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8233866 No.8233866 [Reply] [Original]

2002 United States steel tariff

On March 5, 2002, U.S. President George W. Bush placed tariffs on imported steel. The tariffs took effect March 20 and were lifted by Bush on December 4, 2003. Research shows that the tariffs adversely affected US GDP and employment.

Why repeat it? Is he retarded? A lot people are freaking out, it's won't have a huge impact that people are implying but it's retarded.

>> No.8233887

4D chess, it'll work

>> No.8233914

Alienating a country that owns most of your debt isn't a good idea.

>> No.8234025

Because the goal isn't to help employment but reduce crimes of all kinds committed by drunks.
4D chess, boys.

>> No.8234041

Who? Canada?

>> No.8234059

china owns about 5% of the debt, it's mostly held by US citizens

>> No.8234164

trade wars are about psychology more than anything. Bush was a cuck and Trump's an absolute madman who was able to bring Kim Jong Un to the table. expect a similar outcome with this. I'm not even worried.

>> No.8234196

china needs the united states more than the states need them. Who else will buy all there shit?

>> No.8234253


>> No.8234486

It's a move to appease the Chads voting for him. Also, guy is too dumb to understand what he's doing.

>> No.8234937

there used to be tarrifs on everything even 20 years ago, since they removed them the west has been in economic decline, you say the tariffs in 2002 adversely affected US GDP and employment, from what to what? 96% employment to 94% in one industry? and now the economy as a whole is at like 70% because the drawbacks of removing tarrifs far outweigh the rewards across the economy as a whole. don't believe "statistics" cooked up by globalist jews.

>> No.8234975

At the very least, he's smarter than you who's still trying to "make it big" with crypto.

>> No.8235141

>guy is too dumb to understand what he's doing.
and u bought it, hook line and sinker. why do u think the msm keeps getting btfo? he's not a genius, but he's obviously not the brainlet they make him out to be, and he plays them like a harp from hell.
>t. Cobblepot

>> No.8235167

I hope you Trumpanzees realize your president is playing right into the hands of the North Koreans. The fact of the matter is they know how to manipulate his ego.

>> No.8235191

It's optics. He knows workers don't understand trade. He knows workers who's industries depend on cheap steal don't understand trade. And he knows workers who consome products made with cheap steel don't understand trade. He invites some steel plant workers to the white house and everyone at home thinks that's them and they're being helped by raising the price on something we were choosing to buy.

>> No.8235193

Literally isn't debt if they're no longer friendly

>> No.8235366
File: 102 KB, 400x363, IMG_0142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beat 14 career Republican politicians
>Beat THE career politician
>Discredited and vilified daily by the MSM
>Forced thru his Supreme Court justice
>Poison pilled DACA, making libs look treasonous and petty
>Poison pilled gun control, making libs look treasonous and petty
>Growing the economy with tax reform
>Building wall
>Pushing in ISIS' shit
>Making Best Korea blink

all this and more while grabbing pussies with both hands...

Yes Drumph is truly too dumb.

>> No.8235547

Yes, he is retarded. Simple as that.

>> No.8235590
File: 68 KB, 591x555, 4dchesss - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that the US government made 95% of its wealth through trade tariffs prior to 1913
and then the federal reserve was implemented, and they went to taxing you instead
figure that shit out on your own

>> No.8235605

>prior to 1913

>> No.8235623

>Who else will buy all there shit?
They've been pumping billions into this over the last few years. It's going to be pretty huge when it's finished. Still, bad trade relations help nobody

>> No.8235627

i'm usually anti-globalist, but I unironically support boycotts of and regime change in China

>> No.8235644


>> No.8235693
File: 238 KB, 1024x768, -OoF6MasGtBCLLCLv0VlxKXyUYd9LrzwZY4--ZeFrIg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when people say they think he's retarded all they are saying is that they are fucking morons and lack the ability to reason beyond a 6 year old

>> No.8235711
File: 425 KB, 873x768, smugpilots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He literally has no idea what he's doing. It's like if you put a kid into the driver's seat of heavy machinery and turned him loose, but instead it's the most powerful country in the world.

>> No.8235785

Do you find people not listening to you to be a recurring thing in your life? It's because you're a soy guzzling beta and no one respects you.

>> No.8235793

True. Career politicians have many skills that make them qualified to run a country. Expert liars, adept bribe takers, a complete lack of care for the American people (thereby making them immune to feeling bad when they fuck over their constituents).
A very adept comparison (you)’ve made there boss.

>> No.8235851

LOL, that sounds like how no one listens to your orange ape overlord, faggot.

