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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8229998 No.8229998 [Reply] [Original]

We are all going to make
You all just need to learn to stop being greedy jews.
Exit all alts and stay with bitcoin on bitmex
You just need to follow this indicator and win 80% of the times

>> No.8230031
File: 40 KB, 807x735, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8230046

Enter at green arrow exit at red. 4 hour chart seems to work well

>> No.8230262

can you post a link to this chart on tradingview with settings?

>> No.8230543


>> No.8230576

why are you helping us?

>> No.8230606

are you the same guy from yesterday? I saved that script and looked backwards historically. Seems great.

>> No.8230607

is that you marius?

>> No.8230610

brainlet here. how the fuck does this work? when do the arrows actually appear?

>> No.8230782

its based on price averages, mostly in the difference between opening and closing prices

>> No.8230804

Can you please link that script? I searched for it on trading view but it doesn't show up.

>> No.8230851

It can't be this easy right? Will I get pajeeted following this advice? What does this script actually do to actually make profit like this

>> No.8230864

>muh memelines are great at predicting the past

>> No.8230969

Don't forget to sign up using a referral code to get 10% off your fees (these fees will eat you up if you're trading with small amounts)


>> No.8231014
File: 109 KB, 628x823, devnk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you wont. I have spoken.

>> No.8231054

wtf nigger dont steal refs

>> No.8231091

I cant find the indicator on tradingview

>> No.8231136

Tfw bitmex isn't available in merica

>> No.8231147

Could you please explain to a brainlet how to add this on tradingview? What indicator do I add and customize? Very much appreciated

>> No.8231149

i would really love to try the indicator but the script is not available and the link is view only pretty gay move

>> No.8231202


>> No.8231273

I am in central europe

>> No.8231278

nvm figured it out. but I cant find the second one, vdub_snipterbx_v1, does it have to be that specific one? It's not in the library

>> No.8231309

yea thats the one
just make sure to edit the config like in the pic

>> No.8231338

>Exit all alts after they dumped for days
>stay with bitcoin during a dead cat bounce

>> No.8231352

can you give me a quick rundown on how you did it? first time on tradingview

>> No.8231354

jsut go to indicators, public library and i beleive its the fifth one

>> No.8231384

why are you doing this? seems too nice for biz

>> No.8231387

//Vdub Binary Options SnipperVX v1 / Vdub Rejection Spike v3 intergration -
//Signal generator for Binary Options / ©Vdubus http://www.vdubus.co.uk/
study("Vdub Binary Options SniperVX v1", overlay=true, shorttitle="Vdub_SniperBX_v1")
len = input(8, minval=1)
src = input(close, title="Source")
out = sma(src, len)
last8h = highest(close, 13)
lastl8 = lowest(close, 13)
bearish = cross(close,out) == 1 and close[1] > close
bullish = cross(close,out) == 1 and close[1] < close
channel2=input(false, title="Bar Channel On/Off")
ul2=plot(channel2?last8h:last8h==nz(last8h[1])?last8h:na, color=black, linewidth=1, style=linebr, title="Candle body resistance level top", offset=0)
ll2=plot(channel2?lastl8:lastl8==nz(lastl8[1])?lastl8:na, color=black, linewidth=1, style=linebr, title="Candle body resistance level bottom", offset=0)
//--------------------Trend colour ema------------------------------------------------// ema trend direction trigger For Singals 1 & 2

>> No.8231402

thank you so much brother, it is listed under a different name that's why I was confused. thanks

>> No.8231418

Don't worry buddy I had the same brainlet problem.


That one. Don't forget to change the settings to how OP showed.

This isn't the end all be all tool, but if you have 7 bloody indicators confirming trend, you're good to go! Also if you downloaded that CMT one, change the input to "7" EMA (fifth row down).

>> No.8231421

under which name?

>> No.8231443

Honestly man /biz/ doesn't affect the market at all. If crypto hits mass adoption we can literally ALL make it. We don't need to compete with one another.

