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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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822362 No.822362 [Reply] [Original]

>drink too much coffee, read parts of How To Get Rich by Felix Dennis and The Millionaire Fastlane (not enough attention span to read anything these days)
>get pumped up, oh yeah, the dumb pleb normies have nothing on me
>do nothing but browse 4chan all day

>> No.822369

So get started, friend.

Everyday is a new opportunity, you can make at least small things happen in 90 days, so why are you wasting a ninety-eighth of your time to achieve something?

It's quite possible you don't want to get rich, you just want the result. And life doesn't work like that.

>> No.822380

here's good video to tie it all in.


>> No.822411

>Unnecessary swearing every other word

Yeah I'm not watching that. I can't take people who talk like that seriously

>> No.822416

>I can't take people who talk like that seriously

It's entertaining and more emotionally-charged than some nerdy fuck sitting with his gay little haircut and effeminate body quietly explaining why it's important people go after their goals.

Listen to the message rather than the manner in which it's conveyed you cuckold

>> No.822436

Anyone recommend any good 'get rich' type books - either insightful or just motivating?

Currently same shit as op except, I got started and now I need to deliver a lot of stuff but I'm F5ing instead.

>> No.822438

>He hasn't read Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki


>> No.822447

That's a good book. It gave me some good insights, which would probably seem very basic to some people.

Currently having a go at the Richard Templar books. Not sure if good yet.

>> No.822516


>> No.822527

I love the ones where he talks somewhat normally and starts yelling at random intervals.

>> No.822530



10/10 would bro up with.

>> No.822538

>Tfw you will never hang out with your screaming, good looking bro

>> No.822551


oh my god what a bitch.

if you settle for failure you've already lost.

>> No.822554

>if you settle for failure you've already lost.

That's not what he's saying though.

he's saying you should at the very least keep trying. There's no excuse for not trying.

>> No.822580


Reading books and that is fine, but more important is taking action.

You see this pyramid? This pyramid is really tall. And everyone wants to get to the top of the pyramid. Everyone says: "I can see myself on top of that pyramid"

But very few people in life make it to the top of the pyramid. So what's the key? What's the secret?

The secret lies in breaking down your huge future dreams into small manageable steps.

This is not even some kind of very esoteric secret learned from the monks of Tibet, this is commonly repeated knowledge!

Mark Twain said it himself - “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and starting on the first one.”


>> No.822588



Look at your goals, and break it down quite a bit.

1."I want to make more money"

>Well I need to either make more active income or passive income, or lower my expenses

2."I want to make more passive income"

>Well there's online websites, self-running businesses, stocks, bonds, etc.

3."I want to make money off the stock market."

>But you don't know shit about trading stocks. So you can either learn to trade or get an index fund.

4."I want to learn how to trade stocks."

>Great, there's a million books out there on stock trading strategies, and hundreds of people on /biz/ willing to help.

5."I want to read a book on stocks, to learn how to trade."

>There's a million styles of investment analysis and decisions. For example, fundamental analysis vs technical analysis, value investing vs growth investing vs momentum investing. And most of the good books preach one particular style of investing, which may or may not be the style for you.

6."Holy shit thats a lot of gibberish to me!"

>That means you need to start reading more!

7."Guess I'll start by learning that, what's a good book?"

>Either "Securities Analysis" or "The Intelligent Investor" are good choices, especially if you complement them with more up-to-date material from the 21st century on things like Understanding Financial Performance, or investopedia articles like "Value Investing: Finding Value In Financial Reports And Balance Sheets"

So what are you waiting for? You want to make more money? Look at your overall goal, break it down, and just get started already! If the above steps seems like a description of you, the only thing between you and increased wealth is how soon you read that book. The sooner you read this crap, the sooner you can start improving your life.

If you're not doing something productive, evaluate your overall goals, break them down, and ask yourself what needs to be done. (and then just do it)

>> No.822602

Talk - Action = Bullshit.

Quit telling yourself you'll do something. Just go ahead and do it.

>> No.822616

Look for books on the science of willpower , it falls unser the pureview of paychology now and we have peer reviewed research on the subject.

If your f5ing then the problem you need to tackle is self management not money or business management

>> No.822622

Or to be more succinct "your habits determine your future"

If you wake up and browse the chans for 4 hours and eat shit and dont exercise and spend frivolously , well those are all ha its. You just gonna suddenly do things differently?

You keep doing the same shit youll keep getting the same results. Wanna not be a loser? Drop your loser habits