory owners & corps. also factor in the minimum wage laws.
>corps and factory owners move manufacturing plants and jobs all over to china, india, mexico for lower cost labor (pennies per hour versus tens of dollars)
>finance industry, sales industry and attorney/medical field all grow, as well as growth in bureaucratic fields like university/college professors, administrators, school teachers, etc. means fewer people going to work in farming, manufacturing jobs, labor.
>more uncontrolled immigration into usa means unskilled labor is plentiful, so previous middle-class people must adapt and go to service-industry jobs.
>people who made right decisions/investments became wealthy and start buying up all the real estate, even in arid places like Nevada, thus driving further price bubble and further decreasing likelihood of factories built due to cost of land and higher cost of living.
>fast forward today, if you're in your 20-30's you're facing more competitive job market even if you're professional (due to pajeets and chinks coming in for jobs), you're facing higher cost of education, higher debt, higher rent, etc. the only thing that isn't skyrocketing in cost is entertainment goods/services/tech due to cheap chinese gadgets flowing in, and food cost is relatively stable if you can cook for yourself and budget.

the whole system is quite fucked if you weren't born rich or had a huge boost. companies now look to hire minorities ahead of whites because they want to look progressive and have a token ___ in every department, even if that person doesn't know what the fuck they're doing. nigs are given Ph.Ds. for doing university level algebra in their thesis. it's a house of cards, that's why crypto is up

>> No.8243212

Basically the supply of employees is much greater than the demand, I'm sure feminism didn't help either, women working doubled the supply of employees, which is why wages have been stagnant for decades

>> No.8243249

having said all that, i still accept personal responsibility for taking on the level of debt i did.
it was my decision to go to an expensive public university rather than just a cal state or community college.
it was my choice to let my mom pressure me into buying a *NEW* car using debt, instead of buying a used car in cash.
it was MY personal choice to take on more and more debt (credit card cash advances at higher interest %) so that i can gamble and try to make more money to offset my high living costs and debt.
it was MY choice not to budget, and to be wasteful in my 20's.

so at the end of the day, even if the system is fucked, if you're still young and conscious about what you're doing, and you're frugal about your expenses and you don't overpay for stupid shit like a University degree or a new car, you can live a fairly chill existence with little to no debt.

if you're in the 16-22 age range right now, and you are reading this, i highly suggest you think carefully any time you consider taking on debt. it is the single biggest worry on everyone's mind. in fact, most suicides happen due to financial reasons.

p.s. this is all relevant to /biz/ i am not just writing my personal blog here.

>> No.8243275

when trump wins again and all the sjws off themselves en mass

>> No.8243287

What do you guys think of Security Guard jobs? Some people tell me they get paid to do absolutely nothing.

>> No.8243305

yeah it's been said more eloquently elsewhere but basically the stats show that profits for corps/owners and pay for CEOs has been skyrocketing, but wages have been flat for the past few decades.

then you factor in the -92% decline in purchasing power of the dollar, and rising cost of living (high rent, mandatory health insurance, mandatory car ins. etc etc) and you see why people gamble a lot (at casinos, with stocks, and now with crypto) to try to make more.

also i read somewhere that because wages have been stagnant, but people have been exposed to a constant stream of advertising (tv, radio, movie product placement, magazines, and now internet), the way the average consumer has to try to keep up with all their wants and desires is to take out debt.

so you see lots of normies get rekt from taking out car loans, home mortgages for big fancy houses, loans to buy the new shiny smartphone, best buy credit card to buy new *curved* HD 4K Ultra LCD screen.

i won't even get into the nig/immigrant issue but obviously that puts pressure on people due to the crime and higher taxation to support those useless fuckers.

>> No.8243316

yeah looks like one of the easiest jobs out there, but you need to get certification(s), should look into it. i've never seen a security job have a hard time or look tired doing his job. they've all looked extremely relaxed. like, on vacation relaxed.

>> No.8243333

Sometimes I am so glad I'm autist because things like social gatherings, big homes, cars etc never interested me at all, so I have a lot of money saved up and live a minimalist stress free life.

>> No.8243343

Yeah, especially overnight shift, they tell me they spend the evenings watching movies or surfing the internet.

>> No.8243425

I start work with a fortune 500 bank in the UK in summer.

I really hope there isn't as strong an SJW work culture there as the states has.

