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8204394 No.8204394 [Reply] [Original]

AssBlaster breadcrumbs found I think! The EU released this today. http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-18-1406_en.htm
Which talks about their fintech involvement and plans moving forward. It discusses the need for Iso standardization. This article links the ISO page and there are documents outlined that are directly titles SmartContracts.
Someone who is less of a brainlet, tell me how big this can be and what the potential implications of this. I am getting a little tingly after reading this with excitement.

>> No.8204423 [DELETED] 
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Sorry... it's over...

>> No.8204439

>European Commission
>Fact Sheet
Not worth the paper it was printed on or the data space it takes up. When the Council releases something like this it might have an impact. Then again, the EU has other problems and a shrinking budget, so blockchains are not the priority

>> No.8204522

We gona crash right?

>> No.8204549

What a fucking joke

>> No.8204564

I skimmed the document and didn't see any relevance to Chainlank, other than that the EU is encouraging adherence to SWIFT's standardization of messaging and contract-writing for DLT, which will position European banks to adopt CL more seamlessly.

>> No.8204570

You do realize the impact that smart contract implementation has on the gigantic bureaucracy overhead of the EU, right? They do have nigger problems, of course, but saying they don't have a few teams actively researching tech that helps here would be ignorant.

>> No.8204582
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you're not assblaster, I am

>> No.8204589

Lmfao, I meant to write 'bigger' problems, but yes, we also have nigger problems in the eu.

>> No.8204592
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Hey retard. Let me spell this out for you.
Scroll to the bottom of the article where they provide the ISO standards page link. Follow that link. Write down the name of the Dr in charge of the smart contracts standardization. Search for this Dr.
Look at the works he has published. Among many other things, the diagrams presented in his works are remarkably similar to what Sergey has included in the slides of his presentations.
This rabbit hole goes deep.

>> No.8204633
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>> No.8204760
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I'm AssBlaster, can confirm.
Proof, me wearing Sergeys shirt

>> No.8204817

>Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies -- Legally binding smart contracts
>Under development


>> No.8204827
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I don't have any more time, as clients are present in the office today, to look more into this rabbit hole.
Can some other anons contribute and dig deeper here. Use control f to find any mentions of Chain link or smart contract or Sergey in any of this Dr's papers. I have a good feeling about this.
If we can find any potential connection between Sergey and the guy who is fucking writing the ISO standardization for the world... Well, I don't need to say how big this will be.
I will check back in later today if this thread is kept alive. Godspeed anons. I look forward to seeing what may be uncovered from this.

>> No.8204869

what's with curry niggers and their retarded usage of ellipses?

>> No.8204901

i read that and though nothing of it kek
>yes, the nigger problem is getting out of hand, but the root of this issue is the kike question

>> No.8204902

I want to help but I don't speak German, and everything I find about this Volker guy is in German.

>> No.8204912

I need more, anon. Is it this Dr.-Ing. Volker Skwarek guy?

>> No.8204920

You know AB was just trolling us with the Dennis System?

D- Demonstrate value.

He found a bunch of sources of high profile people/banks/etc that seem like they might be talking about ChainLink and gave us "hints" to make it seem like he was an insider. He also talked about being high up in the financial system and had connections.

E- Engage Physically

He couldn't do that, but he did engage people by dropping more "hints" and building a following

N- Nurturing Dependence

He continued to drop hints and gave the impression of withholding more information. He kept building a following.

N- Neglect Emotionally

He stopped posting for a while and make people think he was doxed or disappeared, he made people desperate for more info but he was nowhere to be found

I- Inspire Hope

Came back out of nowhere after being gone for a while and dropped more information. He was speaking very positively about Chainlink in his recent threads.

S- Separate Entirely-

We are here. He is gone.

>> No.8204964

get out I'm researching with my friends ree

>> No.8204982


I can't believe you wrote all that out you fucking faggoty retard.

Anybody with 1 brain cell knows Link is the future and all AssBlaster did was confirm that and give us scraps of insider info.

>> No.8205086

>This article links the ISO page and there are documents outlined that are directly titles SmartContracts.
Can you be more specific?

>> No.8205097

not an asscrumb. this is old news being rehashed in a new press release. sorry op.

>> No.8205114

I don't see a Dr?

>> No.8205129


>> No.8205150

they arent directly titled SmartContracts the same as the website, maybe someone wants to email intsect@standards.org.au or Rachel.Frank@standards.org.au and see if there is any info they can give out

>> No.8205153

This looks very promising. I basically did what >>8204592 said and i found a Prof. Dr. Volker Skwarek. He is apparently a professor at Hamburg university, and he is also working at ISO. A quick google search reveals that he is also interested in smart contracts. found this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsHLQgKjHr8

we need to dig deeper anons

>> No.8205164

Now without larping, the Dr. Skwarek gave a presentation (in german)
and made a power point
There is some information what his working group on smart contracts is looking into
p 13
>integration of real world information
p 16
>data accountability and provenance tracking

>> No.8205173

Buy Mobius sir ;)

>> No.8205183

Thanks, I'm looking at that but don't see anyone with the title Dr? Like >>8204592 is saying

>> No.8205191

Just click the fucking question mark next to smart contracts

>> No.8205201

click the 'i' mark and it says the person overseeing the section

>> No.8205210

Ah right, cheers

>> No.8205227
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found this, look similar to diagrams from the ChainLink team does it not?

