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8222135 No.8222135 [Reply] [Original]

What are some cheap calorie dense foods /fit/?
Due to reasons I have to live on $10 or less per day and I’d rather not spend all of it on food, but I lift 4-5 times a week and I don’t wanna go full skelly mode.
Need to eat 3,500-4,000 kcal a day
What works for you?

>> No.8222171


>> No.8222177

Oh shit I fucked up.

>> No.8222514

fuck off fit fag
extra 2000 calories generate 100x the flatulence of the average person due to adaptation of colon diameter
have fun with that

>> No.8222537

36 eggs a day


>> No.8222557

Meh, /fit/, /biz/, /pol/, /b/ what does it matter, it's all shitposting in the end

>> No.8222625

rice + lentils, or rice + peas = complete protein

>> No.8222634

not a bad idea.
better yet, each serving of 2 eggs could have 1 tbsp of butter,
1 lb of butter = ~2.9 dollars
64 eggs = ~7.5 dollars
32 servings = 10.4 dollars, ~6400 calories

>> No.8222636

>Has a stroke

>> No.8222658

>wat is cholsterol?
this faggot knows what it is

>> No.8222698

nah read vince gironda diet

>> No.8222717

well if you're living on the cheap it's more dangerous to buy foods that lack nutrients than buying something that has all the nutrients you need but an excess of one thing.

>> No.8222767

If that's your goal you should be going all in on one grain and one legume plus whatever general daily vitamin supplement you can get, not all in on eggs.

>> No.8222777

eggs are the most perfect food

>> No.8222778

go dig through the trash, infinite calories

>> No.8222797

most sane people would have trouble cooking beans every day.

>> No.8222798

What is the fact that dietary cholestorol has little effect on blood cholesterol levels in most people. What is the fact that atherosclerosis is caused by inflammation.

>> No.8222813

thanks brah didnt know how to explain

>> No.8222823
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At this point the userbase is pretty much interchangable.

>> No.8222865

hit 1g protein/ pound of body weight with chicken breast
1 carrot 1 banana for health
1 greek yogurt 1 cheese stick
tuna/ham sandwich alternating
1 quart white milk, 1 quart chocolate milk
nachos/chipsahoy to fill the void
only $60 per week desu

>> No.8223059

sweet potatoes, buy whole chicken with everything still in tact then clean it yourself, oatmeal, whole milk. those are the basics as far as calorie dense carbs, proteins, and fats. drink a glass of whole milk every meal. inb4 rippetoe shill

>> No.8223078

Excellent idea, desu, esp if keto. Cholesterol is the build blocks of life.

>> No.8223165
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he ate all the eggs

>> No.8223300

Potatoes and beans.
Just butter em up.

>> No.8223330

You can buy rice on amazon in 10kg bags.
If you got JUSTED like me today the bag wont be so heavy

>> No.8223335


>> No.8223334

Chicken thighs, Eggs, Brussels sprouts or collards, butter and coconut oil to fry em for warm meals. Coconut milk, cheese, kefir, non-activated almonds, pecans, macadamia nuts, Kim chi, sardines, smoked oysters for quick snacks that don't need prep.

>> No.8223363

oysters under 10$ a day 3,500-4000kcal lmao

>> No.8223425

Remember to eat some seeds, nuts or grains to get arganine. Lentils is god tier.

>> No.8223463

Rippetoe shill

>> No.8223579

Thats unhealthy as fuck

>> No.8223613

Weak little soyboy can't handle the protein farts hahahahahaha. I'd love to hold you down and watch you try to wriggle free like the worm that you are until you pass out from the stench of my toxic gas.

>> No.8223950
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potato tuna patties. cheap af. Dense af. em with hot chilli dipping sauce.

>> No.8223995

oh so you're literally a faggot

>> No.8224008

Tuna can

>> No.8224010
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>> No.8224060
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OP, i'm a /ck/bro with background in being broke/poor and also restaurant industry.
let me axe you question: do you live near a 99 cent or dollar store? or even a fucking walmart if you're a jewnitedstatesburger fag?

if so, do this:
bag of beans
bag of rice
eggs if you can afford them
bag of frozen broccoli or frozen spinach

soak beans overnight, boil on low heat until soft the next day. wash rice and boil until fluffy.
salt, peppah, olly oil, pan, mix together wa la. simple stirfry. you wanna get fancy? get that azn taste? toss in some soy sauce.

all items above can be purchased for $1-2. eggs at walmart are around $1 or even 88 cents a dozen.

reduce your faggot-lifting by 60% until you can allocate more funds to food. also check out the /deenz/ thread over at /ck/...sardines are a nutrient-dense food at low cost if you're willing to get the larger sardines. the smaller sardines are the luxury ones that are slightly more expensive.

>> No.8224069

eggs (you might consider egg beaters or egg whites too)
nonskinned chicken (cheaper to skin it yourself)

im assuming ur gonna bulk with that amount of calories? every once in a while don’t worry about splurging and going to mcdicks and getting 5 mcchickens or something

>> No.8224110

whats the point of skinning chicken, all that fat is good for energy

>> No.8224122
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This is a /fit/ raid! Lets get a revenge and strike them back. Go-go-go post link memes.

>> No.8224134

Lots of pasta

>> No.8224207

get a job at mcDDDDD op and eat for free there

>> No.8224234
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>a board dedicated to mirin hard bodied naked men
Smells like latent homosexuality

>> No.8224398


>> No.8224461

I eat 5 scrambled eggs +1 bowl of oatmeal every morning for breakfast.

Also, chicken, rice, blueberries, bananas, >>8222777
broccoli, kidney beans and tuna + vitamins & supplements

>> No.8224472

Fuck off fatass

>> No.8224553

The answer is oatmeal. Even better if you actually like the taste.

Don't kill yourself with 50 eggs a day stupids.

>> No.8225427

This thread was moved to >>>/fit/45077522