My cousin's friend works in the same office in networking and said the work culture is good and everyone I've talked to so far from HR to director's hasn't given off any sjw vibe yet.

>> No.8243562

Definitely this.

>bull fights on acid
Who is on acid in this scenario? Brian? The bulls? Everybody? How does a bull under LSD reacts?

>> No.8243605
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my workplace is my bedroom in my mom's house
no roasties/minorities/anyone allowed

get rekt wagecucks

>> No.8243620

How do you make money?

>> No.8243643
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>he enriches (((them))) by participating in the world economy ponzi scheme
I knew you guys were dumb but this is next level

>> No.8243665

Surely you can't stay NEET forever?

>> No.8243688

Have you thought about the future? Your parents won't live forever. Your non-NEET sibilings might get sick of taking care of you.

>> No.8243781

its definitely one of those jobs where it's like 300-350 days of chill, low-stress walking around, being bored but pretending to be alert, taking photos to prove you've patrolled a spot, and filling out paper work. nowadays, there's so many spics/nigs that even Whole Foods and Target have had to hire a dedicated security guard to prevent shoplifting. and of course there's always the security guard at any commercial building, electronic store, etc. Just look up the requirements and certs if you're interested.

maybe once in a while, probably 10 days out of the year, spread out randomly, in which you actually encounter a criminal. almost every place i've lived in the USA has had tight security, but when i visited Europe they looked very sparse with their security guard situation.

>> No.8243800

what part of uk, if its london you're probably going to encounter the usual plastic fake&gay always smile always be overly nice sort of environment.
don't get me wrong, i'm not against being polite and nice. i just hate it when it's forced to such a fake level.

>> No.8243806

I'm surprised it isn't more popular, maybe because the pay is dead end? For autists like me with very low economic footprint it sounds like a dreamjob

>> No.8243809
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I'm just joshing you guys. But I did save up a decade worth of frugal income, and I intend on using the decade to find a 100% comfy business model/occupation.

>> No.8243832

If Asuka was 3d she would be 10/10, perfect specimen

>> No.8243838

> when i visited Europe they looked very sparse with their security guard

Because Europeans are not completely paranoid? I know crime is probably worse here than in Europe, but Americans care so much about their safety it's insane.

>> No.8243847

i don't know for sure, but i think in general men want jobs that have some level of status or advancement potential, or something they can be proud of, passionate about. so security job is seen on the low-end similar to working retail. of course, there are tons of men who work retail, food service, waiters, cooks, security, bank teller, etc etc but they do so because that's where they are in life at that time and they think that's the only type of job they can get to survive based on their education level or lack of experience.

every time i'm at the grocery store and i see men doing various jobs, whether it's stocking or gathering carts, i can't comprehend myself doing that, or why they would stick to it.

personally, i would have no problem being a security guard, i don't see it as lowly or anything, but i do see working at mcdonalds, or being a grocery cashier, to be lowly and embarrassing jobs i would not want to do.

>> No.8243879

Do they pump xanax through the air conditioning ?
That pic is cult-tier.

>> No.8243884

lel, you should've seen Paris right after the charlie hebdo shooting, there were military troops all over the place carrying assault rifles. i don't know what it's like now, but i'm guessing it has calmed down a lot, and there aren't enough security guards, that's why NorthWestern european gris are getting RAYYPEED so much, either that or they're allowing themselves to be rayped.

given your unchecked immigration, borders and feral population of africans/muslims, i think it would be logical for you fuckers to be paranoid at this stage.
amerifats care about safety, and yet we still have major chimpouts at least once every 1-3 months. i can tell you right now, any public mall will have security "mall cops" walking around or on those gay segway scooters. this is true for the outdoor shopping center that i live near. and it's also true for major spots like Santa Monica 3rd st. promenade. you can't even smoke without some sec. guard catching you.

>> No.8243900

The law office where I work has godfather and scarface posters on the wall. But for the rest its quite classy.

>> No.8243906
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That's what caucasian(I assume)-american, german and japanese genes get you. I love how biz is almost exclusively asukafags, there's potential for a personality study there. This thread is actually interesting so I'm done shitting on it, sorry.

