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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 323 KB, 530x321, investinmem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8216463 No.8216463 [Reply] [Original]

With the imminent crash of crypto, what are your predictions for the graphics card market? I'm sure the internet will be flooded with them. AMD/Nvidia/Retailers will drop prices because they'll be stuck with a giant overstock of GPUs made to meet a market that no longer exists.

When will prices hit rock bottom? Will crypto come back from the dead?

>> No.8216487

Probably BTC hits $2000, GPU's are going to be fucking worthless. Shit you not, probably $300 below normal pre-inflation rate.

>> No.8216555

Looking forward to cheap graphics cards.

>> No.8216580

Who cares

>> No.8216586

that's not how it works.

>> No.8216629

buy more gpu

>> No.8216676
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stop lying to yourself. gpu will sell out every 5 min, cryptography is here to stay. sorry you cant beat math (satoshi)

>> No.8216710

imagine once 3rd world countries (Venezuela) find out, game over lol

>> No.8216714
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Short NVDIA and AMD.
They are overpriced by 40%

>> No.8216756

The last time around, the HD 7950s were selling for $150. Down from their $250 MSRP. Not really that big of a dip.

>> No.8217025


>> No.8217066

A man can dream

>> No.8217106
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every local store "sorry we don't have any video cards at the moment" does anyone realize the impact this has on the future of bitcoin. Shipments come in every month wtf are gamers doing. is metro California anti gpu or wth

>> No.8217107

budget gaymers will buy the cheap old ones
data centers will keep up demand for new ones
and supply won't increase by much anyway

also, the older generation is going to get its ass wiped by mcm gpus by late 2018 or early 2019 so they can still charge a premium on the new high end regardless of how many of today's cards flood the used market.

>> No.8217132
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>> No.8217174

They do actually use crypto IRL
> commie failed country is the only one that ended mass adopting crypto
Sleep on it.

>> No.8217181

maga needs to worry about Latin America. they are so poor and these cards are printing cash. how could this not be the beginning of modern socialism.

>> No.8217208

I'd be more worried about what happens when someone invents a better way of calculating the hash tags.

100x increase speed in calculating hash
Price of video cards collapse
Value per transaction collapses
Price of coins collapse
Used video cards on craigslist.

>> No.8217211

petro coin still dubious . im waiting for the 700mil plus screenshot. words mean nothing in blockchain.........lets see how our .gov responds......my yelling is about gpu i mean its really bad

>> No.8217278

SOXS and SOXL are what you're looking for. Tomorrow, SOXS.

>> No.8217277

yes and yes !!!!!! but when and how ...... biggest gamble in our lifetime

>> No.8217289

what you retards don't understand is mining has always been profitable and will always be profitable. hell I get free electricity so it doesnt even matter its all pure profit. we will keep buying every single gpu available for sale. no gamer will ever be able to buy a gpu again. give up soygoy go buy a playstation

>> No.8217324
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Also, do you all faggots are that new and think Bitcoin is mined with GPUs? WTF. Please go back to wherever the fuck you come from.
If people flips to other minenable coin the GPU prices can actually duplicate.

You think All LA is like Venezuela? lol. Crypto never gained traction there because it was an obvious scam for them. Why you think theres only one shitcoin project from there? Not for lack of Javascript monkeys that is.

>> No.8217333


I also question the use of public key encryption, whose entire strength is based on hoping that technology won't be able to figure out how to do math fast.

Once the technology catches up, everything based on PKE (including cryptos and your wallets), will be easily broken, using only your public key.

>> No.8217345
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mass media is obviously staying quiet. cmon seriously how crazy would it be "cnn: computers gurus create a simple way to create digital currency " HP, NYtimes, etc

let that sink we all know and should easily see how they want to oppress this new idea of making your own money at home

>> No.8217391

we're still a few months away from people flooding old gpus on the market

>> No.8217402
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ef asic

currrently mining zero

asic resistant

just my 2 cents go bitcoin lol

>> No.8217417

>data centers


>> No.8217424


In fact, I wonder how long it will take miners to figure this out...

The security of public key encryption is the amount of computing power that (currently) is needed to break the keys.

So instead of fighting each other over getting the fraction of a bitcoin for verifying transactions, imagine what would happen if the miners got together to use their shared computing power to break a single public key... whoever holds the most bitcoin.

>> No.8217437

new gpu is not out YET but they cant even say its certain. it could be NVidia just talking and demo

>> No.8217452

Venezuelans don't use petro, they know it's a scam, petro is for retard 1st worlders and commie cucks to bail a failed govenment.
Venezuelans use other coin that has free-instant transactions to buy food and shit. Sorry I cant remember the name.
> zsomething vsomething

>> No.8217471



yes, datacenters you retard

>> No.8217500

i cant help to think of Skynet

i hope they can all come together (p2p tech) to end human suffering

singularity or bust ! ......we are done. machines will win

>> No.8217501

> You can rent GPUs on Amazon AWS, same for GPU farms used for rendering 3D movies.
Google anounced 70+ qbit computer less than a week ago. THATS whats fueling the crash.

Need more schooling from from brown people?

>> No.8217543

what i just recently found out is that Dash is going viral in venezuala. They are crazy for the shit. I guess Dash is funding a lot of shit and doing air drops in Venezuela. But people are using it because their own money is worthless. Something like 20% of the population. I'm surprised its not talked about more.

>> No.8217544


all of the asic miners in the world aimed at one wallet couldn't crack the private key in thousands of years. You need algorithms that rely on Qubits for large prime factorization.

