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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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823433 No.823433 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question, /biz/, where is the fucking sticky?
Same basic questions with the same basic bitch reply every time.
>how do I establish credit?
>what books do you recommend for newbie investors?
>how do I make passive income?
>what do you think about buying stock in (insert name of well known pricey stock here)?
>how can I make X-amount-of-money quickly?
>I am inherting X-amount-of-money, wut do?
>what jobs can I hold without a degree?
>what type of degree should I pursue?

More times than not, these questions are answered by the wannabe Donald Trumps who are spewing the typical misconceptions. Come on /biz/, we can do better.

ITT: Ideas and articles for a sticky.

>> No.823436

>>how do I establish credit?
Google nigger.
>>what books do you recommend for newbie investors?
See /biz/ picture of 8 books, see full list. At least accept weak form EMH and passively invest the majority of your monies.
>>how do I make passive income?
>>what do you think about buying stock in (insert name of well known pricey stock here)?
>>how can I make X-amount-of-money quickly?
Fuck off and die. There is no easy path to wealth. That said, if you have no money, they best place to invest your money is in yourself and making yourself more employable/more highly compensated.
>>I am inherting X-amount-of-money, wut do?
Vanguard. There is no better answer.
>>what jobs can I hold without a degree?
>>what type of degree should I pursue?

>> No.823441


Most of these questions probably merit their own thread. A more comprehensive sticky covering the essentials would be nice, though.

>> No.823482

As much as I hate to say it, the sticky on /r/personalfinance is really quite comprehensive and would answer a lot of common questions. Although it certainly does not stop people from not reading it and making threads with the questions anyways...

>> No.823485

Im getting sick of the "how to stock trade", "i have 21321321312321312 dollars what do", "do i mortgage or rent", "why do stocks go up and down"

>> No.823649

I agree, even /sci/'s sticky has some good sources on Economics and Finance

>> No.823706

What's the best credit card to get for a first timer?

This is for myself. I want to increase my credit score, and I know for a fact that I won't ever be late on the payments, so I wanted to know what is the best credit card to get in the UK.

>> No.823757

>Google nigger.
Googling 'nigger' did not produce the desired results. Please advise.

>> No.823762

Sticky this: http://pastebin.com/4YeJAUbT

>> No.823766

>where to get stale bagels?

>> No.823926

A sticky has been attempted many times and there's still nothing. I don't know why this is.

>> No.823930
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I remember making this one some time ago. It was shot down, however.

>> No.823939

Yea, there were a few attempts - I even wrote a small article for one.

>> No.823942


We really do need a sticky.

>> No.823948

If there are any mods around, perhaps they could let us know what'd be required for some of these FAQ items to get sticky status?

>> No.824486

>not posting Needyneetguide.biz

This really doesn't deserve to be the
/biz/ sticky though. All it contains are some educational resources and a few job leads. It's seriously only good for NEET job threads.

>> No.824490
File: 195 KB, 350x291, Iy7zNEd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in for contributing

>> No.824650

Saved. I like it, its concise

>> No.824656

Sticky needs to mention "jobcorps" for hopeless folks. If your in the us and under age 26 its free tradeschool and also sometimes free room and board

Also the book suggestions need to have "early retiremwnt extreme" , only fair if bogle and mr money mustache get a mention

>> No.825083

Fucking saved!

They don't. /g/ has "stupid questions threads". Someone made something similar to avoid the insane amount of shitty threads that fill the board.

>> No.825100

Why don't we have a daytrading general?
A swing trading general?
Even a Technical analysis general thread?

These things would make us a legitimate trading and business board