>> No.8243908

>in general men want jobs that have some level of status or advancement potential
Yep, norman men want this...although I admit working in low level customer service like retail or Mcburger would be a nightmare because of all the normans you have to deal with. I use to work in retail a long time ago and I noticed that when given the chance, normans like to feel superior over those with "low status" such as retail workers...autists like myself were actually much more pleasant to deal with...simply because I didn't have to deal with any

>> No.8243925

It's not London thankfully, in Scotland. I've met a qt soft spoken English HR who worked in London and relocated up here in some startup and said the work culture down in the capital was a bleak hell.

So many English have relocated up North here, especially the cities they're like fucking Mexicans the way they flood the jobs market.

>> No.8243961
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>> No.8243971

yep, same here. out of all the "low-skill" jobs i can think of, security guard sounds like the best because you get to work alone, you are basically just following a patrol path.
this is why whenver there's a "mass shooting" in the usa, i am baffled, because every place i've ever gone to has had fairly decent security...like i said, even my local whole foods.

so long story short, as long as society slowly crumbles and more undesirable criminal-type immigrants are let into your country, at least you know there's job security....in being a security guard. just gotta get the certs.

the only other job i can think of where you get to work alone is truck driver, and that's high paying...but again, you need special license and training.
i have a fairly useless college degree so i'm just looking for something chill that i can do outdoors as i like fresh air and sun. but night jobs would also be great as i also tend to be awake until 3-4am.

>> No.8243976

ah, Scotland should be very nice.

>> No.8243984

Security guards in America are unarmed, plus even an autist like me would not risk his life getting payed near minimum wage.

>> No.8243995


> I’m not a racist
> Literally everyone in the picture is white

What did they mean by this?

Not even a token pajeet code monkey or a math ninja asian.

>> No.8243997

>He suffered a pulmonary embolism while driving his car in San Diego

pulmonary embolism:

>Other risk factors

>Smoking. For reasons that aren't well-understood, tobacco use predisposes some people to blood clot formation, especially when combined with other risk factors.
>Being overweight. Excess weight increases the risk of blood clots — particularly in women who smoke or have high blood pressure.
>Supplemental estrogen. The estrogen in birth control pills and in hormone replacement therapy can increase clotting factors in your blood, especially if you smoke or are overweight.
>Pregnancy. The weight of the baby pressing on veins in the pelvis can slow blood return from the legs. Clots are more likely to form when blood slows or pools.

Did he get a serious injury or something? I hate how news articles don't say because it might "offend" the family. Nigger, if I died, even if it were from jacking off to anime, I don't care if the world knew.

>> No.8244021
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so glad im not a wage cuck. I honestly feel like driving by there and pointing and laughing at all of you

>> No.8244025

>Other risk factors
>Supplemental estrogen.

It's the soy friendo. The memes are real

>> No.8244030

>hey guyz western civilization is going down the drain, fuck these cucks maga amirite
>me? oh, i work in a turbo progressive san francisco startup. gotta pay the bills ;)
spineless fags like op are why the world is what it is
there's always choices in life, when you decide to value your immediate personal comfort and don't like the resulting society your behavior times a hundred millions helped build, the cuck is you

>> No.8244033

yeah i understand that they're unarmed, but they can still prevent things from happening, either by tackling someone, or using a taser, etc.
it's been ~15 years since i finished high school and i still remember there being lots of guards around, constantly checking entrances/exits. no one would be able to just walk into my old high school, they would be stopped and questioned at least. now, if the person had a gun, then sure, they'd just shoot the security guard. so at the end of the day, even if the sec. guard does nothing, he can still die. this is a common trope in movies (the first matrix, and also when bane takes over the stock exchange).

p.s. i believe they get paid $2-3 above minimum wage.

>> No.8244034

I hear that normans now wish to fire those that don't wish to partake? If true, this is heresy.

>> No.8244048

hey, you're not wrong.
i could've chosen a more masculine career path, or just join the navy/airforce/military after high school, but i took the cucked path and ended up in a 9-6 air conditioned office, surrounded by yammering retards talking about current events, the latest game of thrones episode, and their personal lives all day long. so i quit and now i'm doing jackshit.

>> No.8244049

Security guards that get physical can face serious lawsuits or even jailtime...I've heard of many cases of this.

