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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8213140 No.8213140 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.8213179

I don't want to make a thread about it but why is Ripple crashing I thought it was sound as a pound

>> No.8213228

You fucks have to be larping, right?
Please tell me you are?
The market goes up eight squillion % in like a month for no reason and you're wondering why it's coming back down?

>> No.8213242
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>everything crashing 10-15%
>ripple down 5%
>why is ripple crashing

>> No.8213245

but Ripple is different from the rest

>> No.8213362

cripple crash hasn't even begun boyo. expect -20% by monday

>> No.8213370

Yeah it's a bank token that's not being used by any banks. Great.

>> No.8213768

ripple is shittle
No one is buying your kike coin here friend, you should check reddit

>> No.8213901
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holy shit. ..

fucking kill me

>> No.8213957

Ripple is a (((banker))) coin. Fuck off with your jew e-gold

>> No.8214102

99% of the price in crypto is driven by speculation, 1% is driven by actual utility. The only people who give a shit about Monero are darknet market guys, money launderers, tax evaders and terrorists. The speculators don't think Monero is worth more than 3% of a bitcoin. That's why it is worth what it is.

>> No.8214599
File: 241 KB, 850x1280, 5E001983-0FDF-4BC6-BA58-B407D6C31FC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price was inflated by the retarded monerov fork hype. Now that the fork is delayed all that fake hype is working against XMR

>> No.8214854


>> No.8214960

this board is starting to look fun again :)
I am very excited for 2018... lelelelel, burgers gonna learn to cook for themselves finally.

>> No.8215238
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Also, checked.

>> No.8215326
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Ai shinozaki bruh

>> No.8215344
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>> No.8215360

Recovering downwards?

>> No.8215375


Price was inflated because yesterday it didn't crash because everybody was in because everybody thought it would pump because the hackers might launder everything through monero. Binance put a stop to them and now today you get your crash

>> No.8215403

you also holding REQ?
and LINK
and IOST
me too man

>> No.8215541

those are some top tier milkers if only she was white and blonde

>> No.8215594

in the long term maybe, like on a 1 year time frame. but any time period before 12 months and price probably gonna be lower

>> No.8215843

Monero, like every other altcoin, tracks BTC to a very large degree. BTC is what normies buy on Coinbase to covert to Monero via shapeshifter.io or some other service. What matters in the short term is the XMR to BTC ratio.

>> No.8216525

Many thanks sir, Vishnu will surely bless you.