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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 233x175, jobinterview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
82377 No.82377[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Explain these job gaps on your resume

>> No.82398

I freelanced and did odd jobs during those periods

>> No.82405

"There are jobs on my resume?"

>> No.82409

I was self-employed.

>> No.82455

Explain why you can do your job better than I can do your job.

>> No.82458

No, you explain why I should work for you and not take my talents South Beach.

>> No.82481
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I was making $300k per year investing in any stocks I wanted.

>> No.82513

Well that would be the same explanation for the warts on my cock.

>> No.82515

I was having sex with your mother.

>> No.82585

>can you show us your portfolio?
>since that is the case why are you applying to this mid level career?

>> No.82590

Did some study on my own, so my competence is up to date. It's true, i promise...

>> No.82653

Those are the points in between the jobs I held. Y'know, the jobs, the "EXPERIENCE" that you hold in such high regard. The gaps were in between. IE they're none of your fucking business. Fuck.

>> No.82701

Caring for my ailing grandfather during his losing battle to stage 9 ovarian cancer.

>> No.82744

Sat on my ass and collected $1800/month in unemployment for 2 years

>> No.82887

I was faking a mental disfunction to watch chinese cartoons and play videogames all day

>> No.82935

I was taking care of my sick grandmother, now passed

>> No.82958

"Back in my younger days I was steeped in my salesmanship ability in clothing retail."

>> No.82959

This is where you gotsta flip it on em. Act like having time off for periods is nothing to be ashamed of, because protip: it's not. Don't even try to "defend" yourself.

>> No.82995

I was afflicted with an acute case of Adult Onset Autism. Collected assburger-bucks until they invented a cure.

>> No.83090


>> No.83098
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"h..have you heard of 4chan?"

>> No.83106

I was fucking a supermodel.

>> No.83133

would these really work? srs

are you sure?

>> No.83125


>> No.83139

he's talking about "Gap" as in the clothing store

it's a play on words

>> No.83140

I had affluenza

>> No.83152

>ovarian cancer.


>> No.83165

"i was 2 buzy bangin ur mum to work"

>tfw ur hired for being bold

>> No.83191


Yea, why do the hirers care so much about gaps

>> No.83214


>> No.83217
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Let's take it back,

back to the Gap.

Look at my check,

--wasn't worth scratch.

so if i stole wasn't my fault!

Yeah, I stole, never got caught.

>> No.83219

question. If you get diagnosed for autism just for the bux, are you ever able to get undiagnosed?

>> No.83240

lol exactly.

>those people laughin in the movie theater

>> No.83246

good question

I bet /r9k/, /a/, /v/, or /jp/ would know this

>> No.83267

I was in school, learning how to make YOUR company money and adding value to your business.

Fucking Schmucks.

>> No.83272

I took a year off to travel around the world and visit holocaust museums.

>> No.83287

>Yea, why do the hirers care so much about gaps

Someone once told me it's because during a job gap, your mind slows down noticeably due to a lack of stimulus. IMO that is an extremely shitty reason, because it assumes that you're just sitting like a lump on a log all day long. If you're taking the time to travel, learn a new skill or language, read Tolkien's entire Legendarium or whatever, then your mind continues to be stimulated and you continue to better yourself.

>> No.83296

It's the old "WE CAN SEE YOU AT ALL TIMES, EVEN WHEN YOU POOP"-trick so that you will be a paranoid and submissive bitch for them, basically.
If the company wants you to fall for it, and you don't agree with the premise, the job is not for you in the first place as they are looking for someone that has more... sheep-like qualities...

>> No.83308

I was selling drugs durin' that time bro.

>> No.83320

I've found that people don't care about gaps, as long as you have a reason for them to be there.

The main thing people are concerned about, is if you were leaving an employer off of your resume, but that will be in the report from Equifax, along with all your other employment records.

If you ever want to be scared at how much data is being collected, send in this form, and see all your HR records from every place you've worked: theworknumber.com/Employees/DataReport/report_request.pdf

>> No.83336

No. Once you have Autism that's it, you have it.

You could, of course, claim you were faking it but then you could expect the government to sue or jail your sorry ass.