>> No.8244072

where have you been in 2017? any non-retarded NEET used 10k+ of their savings and either became a millionaire (for 2016- fags) or has comfortable 6 figures (2017+)

>> No.8244081

The guy is clearly not a soyboy. But yes, this does kill trannies, I was surprised Mayo clinic had it in there but I guess it's 2018 so even they need to include it.

>> No.8244085

I was around 4chan for a while but always thought crypto was a ponzi scheme so I never invested any amount of money.

>> No.8244102

Regardless if your career is "masculine" or not, you're getting cucked either way.

Here's a most obvious example: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2015/04/22/army-to-review-decision-to-have-male-cadets-wear-high-heels/?utm_term=.26d98101683b
But you're typically getting cucked in less obvious ways, mostly by being brainwashed if you go in young, or by dying/getting permanent damage (lost limbs, PTSD, etc) in a conflict.

>> No.8244103
File: 438 KB, 850x469, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they could get in trouble if they fire you for that specific reason (not wanting to participate in company events)....but they could always make some excuse for letting you go because you don't "fit in with the company culture" and they basically take the risk that you will or will not sue them for wrongful termination.

either way, they *want* you to participate in these stupid events. they even have it in their job listing as one of the perks.

most if not all these wannabe internet/tech companies present themselves as "fun places to work" because they think that's the standard set forth by google. but they all end up looking the same, and wasting a lot of time/energy that could be used towards actually doing great work (which they don't).

another example:

>> No.8244110
File: 40 KB, 600x615, soyboy classic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a rare soyboy. Saved.
Got a classic soyboy in return.

We need a soyboy crytpokitties style token.

>> No.8244120

I honestly don't understand normans, why do they do things of this nature, I'm lucky that in my past jobs I either had no coworkers or they were autist like me, I never even knew their names.

>> No.8244142

yea i agree, which is why i didn't go that route...i was aware even in my teens about the fact that us military are sent to go die in some fucked up desert fighting "terrorists". the only difference now is that i understand they're doing it to support israel/zog/saudi oil interests.

look, no matter what job you do, you're cucked. the only non-cucked job is basically trading assets/coins on your own, or being some slick gambler, which most people fail at.

the only non-cucked position is to be at the top of the food chain, so: become a CEO or own your own business. but then you're still gonna get fucked over by taxes and you're at the behest of the fedgov unless you learn how to play the Game even at a higher level and start to manipulate politicians through bribery/blackmail to make them do what you want.

>> No.8244148

Just don't leave all that money saved up at a bank. Keep some diversified in cash money of various denominations, gold/silver to hedge, land and equities along with food, water, guns, bullets, medical supplies and seeds.

>> No.8244163

hahaha, this "agency" is named Cuker:


>> No.8244185

i recall looking into it briefly and could not find anything either. he was younger than me, like 24 or 26, and was also an athlete in hs/college. so it's weird he died of this. i don't think he was a smoker.

i smoke, drink vodka, jack off every day, and i have never had any blood-clot type health scares. so maybe this guy died because of genetics or faggotry. just the fakeness and gayness of having to work at this place finally killed him.

>> No.8244191

>the only non-cucked position is to be at the top of the food chain, so: become a CEO or own your own business. but then you're still gonna get fucked over by taxes and you're at the behest of the fedgov unless you learn how to play the Game even at a higher level and start to manipulate politicians through bribery/blackmail to make them do what you want.
That's a lot of effort, and that's hardly top of the food chain. If anything at that position you have the potential to make more bang out of your time. In the end we're all paying tribute to the government. Doesn't that make criminals the only truly free people?

Now that you've quit wageslaving, what are you planning on doing (or already doing)? I'm in the same boat as of last week.

>> No.8244196

I'm filling a spot as a network engineer. I met with my intermediary company because they're a contracting group that sells IT services. I got the job easily at the customer site and visited my parent company. 90% women, talked with her and one of the last things she mentions to me is how it's awesome women are filling up the workplace now and all that. I mean I'm glad woman aren't being beaten by their husbands, but my main concern is now the bias being held against men elsewhere. It will be stopped eventually because the jews are alien souls that will be defeated. The reptillian fucks that damaged our societies, our homes, our water and food supply, the media. Everything. Black people are cool folks and grew up around many races, but man how the media has been trying to influence them so badly it's depressing.

>> No.8244215

I just put the money into Vanguard S@P 500 index fund.

