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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8219290 No.8219290 [Reply] [Original]

Got liquidated again. This is fucking disgusting. This was absolutely unpredictable, the crash this fast and violent. I was using fucking 5x leverage and added margin several times, and yet it still just shat itself.
Lost 8 ETH this month. I'm never going to make that back.

>> No.8219313

I'm up 783% on a 100x leveraged short from 2 hours ago. How did you fuck that up?

>> No.8219321


I find it funny that a country with only 300 million people out of 7 billion somehow controls an Internet meme money ecosystem.

>> No.8219322

Just take out your life savings and go all in on Black, Roulette
A fresh start

>> No.8219330

if thats true thats great but your going to get burned with 100x one of these days. Bad. 50x is enough for me.

>> No.8219331

I feel like im a pussy for not shorting but im okay with that. but how do you ever long in this situation like, literally ever ur retarded

>> No.8219336
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>> No.8219337

Anything above 25x is just luck, anyone who thinks otherwise just hasn't gotten unlucky yet.

>> No.8219374

guess i'm the luckiest person on earth then. x50 leverage never gotten liquidated

>> No.8219417

You fucking piece of shit hindsight brainlet, I longed at $11100 when it looked like the bottom of a pullback and there were no hints of a Binance hack or gooks dumping billions of dollars
When it dumped I'd have lost most of it if I had closed so it was pointless, could only pray it wouldn't fall below my liquidation price. But it did.

>> No.8219438

How is that possible? If you opened a short now you'd get liquidated at $8800. Literally one candle. How long do you hold the positios open?

>> No.8219568

add lots of margin and short near the top. also watch the charts all day on adderal and be ready to close at any time

>> No.8219657

>I was using fucking 5x leverage

You moron. You think that's low? Seriously just go to the casino.

>> No.8219683

>margin long during a bear market

seriously OP? even after 11.7 rejected us again?

>> No.8219729

We're in a strong intermediate downtrend. Why are you trying to pick pennies in front of a steamroller?

>> No.8219750

It was no bear market, sideways at best. When I longed we were still well out of the down channel.
Yes, I think that's low. This guy does 50x and says he's never liquidated.

>> No.8219760

>This was absolutely unpredictable, the crash this fast and violent.

How is this unpredictable? People who knew bitcoin already tried to tell others they had to be extremely careful trying to use it as an investment precisely because it is unpredictable and because crashes can be very fast and violent.

>> No.8219794

Most of the time crash happens in mere seconds, and when it does, bitmex will be overloaded as fuck, so you wont be able to place/cancel any order, so you'll get fucked if you dont have a stop loss in place

>> No.8219805
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>no stop loss

>> No.8219945

>add lots of margin
so you aren't using the leverage you think you are you ADD retard

>> No.8219995

I used 25-50x a lot, never got liquidated. Until I did. Since then I've decided that liquidation shouldn't even be on the table.

>> No.8219996

Yeah I'm using smaller leverage by adding money

>> No.8219997
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you caught me

>> No.8220039

>It was no bear market, sideways at best.
>2 weeks in the green means we're out of the woods
Did you just start investing last year?

>> No.8220093

most of this board started investing last year lmao

>> No.8220160

You actually think the US controls crypto markets?

>> No.8220182

Sad but true. I guess this is the first time most of them have ever experienced a bear market.

>> No.8220184
File: 235 KB, 736x1074, Creno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes you fuck the bear.

Right now, the bear is fucking you.

>> No.8220268

>tfw this improves the image