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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8218778 No.8218778 [Reply] [Original]

Welp, I officially have less money than I started with.

Anybody else?

>> No.8218813

very close. Went from x5 to 10% profit

>> No.8219323


Yeah I’m down thousands of dollars. Just going to hold to 0. Should make a nice tax write off for years to come.

>> No.8219528

you mean crypto faggot?
nah im good faggot.

>> No.8219787

This fucking image ahahahahahaha

>> No.8219788

Went from 11x in december to 5x now. My initial plan was to hodl til May, but now it's like... the shit has to moon in the summer months or idk wtf

>> No.8219804

Almost exact same for me

>> No.8219823
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Over 45% down

>> No.8219846

I'm 70% down lol

>> No.8219848

>they didn't take profit
I kept telling people all last year to do so. I'm sitting comfy on 5x my initial investment cashed out and still have 20x my initial investment still in.

>> No.8219872

down a little over 50% from december buy in

>> No.8219882

No. I wasn't a retard and cashed out my initial investment when I quadrupled my money.

>> No.8219898

I'm down 50% but I didn't put a life ending amount in anyway. Could have made 3x a few months ago if I took it. Oh well.

>> No.8219952

down 2.5 million. probably a couple hundred k more than that actually, hard to calculate because I have some dogshit icos in the pipeline and I am pricing them at their ETH cost basis... still up but i quit my job so financially almost ruined. no fucking clue on taxes... have a family. its over

>> No.8219973

to be clear the 2.5 million+ is down from peak. still a "winner" but very very small.

>> No.8219986

>no fucking clue on taxes...
anon please tell me you at least cashed out enough to pay your taxes

>> No.8219988
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A friend finally convinced me to jump into crypto today. Feeling pretty optimistic lol

Should I wait until eth is $500 before buying more?

>> No.8220012

Yep, if you got in today with 95k, you would cheer for your coins to lose value. Sounds legit.

>> No.8220022
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from 10x to 3x here

>> No.8220055

Lol nigger youre holding actual garbage

>> No.8220060

as of today i have a bunch of USD on gdax. never pulled out till today. feds going to drop the hammer i think. letting some stuff ride. mostly stuff I don't have a choice on.

>> No.8220061

never had anything to lose anyway

can't win if I don't play

>> No.8220119

If you're bullish longterm and are working with that kind of capital just do weekly buys to dollar cost average in.

>> No.8220127

i'm about $1k away. came this close once before.

>> No.8220144

>OP doesn't know about lending crypto.

Good job dip shit.

>> No.8220153


I had a very very small window to take a tiny amount of profit, then btc pumped, my alts bleed, btc started crashing and pumping every other week and I got fucked

>> No.8220179
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I went all in at $15k with my student loan money. I'm completely fucked. My parents will probably disown me.

>> No.8220198


Started last April. Still up 184% according to the trusty blockfolio.

>> No.8220202

I'm about -50% of my initial investment. one of my alts tanked hard.

>> No.8220205

Nobody is touching finex with a ten ft pole fag.

>> No.8220232

You can do it on polo, you trust Goldman Sachs right?

>> No.8220241
File: 14 KB, 480x360, C46E2997-7BAA-4B02-A754-7C9EA9FC50E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too am /comfy/ took out 20% when bitcoin fell to 16 and still am up 20x

>> No.8220263

Still in profit, down $650k from the top
it starts to hurt

>> No.8220288

Those faggots never reviewed my KYS, I guess for the better. And I trust them more than I trust BTC or BCH fwiw

>> No.8220290

Soon. I'm getting wrecked on req.

>> No.8220305

-20%. I just wanted to be part of the program.

>> No.8220328


Damn I’m sorry jake

>> No.8220520

>And I trust them more than I trust BTC or BCH fwiw
Why? They cutoff people whose politics they don't like, at least with crypto I can still send money to whoever I want.

>> No.8220544

Zero sum game bro.
Thanks for your money.

>> No.8220580

Reached minus today.

>> No.8220601

da fuck

>> No.8220610

I'll be in the positive until bitcoin goes back to $2k or neo goes back to $5

>> No.8220651

They don't cutoff their own. I can't send crypto to the fucking 90% of the population that don't know, don't care or can't grasp wtf is crypto.
> Don't make me open this dam thread in a new tab

>> No.8220666
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Good thing i just got a new good paying job. Otherwise I would've had to sell at a YUGE loss

>> No.8220746

I’ve never had more

>> No.8220847

I thought March might be a bull run because I saw bitcoin go from 6K to 10 so I bought in for the first time and wanted to try to become financially independent, went from 810 to 540. I could still theoretically come back from this but feels bad.

Good thing I made 100 off ONT.

>> No.8220877

Started with $15k. Made $10k extra, I took out my initial $15k so I'm just playing with ponzi scheme house money.

>> No.8220908

Nah I sold my whole stake at $11k. I'm out.