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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8234107 No.8234107 [Reply] [Original]

The problem with LINK is that nobody is taking it seriously outside the context of a meme on /biz/, just look at this:


Add to this the folklore, photoshops, jokes about Sergey et cetera. How is anyone going to take this shit seriously? We really need to change the public perception of LINK, this is getting out of hand. I mean, 90% of this board doesn't even see this thread because they filter us out.

How to fix?

>> No.8234184

Can’t fix what isn’t broken

>> No.8234232

these are fucking awesome.

>> No.8234240

>he, Mr. Anderson, I found this incredible oportunity to save our firm millions if not billions of dollars every year just by implementing smart contracts with decentralized oracles. We could reduce our legl department by two thirds.
>well done, Josh. But what is this magical thing you're talking about called.
>I'ts called ChainLink.
>*googles chainlink*
>Sorry Josh, there are too much memes about ChainLink. We can't use it.

Is that how you imagine it to happen?

>> No.8234268

We need to make more fiver videos. I'm thinking of using that kid to do something next level off the charts for FUD.

>> No.8234281

>muh memes are ruining LINK meme

>> No.8234286

It's pretty sad how fudders reiterate the same double-digit-IQ talking points OVER and OVER again.

>> No.8234292

Where's the one where the bell tolls for the normies and it has the monologue about the price singularity. That's my favorite

>> No.8234312


>> No.8234316

The third one made laugh so hard I pooped

>> No.8234338

Nevermind found it

>> No.8234346

I saw this one for the first time today

>> No.8234483

He called it lol "DSM dash V" what a fucking brainlet.

>> No.8234909


>> No.8235216

These threads do my fucking head in. If link is low, we can buy more.

So shut the fuck up, increase your stack and just be patient, everyone who's done their research knows what's up.

>> No.8235288

This is what i said and i always get shill replies

Yall have been shilling chainLINK for months and this shits barely over a the worth of a quarter and a few nickels.

If it was really something people cared about wouldn't it at least surge above a dollar....ONCE?

>> No.8235315

It already did.

>> No.8235317


>> No.8235427

Ultra-shill, which LINK has received from pajeets and true Linkers alike, acts as FUD.
LINK also gets alot of blatant FUD.
>LINK is meme
acts as further FUD.
We will be linky rich.

>> No.8235463

>normies see these videos
>normie poison
>normie stay far away
>don’t get rich
>/biz/ gets rich
I see nothing wrong here.

>> No.8235544

Do you really think /biz/ has an effect on the real world? You must be one of those fags who think /pol/ actually memed DJT into office and looked past the economic disparity and meager wage growth. Go outside for once you child

>> No.8236456

Totally ignorant post. Top 100 token with a cap of almost 200 million, to say nobody is taking it seriously is just a stupid azzed comment. Lots of people are taking it seriously, they would be the ones smart enough that are going to make a crap ton of cash over the next year or two.

>> No.8236548

Was secretly hoping one of them would step on a landmine in that third video.

>> No.8236574

its subtle fud, implying a room temperature IQ for the average link holder. fucking genius

>> No.8236678

you sound retarded

>> No.8236772

Institutional players are the only ones who will be using the link network that are going to matter at all. They won't give a quivering shit about what some virgins are saying on a backwater Chilean salsa dancing forum, you faggots think you're more influencial than you are. The only factor that is going to matter is if Sergey and pals can make something revolutionary and get these financial institutions on board, I don't think we have a thing to worry about.

>> No.8236889
File: 994 KB, 749x1606, 1520636267746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still a poor accumulating fag, pls wait for me bois

>> No.8236909

ETH was shilled fuckin everywhere that related to crypto. ANS was shilled everywhere too.

>> No.8237054

They may or may not have shilled DNT into office, but they definitely predicted it, despite massive opposition. Take that as you will for Chainlink.

>> No.8237079

*DJT into office. Fucking autocorrect.

>> No.8237225

That's what I mean, they predicted it spot on but that had no effect on the outcome. The ultra autists just saw the objective truth in the world but a couple hundred NEETs didn't "meme" him into office. My point is that a couple hundred autists on this Malaysian Kite Surfing board see that LINK will be huge but they have no impact on the outcome/price/success of LINK

>> No.8237269

more like memelink amirite

>> No.8237306

the ultra autists see the objective truth about the market
and that is that only tokens/coins with real value and solid tokenomics will remain after all this