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File: 12 KB, 260x260, Mtgox11w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8231316 No.8231316 [Reply] [Original]

"I tried to get the best price"

>proceeds to dump during a downswing

Seriously what the actual fuck?

There is no way to explain this bullshit. All he had to do was pay back bitcoin at the 400 dollar mark but instead he goes to crash the market.

>> No.8231343


hes either the most blue pilled normie ever when it comes to markets or crypto, or he profited from shorting. There is NO inbetween

>> No.8231365

Hes a liquidation lawyer. A LAWYER bound by japanese law.

Where is the investigation? He essentially destroyed the livelyhood of thousands of people.

>> No.8231380

He feeds on JUST and Wojak

>> No.8231425

Bullshit. He was advised on auctions and CTO. No way market selling it will get the best price.

>> No.8231445


exactly. i believe he profited from it. he timed his sells. Nobody looking for the highest average price would have sold them the way he did. especially when Kraken offered to sell them off market FOR HIM. and told him to not market sell them.

>> No.8231517
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking pajeet chink nigger

>> No.8231520

whats the name of this fking chink?

>> No.8231578

Fucking faggot chinaman

>> No.8231602
File: 304 KB, 1200x800, tanto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just do it faggot

>> No.8231606

Enjoying your unregulated market, folks?

>> No.8231669

He owned the coins he can sell whenever the fuck he wants

Do you want the government telling you when you are allowed to buy and sell?

>> No.8231676
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember kids, in this life it's not what you know, it's who you know

>> No.8231960
File: 659 KB, 708x776, kobayashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he did nothing wrong

>> No.8232006

Read the transcripts please. He sold so that he could redistribute what remains as BTC and BCH rather than being forced to sell all the BTC and BCH to redistribute as fiat. In other words, if he didn't sell that Bitcoin at that point in time, then the full 200k would have been sold, but since he sold it at that high of a price there should be zero more Bitcoin sold by the trustee.

>> No.8232011

>He owned the coins
No he doesn't. He's a liquidation lawyer that's supposed to get the best price for the assets he's handling

>> No.8232052

He sold quite a bit near the top, he did quite a good job. And like I said earlier, if the price of Bitcoin were to have dropped to $2.4k then he would have had to sell all $200k and if the price would have dropped to $5k then its doubtful he could have sold and had enough BTC and BCH left for a meaningful reallocation.

>> No.8232070

I meant he would have had to sell all 200k BTC not dollars.

>> No.8232099

>hey son, I'm about to dump, open your shorts

>> No.8232116

>He sold quite a bit near the top
That explains why BTC has been shitting the bed ever since.
What they should've done is give back what they owe at BTC's current value, not fucking crashing the market

>> No.8232134

ITT: a bunch of basement dwelling bagholders armchair quarterback a real world business transaction.

Carry on.

>> No.8232704

Do you mean give everyone the amount of money that bitcoin' s are selling for on exchanges?

>> No.8232739


are you retarded? Kraken literally offered to sell it for him to get the best rate/not crash the market and he still just market sold

nuke japan again

>> No.8232749


>> No.8232775

All he had to do was lock in the price by transferring onto hardware at $16k and above. Geez

>> No.8232844

>He should have
>Please save us guberment

Decentralized unregulated market.

>> No.8232955

>Be creditor with BTC worth $9k before the hack
>give him 1BTC today

>> No.8233501

>hes either the most blue pilled normie ever when it comes to markets or crypto, or he profited from shorting. There is NO inbetween

I agree 110%.

I personally think 100% someone he knows made a fucking fortune on shorts, a fortune that makes the liquidation value seem like no big fucking deal.

There is NO FUCKING WAY this guy does not know, or is not in the loop with someone who does.

There was a plebbit post supposedly from kraken, apparently they were approached and they begged them not to market sell, but they went ahead and did it anyways on some other exchanges...

>> No.8233533

>Read the transcripts please. He sold so that he could redistribute what remains as BTC and BCH rather than being forced to sell all the BTC and BCH to redistribute as fiat. In other words, if he didn't sell that Bitcoin at that point in time, then the full 200k would have been sold, but since he sold it at that high of a price there should be zero more Bitcoin sold by the trustee.

we all get it anon, the point is he had options, fucking kraken would have OTC sold for him and would have gotten him a far better price.

he got all the money he needed and he sold more btc than he needed to sell to get it.

he is literally a mouth breathing moron OR he or someone he knows got fantastically wealthy.

Which seems more likely????

>> No.8233562

>"I tried to get the best price"
it is the best price, considering btc is going to 1k

>> No.8233578

funny even if it makes me want to wojak

>> No.8233621

you're plain stupid as fuck. you don't know how the market works. go back to your reddit toilet