>> No.8205297

He wrote this paper https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/APJIE-12-2017-035
He talks about oracles being needed for smart contracts, but doesn't reference link/smartcontract.com at all. He cites the Codius whitepaper, in fact. It's not good...

>> No.8205300

Holy fuck, it really does look similar.

Being a LINK holder is so rewarding

>> No.8205301


One other thing I just thought about that we should be looking into us any tertiary contacts/connections b/w Volker Skwarek and Sergey/the LINK team. Of they may be separated by one or two degrees of seperarion.
For example looking through possible connections b/w Volker's co-authors/speakers and Sergey.
I know something will come of this. Keep up the dedication anons, you will be rewarded for your autism.

>> No.8205452

Was this paper not written before ChainLink was even out?

>> No.8205469

The long troll. I like it.

>> No.8205473

thanks for replacing sherlocklink and assblaster even though u not an insider brah. kudos

>> No.8205479

Also it seems like Codius is only used to host the smart contracts and isn't an oracle like ChainLink nodes, I could be wrong though

>> No.8205547

assblaster, sherlocklink, riddler anon and walletautism are one and the same guy

>> No.8205626

send the link ill research

>> No.8205750

sherlocklink didnt know how to use a trip. also changed his name while using the same trip and started fudding. while its normal for a linky to fud, this just confirms sherlocklink was just a larp. assblaster is still up to debate.

>> No.8205765

That’s it. I’m going to sleep for a year. Can’t take all this grasping at straws.

>> No.8205779
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inb4 this thread is linked on r/LINKtrader

>> No.8205843


“We asked ourselves – why a smart contract executed on Ethereum can’t be recognized by the Hyperledger blockchain? Additionally why can’t the smart contract include code executed on other blockchains as part of its process?” explained Tasca at the Unlock 2018 conference in Dubai.

“The answer didn’t easily present itself and any comparisons made to existing UK and EU contract laws and regulations for cross-border transactions proved futile as most revert back to a local law or court. However, we were able to draw parallels from more international conventions or treaties such Berne Convention of 1886 for the protection of literary and artistic works.”

Executing smart contracts across multiple block-chains is a complex challenge and explains why Verdian and Tasca prefer the term ‘Treaty Contracts’ in place of smart contracts. The complexity and challenges are also why the team have partnered with Prof. Dr.Ing.Volker Skwarek from HAW Hamburg University to not only create the framework of cross-chain Treaty contracts to be part of Overledger but to empower blockchains with an algorithmic constitution which supports legal frameworks in contractual agreements.

doesnt look good

>> No.8206032

i just sold, its over

>> No.8206108

the whole whitepaper doesn't mention oracles or real world information a single time, weak fud.
also Skwarek isn't part of their team.

>> No.8206677
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Emailing these folks to get some answers would be a great idea imo.
Is anyone here in any position to send an inquisitive email to try and pry at some useful info to these folks?
Potentially someone who is a developer, or works in industry, or owns/manages related groups in a company?
It could be promising because even if the initial email doesn't yield any results, they will likely redirect you to someone else who may.

>> No.8207120


I like Overledger. Read the whitepaper. If anything, this is more of a competitor to interoperability platforms like Wanchain and Aion as opposed to an oracle network like Link designed to get off-chain data onto a blockchain.

>> No.8207179

The EU is putting out a prize specifically for "decentralized" projects.

They even shit-talk centralized projects.

>> No.8207722

A lot of these "connections" seem like optimistic straw-clutching. Talking about smart contracts != partnering with CL. However, i get the impression that Chainlink is the answer that all these people, governments and banks are looking for, and many of them probably haven't found it yet or haven't decided on it yet. If CL manages to gain some traction and become an early industry standard, many of these groups will by default begin using it.

The demand is there, but I'm not convinced of many of these "connection" yet.

>> No.8208738
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>A lot of these "connections" seem like optimistic straw-clutching. Talking about smart contracts != partnering with CL.
I got to ask... Are you actually fucking retarded? Did you click the link, ctrl f... Chain link... Not see it, then splerg out?
If you read the thread, you would see that I NEVER once suggested there was any kind of partnership here faggot. The whole point of this thread was to do research around it to try and find out if Chain link is involved /connected to this in any which way. Take your 65 points of IQ to your TRX threads and piss off. I don't get faggots like you who jump into link threads and start posting strawmans.
How about you add:
Etc... To your thread filter list, so you don't have to see these threads anymore, and let everyone else go on about their business without you feeling the need to comment.