Best bet would be to tell a psychologist/psychiatrist/head doctor a list of conditions that approximates Autism/Aspergers/choose your madness BUT also corresponds closely with some other condition than can be solved. Then when you get off the autism bux just say its the doctor's fault, not yours.

>> No.83375


fuck them for laughing

>> No.83377

Was fucking your mom, sir.

>> No.83395

They take me to the back and pat me

Asking me to buy to khakis

But let some black people walk in

I bet they show off their token blackie

>> No.83407

I actually had someone ask me this question in an interview just a few weeks ago. I told them I took two years off to travel around Europe and "broaden my horizons". It was sort of half-true, but in reality I went to live with my relatives in Portugal for a two years spent most of my days hanging out with my unemployed cousins in the town square, getting drunk, ordering pasteis de nata and then banging horny British teens at night. I also mentioned something about working for a small tech startup 6 days a week for almost a year, in reality I only worked two days a week as a document courier driving around an ancient diesel Mondeo. Had to earn my keep somehow.

They obviously bought it, now I have an offer and have to figure out whether I want it or not.

>> No.83408

surprised they arent clapping amirite?

>> No.83434

Because for hirers job gaps might equal periods of drug abuse, illness or other deep lying issues you're trying to hide

>> No.83460

Okay how bad is "dropped out of school twice because of mental problem but I got a therapy and everything is fine now"?

>> No.83502

It's all how you phrase it.

You were unsure what you really wanted to do with your life, and took a break to recenter yourself, and think about your options.

>> No.83507


Just tell them you went soul searching or something. If they think you might relapse then its a bad thing.

>> No.83510


>> No.83519

How fucking bad do you think it is?

Jesus Christ, no. Never say something like that in an interview you autist. Lie if you have to.

>> No.83537
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I always thought the issue with gaps was that companies want to keep you for life and job gaps mean you actually have interests that are not work related. Saying "I went traveling around the world for a year" means you might quit in 3 years to travel for a year again or to do another hobby.

You have no idea how little personality and soul the average wage slave has. I've only been working for 4 or so years but I already have enough. And it's all because of the people, many of them have nothing to live for so they live for making your life harder as well, brings them some sort of schadenfreude pleasure.

>> No.83529

I shanked some motherfucker
nigger wanted to sell shit in MY hood

>> No.83571
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tfw I took time off to travel after graduating

man, I hope I haven't screwed myself

>> No.83574

I allways thought that having a positive personality and getting along with people was a rather important ability

>> No.83588

i traveled for a few years

>> No.83613

Most people are "fake" nice cause they know they have to be. I work in a unionized public corporation though so you can't ever be negative to other people like they can in private firms so I only have this perspective. They younger people usually are nicer though, the worst ones are the people who have been doing the same job for more than a decade and are not looking for promotions, they have nothing to lose anyways.

Usually that's pretty bad if you did it right after graduating. I think if you did it as a career break like 3-5 years after graduating it wouldn't be as bad. Good luck though, we're all in this crapshoot together.

>> No.83627

>They younger people usually are nicer though, the worst ones are the people who have been doing the same job for more than a decade
they ain't people
they're dead

it's one of my biggest fears to end like one of these people

>> No.83634

>You have no idea how little personality and soul the average wage slave has

Accountant here. I find corporate "wage slaves" are infinitely more vibrant and interesting than the people I have to work with.

>> No.83638

thanks for the info
>...BUT also corresponds closely with some other condition than can be solved.
Now for the hard part

>> No.83657

Dude, it's my biggest nightmare. It's why I'm quitting my job this year to travel and do some shit jobs around the world starting with a WHV in Australia. I'm too young to be working in a cubicle.

>> No.83691

>tfw took 2 years off a highly successful career to travel
>tfw liked it so much I became an overqualified english teacher in Asia
>tfw no regrets...yet

>> No.83720

Yeah one of my plans is to spend a couple years in Taiwan to learn Mandarin while teaching English.

>> No.83721

there's a thread on /biz/ basically about teaching in china

>> No.83764
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"I was killing people and getting diarrhea eating at Red Lobster."

>> No.83802
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>> No.83805

I'm gonna pull a George Costanza in that episode where Costanza does the opposite of everything you usually do...