>> No.8244220

there's nothing to understand. they're empty-headed zombies just copying what others are doing. when i talk to my sister, who by the way is a liberal democrat and voted for hillary, it's like talking to a robot. i don't sense any sort of individual spirit or unique mind inside, no thoughts of her own. she just goes to work, goes home, gets programmed by CNN, agrees, and repeats what she sees from TV, movies, magazines, coworker gossip.

there really is...nothing there. so the way i approach "other people" now is, i just don't care. i don't consider normalfags to be real or sentient. i stay out of their way and i maneuver so that if they are about to get in my way, i avoid them. that's it.

just find what you enjoy doing, and go do that. who cares about the normans. try having a convo with them and you'll see it's pointless.

>> No.8244269

Fucking this. I'm a live and let live sort of guy, but even I can understand that the rampant immigration/sovereign debt/rothchild conspiracy is all related and a lot of people will be on the wrong side and will suffer and die before it's over. That is if we don't somehow fall into facism from sheer collective anger and NWO caligula wannabes use the situation to take over so they can literally rape the planet and everything like sadistic locusts.

>> No.8244273

to be completely honest and without getting into details, i've been bumming it with my parents. and i just trade, sell stuff on ebay/CL, did some temp projects, stuff like that.

if you need some small pocket change, look for "Content Writing" jobs, which you can do anywhere.

>> No.8244290
File: 128 KB, 530x800, Father.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly friend, We don't want the locusts at all. That only hurts the planet even more than she can handle. We will win this fight 1 day at a time!

>> No.8244295

Diversify or else you'll find that the bank and/or brokers will use all your money to 'bail-in' your tax dollars to send more immigrants to invade our countries. Couple that with an economic depression and you won't have a backup.

>> No.8244302
File: 68 KB, 759x485, fetaq234f3t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open spaces looks like a fucking nightmare to work in. Literally sweatshop tier

>> No.8244305

I kind of have the same mentality, although I don't think I'm any better than normans since all I do is shitpost and watch hentai.

>> No.8244317

look, even if YOU don't have a problem with women and blacks, there's a good chance that eventually, THEY will have a problem with you. either that, or they will just make the work environment too noisy, unfocused, unprofessional and basically a pain in the ass. if you're strong and cold and logical, you can deal with it, but if you're an emotional perfectionist like me, and you need to be left alone in a relatively quiet workspace, then it'll be a problem. one of the main reasons i quit my last job was because the women and 1 black guy were constantly talking in the background, and it was a small office, so all of that chatter was making it hard for me to do my job, which involved talking to clients in weekly conference calls.

i wish all the best of luck to you. maybe things will work out. i don't know. i don't hate all blacks, but i think this culture of worshiping women and blacks simply because they are "minorities" is going to end badly...people should be rewarded for their skills and merits, not their status as a woman or their "oppressed" group identity.

>> No.8244318

I'm a brainlet when it comes to investing though, I just figured a Vanguard index fund is a safe bet.

>> No.8244335

This never gets old

>> No.8244338

>trading shitcoins

How down are you since December, percentage wise? We're talking sats.

>> No.8244361

it's "safe" during periods of low volatility, but if downside volatility kicks up, it will go down, because it's an average of many stocks isn't it?

so even though you are safe from 1-2 stocks pulling the whole index down, what can happen as we saw recently is that the entire market is red and thus the index fund would be in the red.

what you should look into is see what's in the portfolio of that index fund, and how they weight their positions. like if they have a lot riding on Apple, and apple drops 5%, well...

i mean, the biggest stocks in the US right now are, what, Amazon, Apple, Exxon, etc. which are near or coming down off their ath.

>> No.8244389

I agree that in a world of true workplace equality, people are based off their merit, professional work experience, critical reasoning skills. Not the victim group they belong to or the quota IE google does where they can only hire a certain amount per race/disability.
Unfortunately, they will not do away with this for some time. The people will eventually and hopefully not too late, wake up to this issue and rectify it.
I hope it goes well at your new job, if you run into a situation where noise is an issue, I would politely ask them to be quiet and if that fails, raise it with your boss or file a complaint. Hopefully your company like to retain talent, my old employer kept trying to be a badass saying that they could easily replace us, but as soon as I left they wanted to bring me back on with a $7 pay raise to which I prompted them to fuck off

>> No.8244420

Would bonds be a good hedge against this?