>> No.8235858

>Korea is now a master of 4d chess
if Obongo was in charge and this was happening he would be getting a second Nobel peace prize. Stay salty libcucks

>> No.8235862

just how assblasted are you queers that the guy won? apparently very

>> No.8235898

>that sounds like how no one listens to your orange ape overlord
Man got elected president you fucking mongrel

>> No.8236011

Trump has 2 goals:
Protect the American steel industry.
Negotiate new treaties.

This forced countries to either:
Talk to Trump for a new treaty.
Go into a trade war. And make the relations between countries even worse.

For Americans steel will become more expensive, regardless what happens. So chances are that while the steel industry gets aided, all other parties in America will pay the price for it.

>> No.8236024


Anything retarded he does is a negotiating tactic.

>> No.8236106

If the pilots were nosediving and insisting everything is fine, I'd vote yes.

>> No.8236124

When the US barely makes anything domestically, a trade war will be pure suffering for the average consumer to start and then will have lingering effects on purchasing power even as domestic industries spring up again.

>> No.8236180

Holy shit. You are so fucking dumb do you need to consciously remember to breathe?

>> No.8236198

>When the US barely makes anything domestically
Nigga you are fucking stupid, how the fuck you even managed to type that post and post it is astounding

>> No.8236689

This isnt the reason china needs the US, the whole world buys chinese products and uses china for cheap labour, china will be ok in that aspect, the reason china needs US to stay successful is because the us had tricked china into lending the US trillions, chinese being as greedy as they are couldnt resist, now us is in a position where it is in the worlds best interest for the US to stay afloat and repay their debts, otherwise the rest of the world will suffer from losing money.
If you had a friend who borrowed a substantial amount of money from you, you would want them to have a sustainable income until they pay you back because you have risked your own money, this is what is happening.

>> No.8236917
File: 52 KB, 613x617, 1517656665831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Trump cabinet filled with bankers and economist
> Biz filled with autist and neets

Whoms be smarter?

>> No.8237013

ShareBlue plz go, this is just leverage/posturing

>> No.8237179

>democracy is bad
Back to Best Korea with you.

>> No.8237216

Ill pay a little more to get US steel workers off opioids and back to work instead of letting Jews get rich of Chinese slave labor

>> No.8237222

Only 2% of chinese steel ends up in the US though.

>> No.8237280
File: 58 KB, 600x382, 6571192_stock-photo-laughing-man-in-sunglasses-pointing-finger-on-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>china needs the united states more than the states need them

>> No.8237290

If americans were willing to up their cost of living for the sake of helping fellow workers they'd have done that already. You only care about this in the abstract, you're more than happy to go the local Walmart for the cheap chink shit without a second thought. Good luck with that.

>> No.8237313

And the US economy has been much better since they eliminated this.

This is mainly an attack on Canada to make it drop supply management (it won't).

>> No.8237336
File: 168 KB, 735x679, elon-musk-mentions-possible-manned-mission-to-mars-by-2025-idiots-dont-know-what-theyre-talking-about-we-forgot-about-cosmic-radiation-comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8237351

>meme actions
catering to his voterbase of economic autists

>> No.8237376

That’s when the jews took over and started ruining the country. Learn some history faggot

>> No.8237377

europe and the rest of the world, stop implying epicenter, the world is shaking hands while america has vaginal spergings right now

>> No.8237387

Neither is letting that same country out price you on steel if relations go bad. It makes the US look weak and gives it less leverage for negotiations.

>> No.8237397

He doesn't even know how the EU works, he unironically implies some EU countries may try to ask for better tariffs. This guy is a macroeconomical 0.

>> No.8237404

China doesn't even want to make shit anymore, they are preparing to transition into a consumption economy in the next 20 years. Look up one belt one road initiative.

>> No.8237421
File: 541 KB, 900x889, 1516586895666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon gets it.

>> No.8237423

american arrogance will make them miss out the next century

>> No.8237532


>> No.8237568

Trump and Bush are doing it for the same reason you dumb faggot


>> No.8237569

>When the US barely makes anything domestically

Fr nig?

>> No.8237586

/Biz/ assblasted libs like >>8235851

>> No.8237639

Canada and Mexico are excluded
> learn to read about that your going to shit on

>> No.8237676

>he doesn't speaky the english

>> No.8238391


>> No.8239142


>> No.8239254

Jesus.....this one hurt me a bit

>> No.8239374

That's because it's a way to dismantle the EU.
>i can save you from the browns, but first you have to stop sucking merkle's dick

>> No.8239378

creation of federal reserve
woodrow wilson was a 33rd degree freemason