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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8224593 No.8224593 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /biz/!

Bitcoins is under $9000. Why didn't you exit the crypto bubble in December even when there was clear signs that it was going to explode?

>be me
>get in to crypto in 2015 with 500$
>don't feel so strong about it but believe that it's interesting and that people are going to do scams and pyramid schemes with crypto so market is going to go up
>start to deposit to strong coins with $100-$500 every now and then
>all in all deposit $7000 in two years
>portfolio reaches $50 000 in early 2017
>think about exiting but there aren't yet strong signs about it hitting the real mainstream
>let that $50 000 sit in Bitcoin and wait for the next strong project to come out and all in it
>summer of 2017
>/biz/ hypes ANS and it looks really good
>buy ~15000 ANS at around 3.5$
>sell my ANS/NEO at ~$35
>$500,000 fucks sake
>cashout $250,000
>let the rest sit in BTC and do few bad/decent trades here and there
>December comes BTC is at $16000
>i got $700,000 in BTC
>Big Bang Theory does an episode about Bitcoin, mainstream medias are talking about it, Bitcoin on the frontpage of Reddit
>time to cashout

So, I made like $950,000 in three years (actually made like $600,000 after taxes and shit). I want to thank you /biz/ for good times and few good tips. It was a fun ride. I own my an apartment now, have a nice car and still a lot of extra cash. It's all good.

I haven't followed crypto for few months now but isn't it clear that crypto's at least Bitcoin was never going to make it? Well not at least past that $20,000. Do you guys still have money in crypto?

And to newfags, don't invest in crypto. That queue is far gone.

>> No.8224612
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>> No.8224645

nice larp faggot, it might be therapeutic for you to imagine an ideal situation like this instead of remembering the reality you're down 85% since december

>> No.8224652

>And to newfags, don't invest in crypto. That queue is far gone.


>> No.8224660

Lol nice blaket

>> No.8224665




Are you a little butthurt, anon? It's not like it wasn't clear to everyone who knows a little about investing that if mainstream hypes your investment it's time to exit, for sure.

>> No.8224674

Well that's kind of low gains
Invested btc in 2002, buy price was 0.01$
Bought 100.000 btc
Sold the top at 18k
Just bought my first yacht yesterday because I want to profit next summer
Hu also bought eth at 0,1 sold at 1400, bought ant at 2$ sold at 150, bought eos at 0.5 sold at 16$
And you're proud of your shitty 250k

>> No.8224697


Well, I guess I have to withdraw my statement. I see a fair chance on some coins actually having future and use. But, it's still a quite fucking risky shit.


Nice, anon. Gz.

>> No.8224701

Damn are you serious I haven't heard that before. Is this true no larp?

>> No.8224723

take that, rich dude.

>> No.8224727

wow are you me?, I did literally the same thing step by step

>> No.8224738

>It ls another "I'M SO RICH STORY" roleplay thread.

>> No.8224740

>not make it past 20k
25 days later...
Bitcoin passes 20k

>> No.8224756

Nah I exited aswell, still shorting BTC though. 4k is the minimum of lows. Haven't joined as early as you but I still did pretty good for myself and I'm happy with the results.

>> No.8224770


Of course it's true. No larp.


>implying that none of the faggots who have talked about crypto in /biz/ for the past 3 years made it


Oh, well. Didn't actually know about that because I didn't follow crypto that much after I exited. I checked it in some time in January and it was $12,000 and the next time it was $10,000 and now under $9000.

>> No.8224782


Interesting. And I'm happy for you as well.

>> No.8224799

Cool evidence rich bro!1!!1
Please tell us more about that 4th yacht and how you and your "smoking hot wife" have travelled the world last year.

>> No.8224839
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>Are you a little butthurt, anon? It's not like it wasn't clear to everyone who knows a little about investing that if mainstream hypes your investment it's time to exit, for sure.

Someone litterly said to me that its a new paradigm at 17k

>> No.8224846


I'm too lazy to post a pic about my bank transfers, takes too long to find them and if I accidently miss something personal you jealous fucks are going to fuck with me. Not going to take pics from my apartment nor car for the same reason. Also my apartment was $200,000 and car $20,000 so it wouldn't impress you anyways. Don't have an yacht nor smoking hot gf/wife atm.

>> No.8224925

Dude don't try to proof anything to these guys, they're just messing with you. AND NEVER post your bank statements online. wtf dude.

>> No.8224977


Yea I know, dude.

Just wanted some insight about /biz/ current position on cryptos. And you have to provoke /biz/ in order to get answers and I did it with my true story.

>> No.8224980

Lurk more