>> No.8231474

yeah i'm just suspicious of people who are helpful for "no reason"

>> No.8231477

>if you have 7 bloody indicators
richfag with pro account detected

>> No.8231483

Don't be fooled guys, the arrows point to the candle open, but the signal likely only appears at the close. And if those signals only appear at the close of the candle, then only 5/10 made profit. So, you may as well just guess.

>> No.8231519
File: 139 KB, 1505x899, indicators.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok i got it ty /biz/ bros, i love threads like this. Are you guys using any other oindicators? I will share the one i found yesterday as well, which seems to be very sweet and shoed me the LTC entry point today (see pic), also be sure to set MA intervall to 7 and best use with 8h candles (4 is ok as well)

not if you use this with 4h plus intervalls and do swing trades (i hate intraday trading)

>> No.8231547

look here >>8231354

Ok so I use this with 4h only? Do I enter the trade just as the indicative candle has been drawn or how does that work? Do I enter at candle open or close?

>> No.8231554

also will this work on alts? or is that too many variables?

>> No.8231594

You're right but we're going for longer term trades here. This arrow indicator is more like further confirmation then a set entry/exit point.

Looking at the 4 hour and going off candle close I see I would have entered a long at 10758 and closed at 11076. That's a decent profit. And that's just being fair to your argument about candle closing, truthfully a good trader is in and out before those points.

>4hr only?

4hr is safe. 8hr is safer. Go look at the charts yourself and imagine yourself in those past scenariors. What looks the safest to you? I looked at the 1 hour with these indicators and knew that I wouldn't have nailed all those trades. The 4hr+ is pretty dummy proof though. Always use stop limits in case trend goes against you.

It should. Download the indicator and go scroll through a bunch of alts. I went through a laborious effort and have every binance coin on my watchlist. I took a peak yesterday and it looked fine.

>> No.8231601

>calling someone a richfag on /biz/
Poorfag socialist detected

>> No.8231605

I can't find yours, if I type in vdub I get different indicators, if I type in vdub_ I get different indicators.. can't find it?

>> No.8231634

right here brah >>8231418

>> No.8231635

That one's even worse. 8/10 of those trades make a loss, going from end of candle.

>> No.8231642

Sign up using a proxy from a europoor country and after that you can use it without having to use the proxy

>> No.8231643
File: 11 KB, 218x231, 2225FFE8-E629-4FD9-9C40-C0F2AA2C01E2-3223-000003E871F0E6F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait what did i miss? are these indicators not available on TV? i don't want to download something in good faith anon

>> No.8231661

Semantics my bad. "Add" the script to your favorites.

>> No.8231667

>Always use stop limits in case trend goes against you.
What kind of stop limits do you recommend? 1% loss?

>> No.8231731

It depends on the trade. Let's say we're playing on the bottom of a channel and I'm anticipating it's going to rise.

>bottom of channel 9500 (major support)
>set stop at 9350

If it breaks support and I was wrong then I take a minor loss and re enter with the trend. I make my money back very quickly.

>> No.8231732

thanks brother. you can never be too careful in crypto. i don't want to accidentally pump the next VIA.

>> No.8231738

alright thanks Ill try it out

>> No.8231762

You can also use fib levels for stop limits. Or go off the most recent swing low. Or pick a point that you're comfortable with. Stops are pretty subjective.

>> No.8231790

guys, i'd like to set an alert for this indicator, but i can't find the right settings to input... any ideas?

>> No.8231814

If no leverage, 4-10%. More on the lower side though. And once you are in profit use a trailing stop

>> No.8231815

took the Vdub Binary Options SniperVX v1 and took the inputs as OP showed, but the indicators look different

I am on 4hr candles

>> No.8231826

did you also change the colors?

>> No.8231836

so lets say you have 2k contracts go long

you put a sell 2k shorts at 9350, or do you actually do sell 4k shorts so you're in a short position once you hit your stop loss?

>> No.8231851

So do I just long with this or short also? Seems like you'd lose a lot of money if you'd do both, if the indicators show at the closing of the candle.

>> No.8231902

also do you use mark price for stop loss, or last price?

