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8233969 No.8233969 [Reply] [Original]

serious question: how do crypto proponents plan to get people to actually use crypto in daily life?

i'm really attracted to crypto from a political point of view. wondering what i can do to help the cause other than simply seeking out merchants using it, etc.

>> No.8234460


>> No.8234805

Metal u faggt. Look it up. Normie bait and will explode. SEC and FDIC complaint. Only crypto that will survive if US clamps down .

>> No.8234871

Didn't address the question.

>> No.8234908

you can't force adoption right now that's why one strategy is to market bitcoin as a crypto asset and hedge against inflation rather than a currency. that's what bitcoin ETFs listed on stock exchanges are hoping to achieve

in the future if it becomes safer and cheaper to use crypto (some way that has failsafes like there is with banking) then maybe we see consumer adoption. or the B2B approach, maybe some utility tokens provide actual value to companies. that's why all of this is just SPECULATION, no one knows yet. big risk big reward.

>> No.8234965

Why the fuck would someone own crypto from an organization with a chief compliance officer? Get wrecked.

>> No.8234994

if you want an example of B2B look at squarepay and what they did eight years ago. it was something new, that's what some tokens are hoping to achieve too. it's not impossible for crypto to disrupt if they have a superior product and shill it enough.

>> No.8235114

It's simply easier to use than money. Once you use BTC or XRP to buy something, credit cards, cash, checks, zelle- just seems like too much work.

>> No.8235144


>> No.8235299

We need big companies and corporations to start adopting it. Eventually you'll be able to order McDonald's with a paper wallet, as easy and simple as handing the a credit card. Nobody knows what coin it will be yet but it'll have to be one that has instant tx with no fees and has a stable value.

>> No.8235325

>US government starts minting digital cash

>> No.8235394

preload cryptowallets on your phone, you have no choice but to love crypto if you live in africa. shitcoin > afrodollar


>> No.8235803

serious question, what is the use case of the token or coin?
if the use case addresses an inefficiency in a market place, and the company executes as planned then the coin will be used in daily life. stay away from all the bullshit that you wouldn't use yourself if you aren't familiar with a certain industry sector. use your own judgement...ask yourself this "who would use this coin/token for it's intended purpose? will this coin/token be held by users or dumped immediately on an exchange for cash? will this coin/token be practical for users (fast, easy to use wallet, convertible to fiat)? will this coin adhere to market and industry regulations?" if you're still not sure then just chuck money at it and sell during a bull market to the plebs that get in late...if that happens again.

>> No.8235929

I just want to BTFO all institutions that try to deplatform voices they disagree with. Crypto to me seems like a great way to do this. Otherwise controversial opinions are subject to censorship. What is the best way to attain this end?

>> No.8236446

the stack app, and token solves all of this. you can pay with crypto anywhere that accepts mastercard. the store never has to deal with it.