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[ERROR] No.820548 [Reply] [Original]

Does the government care that widespread youth unemployment leads to social unrest? Could they set up some kind of "employer of last resort" program for 25-year-old NEETs whom even retail considers untouchable due to their lack of references, work history, and life experience outside their basement?

Are the wealthy class concerned that stagnating wages, rising rent prices, and lack of gainful employment mean eventually they'll run out of customers who will be able to afford their products? Does this ever come up in their secret Bilderberg Group meetings, "Uhhh guys, this isn't sustainable in the long run. They need some kind of disposable income or we won't have anyone to sell to."

We're already seeing millennials cut back on cable tv, restaurants, cars, houses, vacations, luxury goods, marriage, and children. Some frugal/minimalist communities have gone full asceticism and live like monks. Or is the endgame some kind of circlejerk where the top 10% only sell to each other and the rest of society doesn't participate in the economy?

>> No.820567

Look up col. Edward M. House, the plot against America It's on YT. The plan is to steal everything then kill 80% of the world population. They have given public notice openly and no one objected now legally 100% of the global population agrees with that idea. So if it's a job you want no one is going to hand you anything. You have no right to life or liberty. We are the only species on the planet that has to pay for its existence. Inflation goes up wages go down. Your playing musical chairs. They want social unrest it gives them an excuse to detain. What they don't want is people off the grid self reliant, self determined, people helping people with no bankers involved. If you know of any self sustaining community watch it closely. They will all be jailed before to many people catch on. A world without money is paradise, and they know it.

>> No.820573

>Does the government care that widespread youth unemployment leads to social unrest? Could they set up some kind of "employer of last resort" program for 25-year-old NEETs whom even retail considers untouchable due to their lack of references, work history, and life experience outside their basement?

In modern capitalism? Prison.

>> No.820581



>> No.820585

No. Bread and circuses dumbass. Vr tech is coming out at the same time weed is being legalized , we also have soylent now.

Theyll give you shitty section 8 housing with internet access and a marijuana voucher to placate you.

Hell thats the dystopian prediction , even if its a fullblown universal basic income that still makes you more dependant on the system as it already exists

I doubt the powers that be are real worried about the lazy apathetic retard generation that brought you such hits as "allow the invasion of iraq with not a peep in real protest" and "occupy wallstreet : a smelly and moldly inconvenient campout"

>> No.820591

Protest means you support. Detest means your against.

>> No.820607

People don't know how to assert their rights. You don't need a job, you need to farm your front yard back yard and trade with your neighbors. Watch his fast you go to jail for trying to live outside the current economic system

>> No.820608

What happened in the last 50 years is that capital has become increasingly mobile.

So no, they don't care anymore right now. They can just up an leave when they tarnish their reputation in a country for a bit too long or fuck it up a bit too much.

Just look at the Chinese and Russian oligarch criminals flocking into Canada, the UK, Australia and wherever welcomes them.

A few years from now, they along with our oligarchs will up and leave if it they turn our countries to shitholes as well.

Basically the mobility of capital destroyed the last bit of loyalty that the upper class had for their resident nations.

>> No.820616

" We are a nation that owns a government not the other way around " - Ronald Reagan

>> No.820623


Oh and BTW:

>Are the wealthy class concerned that stagnating wages, rising rent prices, and lack of gainful employment mean eventually they'll run out of customers who will be able to afford their products?

This is not that much that much of a problem. The markets will simply cater to the rich more and to the poor less. I.e. bigger markets for luxury goods, smaller markets for basic necessities.

But surely, you say, the owners of the companies that rely on the poor would still be hurt since they will lose out on their customer base. Yeah, but as I said, today it's easier than ever to liquidate your assets. The upper class will get rid of shares in those companies before they start going down. The people holding the shares will probably be the average Joes with a 401k.

>> No.820625

You really believe what you just wrote, don't you? How much value have you added to this planet in order to claim some capital for yourself?

>> No.820628


Point out what's wrong with what I wrote.

>> No.820633

>So no, they don't care anymore right now. They can just up an leave when they tarnish their reputation in a country for a bit too long or fuck it up a bit too much.

What the hell do you even mean? What tarnished reputations lol? The only reason for capital being somewhere is to extract value further on, in the future.

>mobility of capital destroyed the last bit of loyalty that the upper class
Are you retarded? You think Rockefeller was "loyal" to his workers in the early 20th century? This was never the case to begin with. $$ is only loyal to $$$.

>> No.820644


I think you are just assuming I said things I didn't say.

You sound like some kind of socialist. I don't care to discuss economic matters with your ilk.

>> No.820661

Go cry in a corner b****, also take some classes for your reading comprehension.

>> No.820670


The tide will turn back soon anon.

>> No.821203

This is the exact point.

Government has become a managerial entity. It ensures the peasants are inline. Why would anyone care about people when they can simply move elsewhere? They let government fill that role instead.

If anything is terrifying, it is the serious lack of demand within the global economy.