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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8222910 No.8222910 [Reply] [Original]

My boyfriend spends so much money its ridiculous. Hes a health nut and spends so much on his diet and beauty regime and he has me do the same things and eats the same as him. He probably spends like $5k a week on food, products, spa treatments, hair, clothes etc. Im a little worried because I have no idea how much he makes he just wont tell me but if he spends like $250k on his body and health + $3000/rent it makes me a little scared. Hes not big on traveling and doesnt want to take me to like Paris or Dubai we never went on a trip and weve been together 6 months. Im just wondering if I have the right to ask him to tone it down on the health spending and take a vacation idk

>> No.8222928

tits or gtfo

>> No.8222931

Go back

>> No.8222946

Do you not believe in taking care of yourself?
In a balanced diet?
In a rigorous exercise routine?

>> No.8222959

fuck off

>> No.8222966
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>> No.8222971

how do i keep my face from drying out? it makes me look old.

>> No.8222973

kerplunk yourself

>> No.8223000

None of these things cost 5000 a week lmao.
Gym membership: 30 dollars a month
Healthy diet: 100-200 dollars a month depending on where you live
Skincare: 50 dollars a month no spas

>> No.8223008

why the fuck are you asking us? because you think we have a lot of internet meme money so we are qualified to give relationship advice. write to miss manners or something.

>> No.8223013

Moisturizer and serum obviously. You can also do a sheet mask to moisturize every day/week.

>> No.8223018
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ironic waste of digits

>> No.8223037

>The one time you reply to a thread instead of posting wojacks and bogs
just kill me

>> No.8223060
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here's an idea, how about you don't try to change him and have him resent you for the rest of his life?

> tfw this was bait all along
too late now

>> No.8223087

>Healthy diet: 100-200 dollars a month depending on where you live

haha come to switzerland please. 100-200 dollars for healthy diet? yes maybe for 2-3 days.

>> No.8223094

this, he sounds like a massive faggot but if your only concern is budget just shut the fuck up unless you actually good with finances

>> No.8223124

>Healthy diet: 100-200 dollars a month
Are you kidding? You can easily spend more than that in a single grocery trip if you want the healthiest foods from Sprouts or places like that. Especially now that food is more expensive.

>> No.8223136

I didn't get past "... my boyfriend"
Because you're either a certified homosexual, or worse, a woman.
Fuck off.

>> No.8223141
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do you actually think that stores like sprouts or wholefoods have food that's better for your health?

>> No.8223144

What do you eat? I'm in Canada but when I went to Europe (Germany, Ukraine, France) everything was cheaper than it is here, especially chicken.
Just buy:
>Meat source
>Dried beans
>Seasonal veggies
>Rice and some pasta + potato

>> No.8223149


>> No.8223174

lol i spend 100€ thats 140$ for like a week healthy food

>> No.8223175

Sorry senpai you've been cucked by the health food industry. Next you're gonna be talking about avacados and Soylent.

>> No.8223177


how you even got $100-200 a month on eating healthy, I mean maybe if you lived in South America or Africa or something.

>> No.8223185
File: 131 KB, 480x360, EC7A7892-EFC2-4878-89DA-80BA2A85FAA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re so fucking wrong

>> No.8223204

Why don't you take him on a trip? Do you even contribute to the monthly budget?

>> No.8223210

Tell him stop with the faggotry bullshit and get into crypto like a real fucking man.

>> No.8223220 [DELETED] 

earn your own money, bitch, if you want to travel so bad. or break up with him and whore yourself out while "travelling" like all the other future single moms in their 20s lol.

in the end, you can just rationalize it away with
just leave us and our pink wojacks alone, roastie... go back to plebbit


>> No.8223282
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>> No.8223288

Fucking roasties begging for gibme dat holiday

>> No.8223294

>been together two months
>he hasn't taken me on a trip to dubai or paris yet
>I'm worried about him

is this what girls really think? might explain why I can't keep a girlfriend for longer than 4 months, I never take them anywhere

>> No.8223316

Canada in Toronto, where food is probably more expensive than where you are. You're living in luxury which is fine, but don't act like it's impossible to live more frugally.
>Bag of rice - 8KG - $9
>1 week worth of whatever meat I'm feeling or is on sale, usually whole chicken, ground chicken, or pork - $10*4.5 = 45
>Seasonal veggies - $20-30
Dried beans 5kg - $10
$85-95 dollars and you can throw in some pasta/potato on top if you're feeling it

>> No.8223359

Oh boy, you're in for a redpill.

>> No.8223534

>Paris or Dubai

Good choice on destinations for this larp, makes it somewhat believable

anyways, kys

>> No.8223955

>Hes not big on traveling and doesnt want to take me to like Paris or Dubai
>doesnt want to take me to like Paris or Dubai
Jesus Christ. The level of entitlement. Pay for your own vacation if it's you who wants to go in the first place. What the actual fuck.

Thanks for the reminder to never get a woman.

>> No.8223989

hello newfag

this is literally a reddit image btw it's posted all over it

>> No.8224070

Europe here, spend around 300 dollars a month on groceries . No processed food and snacks . Buy them at a cheap store though

>> No.8224166

Gay or woman?

>> No.8224236

>Healthy diet: 100 dollars a month
>3 dollars and 35 cents a day
maybe if you live on a fucking farm, value your labor 0 and weigh about 150 pounds
good quality chicken/turkey costs 3 dollars per serving alone

>> No.8224258

>women on biz