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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8225188 No.8225188 [Reply] [Original]

>i-it will go back up

i swear all cryptofags are 15 years old

>> No.8225288

OP you're a fucking brainlet if you DON'T think crypto will recover

>> No.8225336
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keep holding brainlet personally I sold at peak and made +250% because I realize it was a bubble

hope you enjoyed getting pumped and dumped by xi shanghang LMAO

>> No.8225453

>h-h-urr dhhurr, look at me mummy, 250 percent!
250% is fucking tiny in crypto. SAD. i'm planning to enter the market again soon because guess what - we'll continue growing once market sentiment changes. thats literally all it is - sentiment, thats the only thing that has changed. no fundamentals, no technological functions have broken, it's simply the sentiment that has changed because of fear. once people realize the extraordinary value crypto brings to the world again, they'll start buying again and mark my words we will see USD$1-2MM/bitcoin in the next 10 years.

>> No.8225644

>I sold at peak and made +250% because I realize it was a bubble
I hope this is b8. I made that much last month day trading just to pass the time. You are an embarrassment