>> No.8244434

>getting some physical gold/siver minted coins that you buy with cash to avoid a paper trail is really hard
I'm not talking investing so much as hedging. If you take at least one thing from this, buy a small amount of PMs for a rainy day. If it turns out to be a hurricane, you have a bit of leverage and during the early stages of SHTF before a full on collapse, you might have the leverage to buy some supplies.

>> No.8244446

That sounds quite dope, I hope you're happy.

I wouldn't call them brainless zombies, but their brain is definitely not very active, at least not when figuring out their opinions. The problem isn't CNN, it's the way they were raised. Hollywood and cartoons (capeshit specifically) portray conflicts as simple black/white situations where the only real problem is the strength of the good guys. Later on CNN shows them the good guys, they affirm each other, and in the end of the day, ironically, they're a herd of the least diverse minds out there. Maybe I'm naive but there's got to be some course of actions, probably in the memetic field, that can awaken them. Collectivism is a plague.

>> No.8244454

I work at a restaurant. And it’s actually based as fuck. Tonight towards closing time while my boss and I were cleaning he put on his make America great again hat and we just looked at each other and I smiled the biggest shit eating grin I’ve ever smiled and he smiled back and we both silently kept on working knowing that our guy is ruining the globalists as we speak. It was beautiful and transcendent all at the same time.

>> No.8244455

what the fuck why is he still listed on their website

>> No.8244497

>>>8242835 >>8242844 >>8243043 >>8243089 >>8244338
It's called networking

>> No.8244627


My fucking god. "Fully embraced the California free spirit", AKA "The California Cock caroussel". It must be a nightmare to work in a place like that. Full of roasties, niggerlove philosophies and a pussified envirnoment.
Run like hell OP, don't be a faggot.

>> No.8244678

It's not hard on paper

In reality it's mentally demanding as you are repeatedly doing the same process

Also there is a high chance your manager will be an idle faggot that thinks he can do anything to anyone.

Other floor staff are usually nice but are also wage slaves

>> No.8244721

Forcing people to network is for faggots. Networking on your own volition, fine and can be good. But Jesus having some cucked faggit tell me I “need,” to get to know all the roasties in HR because they feel slighted by me for not talking to them is peak toxic female corporate culture. I’d rather be a trash man for a living than interact with those cunts.

>> No.8244740

>networking with people in your own company
how is that going to benefit you?
the bosses concern here is that the employee in question doesn't seem to fit with the rest, making others a bit anxious around him. If other people are working with him in the same office it kind of kills the normie vibes.

>> No.8244749

when you leave or they leave they can hire you or you can hire them or give you a referral to their next job

>> No.8244820

the dead guy is still on their fb page too, the top central post:
facebook dot com slash highrankwebsites

>> No.8244828
File: 37 KB, 750x403, Dead eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work as a sound & lighting technician, mostly in business conferences and company team building days and whatnot. I have the "privilege" of watching you cucks as an outsider, and it's quite tragic to see mentally broken wagies putting on a plastic smile and forced to (((network))) and sing to thier company's tune or whatever meme thier boss is currently infatuated with. I watch and a laugh at you normies while shitposting and trading from my comfy stand behind the mixing board.

>> No.8244830

>Normies ever leaving to start their own business

>Normies quitting their secured job to work for a starting business

Wouldn't those be made by your boss and people you directly worked with? Why bother talking with people who aren't part of the workflow you're a part of? If you're getting hired on the merits of being a social funny dude, (and you're in this thread being sulky about wagecucking) then you're going to a bad place.

>> No.8244831

My boss used to shake like a Parkinson's sufferer when she talked to anyone. But I guess taking over a shit show will give anyone crippling anxiety

>> No.8244847

>doesn't matter, he was still a nigger.

that's so fucking redpilled my fellow kekistani

>> No.8244865

>S-sorry Anon, there's only place for 1 mentally c-crippled individual in this cast

>> No.8244900

"Kill me pls"

>> No.8244914

no, your ex colleague who moved to goldman could help forward your resume to HR for you

>> No.8244921


>> No.8245036

its like rewarding all the children who participated in running because it's "fair". fuck no you are 1st, 2nd or 3rd to get a reward else gtfo. the world has gone to shit

>> No.8245100

Oh fuck...
Seriously just nuke this planet. We need to start fresh.