>> No.83813
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>> No.83823

hey look it's /k/

>> No.83843

But I don't see any job gaps, I'm sorry I think i've changed my mind about this job, I'd prefer to work in a company with literate HR and management

>> No.83877

larger employment gaps can be a sign of possible imprisonment, even if their criminal record has been wiped

>> No.83926

>not using volunteer experiences as job experience
>not putting the full year instead of the months

I once had a job that lasted 8 days, but that fucker goes down as 2008 on my resume.

>> No.83981

does that work? What if they call they company you worked for?

>> No.83985

I was working as a missionary in Tahiti. I formed a small cult that was active for 3 years before all of the women were run off a cliff by a herd of buffalo that destroyed our irrigated land. The whole experience gave me a fondness for programming, and here I am.

>> No.83987

>"so did you work there the whole year?"
>"that's good, i'll give the manager a ring later on to see how well you worked there"

>> No.84001
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>Be a friend with the manager
>He says I was a great worker who he relied on constantly and that he was sorry to see me go

>> No.84047

>random HR rep picks up the phone
>"anon? sorry I don't quite remember who that is, let me check our records"
>"oh here it is, yeah he managed to work well for the full 8 days"

>> No.84067

That's why you list the managers own line anon. You stupid or something?

>> No.84076

It's unrelated, but fuck HR. They're seriously the most worthless group of faggots ever.

>> No.84082

More and more companies are gutting HR and having china do the duties on the cheap. It is more efficient and you have less stupid cunts that don't understand business trying to hold sway over the company.

>> No.84166

This is very wrong m9. A lot of companies are actually investing into HR to create better work environments. Investing into wellness programs and whatnot. Yes, the HR folks who deal with hiring are shit but the rest actually do a decent job.

>> No.84183

>"Because I like people, and I need a place where I'll be out of the sun"

>> No.84198

LolPsychology major here: As the DSM changes, the diagnostic criteria change. With the new DSM-5, there was some controversy about autism, Asperger's, and a few other diagnoses being replaced with the Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis, because many people may lose their diagnoses and the services they receive to treat them.

>> No.84248

can you explain that in more laymen terms

>> No.84275

The people who are fat and socially inept who blame it on assburgers or autism are upset because their free money might get cut off.

>> No.84296

>Big fancy book defines what it means to be autistic, assburgers, etc.
>Big fancy book version 5.0 comes out and combines the different rulesets into one.
>Former autists and their parents are pissed because they might not get their autismbux anymore or (mostly) their insurance won't cover treatment.

>> No.84600

>sign up for Navy
>recruiter asks
>be honest, tell him I looked for work and it didn't pan out so here I am
>he helps me make up a patriotic motivation backstory for my app
>got accepted finally last week
>I'm gonna make it

Take THAT Human Resources SCUM!

>> No.84652

military people will always be bro's

>> No.84722

I explain it by saying I took extra time to write my thesis, which took extra time because data was scarce, which is mostly true, but I'm also afraid it'll make me look like a lazy fag. How to put it better? And what looks better, graduating in 5.5 years when you should graduate in 5 or graduating in 5 and being a neet for half a year on-paper?

>> No.85360

I worked as a Job Hunter for the time being.

>> No.85410

"My parents suffered serious injuries and I quit working to take care of them as they slowly died before my eyes over the course of three years."

I have ten 2" binders full of insurance forms, prescriptions, medical bills, and worker's comp papers to prove it. Along with copies of death certificates.

Would recruiters buy this?

>> No.85442

you think anyone gives a fuck about a grad school bitch who cant write a thesis in a timely manner
shit excuse/10

>> No.85471
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Excuse me sir, but do you by any chance browse 4chan?

>> No.85485
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>> No.85490

only /mlp/ /soc/ /d/ and /mum/

>> No.85570

Just write 'self employed xxxx' where xxxx is any job you can do on your own, e.g. 'Self employed lawn mower"

>> No.86083

and what if that large gap was a time when someone was NEET?

>> No.86155

How is Psychology? Would you recommend it?

>> No.86216

my whole resume is a gap

>> No.86234


Yeah, this.

>> No.86249

Not him, but you are effectively required to get at least a masters in the field if you wan to work a job relevant to the degree.