>> No.8231933


yes, everything changes as in the first 2 pictures

>> No.8231965

He uses different candlesticks (heikin)

>> No.8231987

heikin ashi ... my bad

>> No.8232012

Okay, if you had followed this since the 6k drop on the 4hr you would have made roughly 1.8k if you bought 1 BTC each time. When do the arrows show up? after the candle closes? I calculated the buys and sells on the close so this would have been the minimum profit. This is following those indicators blindly so if you use your brain a little bit I'm sure you can at the very least double this profit with ease.
Thanks OP.

>> No.8232033
File: 34 KB, 329x343, profits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8232051


You're all retarded for thinking that this indicator would work. I hope you guys lose all of you'r money, because you sure as fuck don't deserve it.

>> No.8232060
File: 71 KB, 849x448, hmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like you lose just as often as you win with this? But winnings are bigger because of big movements?

>> No.8232078

Yeah, just take this indicator as a "confirmation of buy/sell" i would recomend blindly following it.
Pair it with MACD and maybe EMA cross and you should be seeing some nice profits, even more with leverage.

>> No.8232108

Its not perfect but its a nice way to see the upcoming trend. Like any indicator, its prone to fail.

>> No.8232120

>you'r money
what did they mean by this?

>> No.8232142

im Not the guy from yesterday. Im helping because, believe it or not, i once found a useful thread here in biz which helped me and would like now to give back

>> No.8232151

I’m a 2018 crypto brainlet,can someone give a briefing of this?

>> No.8232164

None of these have 100% accuracy, you have to look at other ones too and then make a decision. You would ideally want all of them to align and give you the same signal, that way you reduce your chances of losing by alot.

>> No.8232165

>i would recomend blindly following it
You're either an evil piece of shit, or just straight up retarded. Have any of you idiots looked at the fucking code?

It repaints. It gives you signals after the fact and is absolutely fucking worthless.

I can literally write an indicator on TD with a %80+ winrate with only 5 lines if it could repaint, but that doesn't help me one bit. It's like looking at last years chart and saying, hey I shouldve bought here, sold here, etc.

>> No.8232171

>all that work just to make 1/2 of holding

>> No.8232189


let me get this straight, It will come up with a buy signal next time it says to buy? it has been like 90% right looking through it

>> No.8232250

I've been worried about custom indicators repainting their signals.. what exactly should I look for in a script to make sure it doesn't repaint?

>> No.8232267

Oh yeah, it will give you signals alright.

It'll tell you to sell or buy, and then 5 minutes later, that signal might just disappear, and then it will tell you to buy, and then sell again. AFTER the trend has been established it will give you a proper signal at which point it will be to late. Why? Because of >>8232165

It's worthless, because it repaints. Don't take my word for it though, go ahead and lose your money.

>> No.8232269

is that how you guys trade? how is that any different from just going on the tradingview technicals page and just trading by the overall indication https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/BTCUSD/technicals/

>> No.8232270

is there any short way to get this pinescript to c++ code or python?

>> No.8232289

Get someone to check the code for you or learn pinescript.

>> No.8232333
File: 19 KB, 217x320, j33vesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is now a good time to buy btc? Is the trend going to reverse or will it continue to JUST

>> No.8232339

I don't know Pine but it's not too hard to read if you understand the logic behind it. I've written a couple of custom ones just to have a bunch of stuff in one script so I don't use my 3 free indicators on something like EMAs. What kind of lines of code should I look for to see if it is changing its signals?

>> No.8232363

because their trend analysis varies from macro to micro?

>> No.8232385

those indicators are garbage, don't pay attention to them

>> No.8232395

Sounds like a scam. You wouldn't help unless it's a botnet code of some kind.

>> No.8232547

buy in a month, next week is neutral

>> No.8232625

its not a scam but it's essentially useless unto itself unless youre an experienced trader already. if you just go by the indicators you will lose as much as you win

>> No.8232685

Will memelines help if I combine with these indicators?

>> No.8233207

the delusion in this thread kek.
you all about to lose so much money