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8228905 No.8228905 [Reply] [Original]

>Bitpay fully supports BITCOIN CASH
yet cucks will still claim scam, trash, bcash. Get fukt u niggers

>> No.8228951

because it is scam invented to make it creators rich
the rest doesn't matter

>> No.8228975
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>> No.8228987

>increase block size to 8 MB
>that's literally fucking it
Fuck of with your scam coin, faggot.

>> No.8228997

don't forget they also made sure to use exploit limited exclusively to their miners

>> No.8229004
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Ooo so angery muahahahahahhahhahahahhahahahahhahaha

>> No.8229018
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>removed the retarded 1 MB block limit
>that's literally fucking it
Pic related

>> No.8229027

Idc mate, SkyCoin

>> No.8229076
File: 228 KB, 1020x1330, Screen Shot 2018-03-09 at 10.16.41 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than 100,000 BitPay merchants, including Microsoft, Zynga, Virgin Galactic and others, can now start accepting Bitcoin Cash payments following its full integration in all of BitPay’s services.


>> No.8229199

Don't worry the old bitcoin still making news today too. Here's one of the long awaited Dragon Mint mining uses asicboost after year of condemning bit main for using it.


>> No.8229282
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I don't understand why cashies get so offended when we call it bcash? I know Roger gets all assmad because he's trying to push muh real bitcoin meme but why do regular old cashies get so butthurt?

>> No.8229368
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doesn't really bother me in fact i kind of like the name bcash its rather catchy sounding.

It's like they say no news is bad news so any attention on Bitcoin bCash is all good.

Don't be fooled by Roger's seeming upset, he knows it only causes more interest in his coin

>> No.8229425
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Ooo so stupid.

>> No.8229449

bitcoin fees are next to nothing after the spam attack (which cost money and could only go on so long). game over cashlets

>> No.8229463

notice the reddit cuck spacing. these reddit cucks come her from their SJW mongloid land and spam this board in waves., expect this thread to be bumped for the next 6 hours by same mongloids.

>> No.8229486
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>> No.8229512

Corecucks btfo

>> No.8229516

BCH ftw

>> No.8229679
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High fees, unreliable transactions, and easy double spending
are huge barriers to adoption.

Yet these are the exact policies that Bitcoin Core supporters
are advocating in favor of.

That is why I now favor Bitcoin Cash.


>> No.8229718

BCH is what BTC was.

I own Gold as a store of value

>> No.8229720

they removed segwit which has a selfish miner exploit

>> No.8229751

Undeniably reddit

>> No.8229803

The original Bitcoin was hijacked by latecomer developers who literally turned it into the exact opposite of what it was always understood to be.

People who think this is a lie or don't believe it are mostly new to the space and completely ignorant about its history.


>> No.8229859

also people conveniently forget Roger Ver did not support BCH until AFTER segwit2x failed

nobody wanted to split bitcoin, we were left with no choice after years of debate and no progress