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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 618x412, Why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8232169 No.8232169 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand what he did wrong. I thought he made a drug that helped H.I.V patients and then overcharged it to companies, not the patients.

Can someone explain to me?

>> No.8232181

he lead a healthcare company and decided to mark up the price of a life-saving product by like 100,000% for no reason. shut the fuck up about him. nobody cares.

>> No.8232199

Cause people make judgements based on news headlines nowadays

>> No.8232198

He's a good boy. Din do nuffin.

>> No.8232208

he defrauded investors

>> No.8232214

This guy is uninformed. He is a good guy but made a dumb decision.

>> No.8232215

And who faces the result of that overcharging?
Ultimately the patient, the one who has to actually pay for it.

>> No.8232224

What is there to like?

>> No.8232237

well thats the point isnt it. How (((they))) shifted public opinion on him while he was a good boy and dindu nuffin. so, there you go.

they = media, hillary people, general pilers-on, pharmaceutical industry for exposing their practices, financial industry for an outsider become successful, aka EVERYONE YOU DONT WANNA MESS WITH

may his prison sentence bring about change. but it wont

>> No.8232240

He knows a secret about Hillary Clinton that's why he needed a DNA sample to prove it. Some incest family shit probably. That's why they locked him up for some years. They will fuck him up in prison that be looses his mind like Bradley Manning and maybe make him transform his gender as punishment also.
Poor soul, nobody helps him.
Someone should make a bitcoin charity thing for him to pay for lawyers

>> No.8232248
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>companies don't pass their increased costs on to consumers

>> No.8232252

It's crazy that you don't know what deductibles are

>> No.8232255

people hate him because he refused to cower and apologize for anything - no one likes smug assholes.

personally i saw through his schtick and liked the guy but whatever. gotta play the game

>> No.8232259

He literally did nothing wrong.
What he went to jail for was that he handled the money of the investors in a way that was outside of the agreement of the share, which is technically securities fraud.

He did, however, end up actually making the share holders much more money than they expected.

So basically, he "frauded" money into the pockets of the supposed victims of the "fraud" (oh no, please, why did you get me tons of money, so evil).

It's a political hit job. He was putting attention towards things that people didn't want attention on, and the shareholders were pressured to put him under the bus and accuse him of securities fraud so that (((they))) could get rid of this streaming, redpilling nuisance and make an example.

>> No.8232279
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>> No.8232281

Don't flash your money, kids. I thought the guy was supposed to be smart but he didn't realise this simple thing.

>> No.8232287


Only correct answer

>> No.8232292

pretty much 100% this

>> No.8232297

>hurr durr my deductible will stay the same price forever
You are a retard.

>> No.8232309

Mommy and Daddy still paying the bills I see.

>> No.8232313

health insurance deductibles and premiums are going up every year exactly because of the actions of this faggot and those like him in the industry you absolute fucking brainlet

>> No.8232325
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>for no reason
The absolute state of commies

>> No.8232336

Trump should pardon Martin

>> No.8232350

imagine waking up everyday being this dumb

bernie 2020 amirite bro?

>> No.8232396

>criticizing anything about capitalism means you're a bernie bro

>> No.8232399

Facinating how a board that claims to be one of the less ignorant ones prove time and time again they're literally dumber than the average commie or stormer and only focuses on the wrong issues.

>> No.8232406

Yes goy, blame him on your taxes. Nothing to do with 69 trillion military budget and neet/nigger welfare

>> No.8232408

Please continue to defend a manchild who price gouged a pharmaceutical product 5000%.