>> No.86373

What gaps? I was employed as a janitor by the 4chan corporation.

>> No.88623

They would probably buy it, the question is whether or not you can overwhelm them with enough pity to get the job. My guess is it could go either way; a recruiter may see something like that as a sign of potential trauma leading to mental problems, and would likely not hire you.

I find it's far easier to play the sympathy game with women. Men just don't give a fuck.

>> No.89157

>ah, during this period I took work as a freelance _______ online.

>> No.89532
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May try this.

>> No.89610

>Sounds interesting, could I see some of your work?

>> No.90593

Mostly maintained websites on ______ dot___

>> No.90935

>Being interviewed
Unlucky for you I guess.

>> No.91009

Teach me your ways.

>inb4 unemployment

>> No.91032

a sexual harassment lawsuit

>> No.91083
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>Sorry I'm afraid you don't fit our corporate culture

>> No.91218

because no gf

>> No.91249


they don't like people who aren't scared of getting fired

>> No.91317

Friendly reminder that job interview threads are not /biz/ related. Please keep all topics on /biz/ directly business and finance related. The only real acceptable permutation of this thread would be a business owner telling a story about a bad interviewee or something.

>> No.91369

I have not worked since 2001, I have some bullshit Restart thing next week so I can't look like I'm not trying. So I won't put any dates on my CV and when they ask why I'll say discrimination.


>> No.91453
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>> No.91482
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What the fuck have you been doing?

>> No.91517

Well I did 2 years of Sound Engineering and 1 year of TV & Video Production at community college in the middle of that. Mostly F5ing, watching tv and sleeping

>> No.91639
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>> No.91689

i was breeding chameleons, growing pot, and attending college while taking care of my sick mother.

>> No.91698


HR girls are fucked in the head. One of my sister's class-mates from sociology is now doing HR at the bank, they pay for all her travel and and accommodation and she makes ridiculous money. She interviews people twice her age and is expected to know where they belong in the company, she always gets it wrong. On top of that she is a complete entitled cunt.

>> No.91721

>Someone once told me it's because during a job gap, your mind slows down noticeably due to a lack of stimulus.
It's legit. I've taken two years off and I'm nowhere near as fast as I used to be.

But I have no doubt that I could be useful/recover still. It's still obviously a negative.

>> No.91728

I sold hardwood flooring while doing university part time for 6 years.

>> No.91739

>Such is the life in the Animal Farm
Every day this idea is reinforced.

>> No.91803

That is such bullshit. No company plans to employ someone for life these days. The issue is with recent gaps because inactive people are lazy. Inactivity MAKES you lazy. A big, organized travel trip does not count as an 'employment gap' for that very reason. Of course, you would need to explain the gap in the resume.

>> No.92831
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I suffered a long time of severe affluenza, but now I'm recovered.

>> No.93880

Friendly reminder i hope you are trolling. We finally got a board where we can discuss these things, and some corporate culture threads actually have an interesting debate. Do you want to make /biz/ a 99% doge containment board? Sorry but i really do hate you

Yep, this.

>> No.96284

Or just put it on the resume under experiences

SEA - March 2011 - June 2011
* Learned the local Languages and Culture
* Fucked 50 locals
* Fucked 20 Child prostitutes
* Impregnated another 5
** Tested clean for STD December 2011

Russia June 2011 - July 2011
* Mastered C1 level Russian
* Intimate experience with the Russian legal system
* Banned for 10 years

Japan July 2011 - October 2011
* Taught English for High Schoolers
* Took Cultural classes
* Thoroughly studied the female anatomy of pupils
* Made connections with local upstart business such as the Yakuza
* Fathered 2 more children

Canada October 2011 - November 2011
* Study local methods of being turned down
* Shot an educational film involving sex eduction
* Ate 3 times my weight in maple syrup
* Jumped from Niagara falls in a barrel
* Banned for 5 years

>> No.96376

>5.5 years for a PhD

That shit is normal

>> No.96997

I went to school during that time. I used money I made from the job prior, to pay my way through school so I could focus on my studies.

>> No.100729


>> No.100738


>> No.101232

>since that is the case why are you applying to this mid level career?
Good question. I'm out.