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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 160 KB, 640x400, MV5BNWUxMTNkYWEtNDU2NS00ODZmLThlNzctMzk1YWFjY2RmNmZlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzM3NTA5NzA@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8230621 No.8230621 [Reply] [Original]

Hey anon,

We're all scared shitless. You've teetered close to pulling out your investment. You've gone from thinking about setting up a business or getting a deposit on a new home with your margins a week ago to thinking about how you're going to afford your rent, pay your bills or even explain this to your family.

Do you remember life before cryptocurrency? For some of you that might be back in 2010. Some of you might have only started investing a month ago. You might have been working a 9-5 job - you were poor and making gains for somebody else. That job turned into leverage for crypto capital once you got investing. You were mining USD.

I want you to know one thing.

You're never going to be a normal wageslave ever again. Crypto has given you a freedom that you didn't ever have in your life before. You will never ngo back to work and just be happy. You will want to leverage your cash - because you've now realised you don't just work for your money. You've realised that ability to make your money work for you. That's not something you can unlearn.

Some of you will hold. Some of you will sell. If you hold - this is the time when you will look back and realised that you earned your money. If you sell, maybe its because you simply needed to pay rent, or your bills - that's fine - you're just trying to survive. When good times come again I know you'll invest in crypto again.

But if you sell out of panic - you have to live with that decision forever. Cryptocurrency is not going to disappear. This is the future. You had a stake in the future and sold it.

>> No.8230641

did everyone here sleep through the part where we were at 6k recently?

>> No.8230671

>NEW PARADIGM!!!: the post

>> No.8230731

i already cashed out at the toppest top. i only have a little bit left in crypta (just in case). if it goas down, win. if it goes up, i win. you are a cuck of highest caliber.

>> No.8230742

good post OP

>> No.8230749
File: 92 KB, 829x589, 1498616938368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grats on making 2k

>> No.8230840

i i will turn it into a million, you'll seee. soon.

>> No.8230879

nice thread

>> No.8231754

God Im sick of newfags who think they're going to get rich quick.

>> No.8231827

>OR KILL ME!!!!!

Who else /subgenius/ here?

>> No.8231832
File: 685 KB, 500x375, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that show is comfy as fuck

>> No.8231839
File: 41 KB, 1024x576, old man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"That moment of happiness and relief... must have been one of heightened pleasure. Near-death instances are painful, but satisfying. And the experience of surviving each time is simply sweet.

Absolute bliss! The experience of that pleasure has taken over your mind. From now on, you will probably live your life... pursuing excitement of that nature. Even if you win this match to obtain 100 million, your addiction to that ecstasy... would cause you to gamble that money away.

That's the life of an addict."

>> No.8231853
File: 1012 KB, 500x655, BOBDOBBS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So sub I forgot to post our saviour

>> No.8232117


>> No.8232295


>> No.8232340
File: 182 KB, 1280x720, big_1481166695_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, Max