>> No.8232414

this guy is a drop in the pond. you have no sense of scale

>> No.8232430

only fags get aids
dont be a fag, problem solved

>> No.8232439

Don't even reply to marxist subhumans, its like trying to talk to a rat or a cockroach

>> No.8232441

costs are going up because insurance companies can now be as greedy as the want with obamacare, and shkreli had a system in place to always get the drug to the patient for free if they had any troubles

>> No.8232457

Fuck the drug, that was not a crime and is not what his case was about.
The case is that he misled his investors by telling them the fund did better than it really had, before they all made real, good money. What he really did wrong was being arrogant. Had this been anyone else it would be a slap on the wrist. But since he's a premium jokester and posts edgy shit online they put him away longer to teach him a lesson. What a fucking hit job. The evidence of that is plentiful here, check out all these people who are clueless as to what the case is about and what even happened with daraprim. None of them even know that's the name of the drug. None of them know what it actually treats. None of them know that no patients went without it. None of them know that he gave it away for free if you had no insurance. They only know what the media tells them, fucking sheep.
Case in point, this tard. Has no idea what he's talking about. Just parroting CNN

>> No.8232526

>drug with rock bottom demand, 10,000 people a year need it and they need just one round of treatment
>gonna raise all our insurance costs
>meanwhile MS drugs costs millions per patient each year and are needed on a recurring basis
>no one gives a fuck because there is no boogeyman to assassinate

>> No.8232530
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>not even an attempt at an argument

>government spending is somehow relevant to the issue of private health insurers buying drugs from private drug companies at an unsustainably increasing cost that forces them to up your premiums by 10% every year

>> No.8232537
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Ahh yes because 50mil spread across insurance companies will send shockwaves across a 4 trillion dollars industry.
You do realize the previous company was going to stop making deraprim because it was so unprofitable, right? The only way to justify it's continued manufacturing was to sell for it's actual market value.

>> No.8232567

Several companies did the same as Shkrelli did only on a bigger timeframe so its less obvious. Media just milked it and he is a bit of a troll so that doesn't help.

>> No.8232580

Why is this albanian immigrant shyster getting any airtime at all? fuck him and the donkey he rode in on

>> No.8232613

Go back to your safe space soyboy

>> No.8232626

The cherry on top is that the revenue was being put towards developing a replacement for daraprim, as it is dangerous and kills some of it's patients.

>> No.8232628

>he lead a healthcare company and decided to mark up the price of a life-saving product by like 100,000% for no reason.
Wait i dont know much about this but is this what he did? How the fuck can you go to prision for that? Is US literally so cucked you cant even chose the price? HAHAHA

>> No.8232644

>implying this is a one off case
>implying other companies don't do this regularly with massive legal help

Shkreli is a retard that got caught, and now he will be the scapegoat for the industry. This might be allowable in crypto, but nowhere else.

>> No.8232654

No you can't, it's 100% legal. And it wasn't raised 100,000%. Try 5,000%. And see post above to understand why.

>> No.8232672

This one >>8232626 not this one >>8232644

>> No.8232686

its not fair. they shouldnt punish him just because he broke the law.

>> No.8232721

>Shkreli is a retard that got caught
his sentence has nothing to do with hiking the medication price though

>> No.8232734

this, if he wasn't such an attention seeking faggot and kept his fucking mouth shut he'd be serving less than 4 years

>> No.8232987
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1517950836018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Guys we need to pool resources so when any of us get sick, we can afford the cost

>Drug company needs billions to make a cure that only 0.00006% of the population will use for a few months each and needs to leverage existing patents off of insurance companies to finance R and D

>Hurrrrr not lyk dis tho

Unironically kill yourself.

>> No.8233033

Don't bother arguing with Bernie bros and socialists. They think by just slapping a government system on it things will work

>> No.8233066

Fucking retard

>> No.8233313

> nobody cares
I do
> 10,000%
It was 5,000% according to the NYT.

None of the things you mentioned were what he was changed with. The judge had to cite precedence (I’m sure under not so similar circumstances) to justify its length, despite the circumstances of the case.

It does matter because the punishment does not fit the crime he was charged with. The sentencing reflects the public’s poor opinion of him. This is not how our legal system should work.

>> No.8233359

He literally did nothing wrong. This is so fucking bullshit I cannot believe this fucking shit

>> No.8233373

He fucked with the Wu tang clan