>> No.8217551
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IBM Watson is the future of everything. post was days long talked about IBm and stinky linky

mobile mining the end to poverty

>> No.8217583
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The crash will be over within the next 8 hours, with a full recovery in the next 72.

>> No.8217585
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>> No.8217639

outside of nvidia's cloud gaming pc market there is 0 applicable business use for this.

>> No.8217652
File: 441 KB, 1018x553, usa lost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my gf is next to me with a sad puppy face. hates how crypto took over and my dream is to live in or near the cheapest

south america

cheap everything, miss universe, victoria secret angels, low crime rate compared to central and north (hands down), food ? lol

sell me something else with crypto in mind

>> No.8217661

yes I am sure microsoft and amazon spent hundreds of millions of dollars building out infrastructure for gpu optimized cloud computing instances because literally nobody is buying them

>> No.8217683

GPU mining payback has nothing to do directly with BTC prices and almost everything to do with Ethereum prices.

>> No.8217686
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homes beaches wildlife party life Adriana Lima ? and cheap bitcoin wtf

>> No.8217700

I work with a public company partnered with both of those companies and guess what. There is about little to no demand for cloud GPUs from our clients at all.

They aren't going to increase demand on the GPU market in any meaningful way.

This statement reflects Q1 2017 and before only.

>> No.8217714



>> No.8217772


Again, I fail to see how this will affect the GPU market in any meaningful way.

How does this have any business applicable use other than for specific government entities?

>> No.8217822

gpu are all sold out because the feds don't want people to print their own money

>> No.8217829


I am by no means an expert on public key encryption, but with the limited knowledge I do have, I wonder if there is a different approach to this.

As I understand it.....

1. The private key is two large prime numbers.
2. The public key are these two number multiplied by each other.

Is this correct? If so....

3. I think all of the prime numbers known to date have already been published. So whatever the two primes that your private key uses, they will be prime numbers already known by the public (or at least the mathematicians).

4. Instead of trying to factor the product of two primes, it would be possible to create a table where you calculate the product of each prime to the others.

5. Since this list would give the product of every two primes known, you would simply look up the public key on the table, and that would give you the two primes, which means you have the private key.

6. Since multiplication is so much faster than trying to factor, it is entirely feasible, especially with faster computers.

7. According to a math website I just looked at, it would take 1500 years for a single processor issued in 2005 to calculate all prime numbers up to 10^16. How much faster could it be done now with modern processors and shared computers?

>> No.8217880

You are correct.
See post above, Quantum computers reduce the time to break the encription to days or weeks.

>> No.8217905


>> No.8217933

Right, and why would that affect the demand of the GPU market? They aren't going to be continuously buying more GPUs to run this thing.

It's a specific use case for one project.

>> No.8217943
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as much as they bring this up. they ARE working on a solution ?

what is quantum proof ?

hs drop out thanks

>> No.8218011

crypto miners are like 1 percent on their business....

this is why you dumbasses are poorfags cant even realize how insignificant crypto is

>> No.8218052


I could go on

>> No.8218174

Scenario 1: Other coin takes the place of bitcoin and is mineable. Everybody will rush to mine it since it's like going back to 2010 and everybody will want a piece of that.

Scenario 2: if the cryptographic algos are breached cryptocurrecncies cease to exist. You can have your fucking GPUs and play your faggy games while the world powers nuke each other.

>> No.8218205

if you really think miners are 1% of the business of GPU manufactures, you are seriously delusional...

>> No.8218241

Now you're speculating. I could comparatively say Apple will have an amazing Q4 this year, or they won't.

>> No.8218299

> Because speculating is something totally unheard of in cryptocurrencies.

>> No.8218323
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never 1% way off yes its new and its speculative but too many big names involved. again why the fuck are all the shelves empty wth are gamers going to do. EMPTY !

>> No.8218365

several locations all empty. can we guess at what point do they sell out ? several guys i talked to in the warehouse told me they get em every 1-2months

>> No.8218367

This must be the result of most /biz/ debates.
>I don't have a response to that let me greentext

For any other lurkers in this thread, in a few months you'll get your cheap GPU's when miners are unprofitable again. (Like the last two times this has happened)

Just have a little patience.

>> No.8218374

so hyped to profit off of coin cucks lmao
tri GPU setup incoming BOIIIII

>> No.8218379

>With the imminent crash of crypto

Shut the fuck up

>> No.8218414


explain roi in 30 days

>> No.8218460

btc $760 buy the dip hodl 12 MONTHS = $28k


>> No.8218524

Don't take me wrong, I want some GPUs too, not for game only but for mining and NNs and shit. Just that I don't see it as easy as you. Last 2 times there wasn't any possibility of a flippening like now. Since you can't cash out that money will flip somewhere inside crypto, is not vanishing and mining will not be unprofitable as you expect.

>> No.8218617
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people are paying rent and bills with 4gpu gaming computers

>> No.8218665
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you can thank Russia for breaking into NVidia main distrib loc sold it to Venezuela and now Caracas is made in Russia. go putin !

Fyodor Bogorodsky

>> No.8219347

All I'm gonna say is someone needs to figure out how to mine with BIOS chips or some shit cuz this GPU shortage is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.8219529
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not that bad .....lol

i told santa i want ibm qubit computer for xmas

>> No.8219671

#pay with eth

>> No.8219723

and forgot to pay taxes

>> No.8219855
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Newegg - $1600 for 1080ti

end it all