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8198350 No.8198350 [Reply] [Original]

Here is a reason why everyone should take a look at Komodo right now.

1. SEC is coming down on exchanges hard.
> Komodo offers a decentralized atomic-swap exchange (BarterDex)
2. SEC and other regulatory organs are coming down hard on ICO's
> Komodo's platform enables Decentralized ICO's (dICO's)


> KMD is more decentralized that Bitcoin
> Komodo's Github is the bussiest of any team https://cryptomiso.com/
> Their Decentralized Exchange (Barterdex) has handled 74k Atomic Swaps https://www.dexstats.info/
> KMD is also a fork of ZCash offering ZK-Snarks but no founders reward
> 5% APR on your coin holdings, which is better than staking

None of this is except dICO's are conceptual, everything is working as described above.
Current market cap is sitting at 385$ mil. But as a platform, currency and exchange it is destined to rise into the top 15.
With a price below 4$ my bags getting fairly heavy, and I think it is a mistake for anyone to dig in deep and DYOR.

>> No.8198396

barterdex is shit. its like ebay for atomic swaps.

>> No.8198397

PS. I need this to moon so I can pay for spelling and grammar lessons. Thanks.

>> No.8198454


Nobody else is doing atomic-swaps at this level, what are you comparing it to and what are you expecting? Also don't expect any magic right now, BarterDEX is currently out as an early release and has not had an official launch so far. Considering the rate commits are pushed to Github things will be moving gradually though.

>> No.8198637

blocknet is better

>> No.8198895
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> Has currently no working DEX
> 35 places behind with 6376 less Github commits
> Doesn't even have a Demo DEX with GUI except some screenshots.
> No level of anonymity.
> No dICO's
> Not Mineable



> Working as of right now, pretty clean GUI
> 100+ Supported coins and rising quickly
> 74995 Completed atomic swaps

You tell me what sounds better. With the current developments for exchanges and ICO's it is a race for decentralized exchanges. A race which when it comes to atomic swaps and disrupting ICO's, BarterDEX is currently winning as first mover.

>> No.8199097
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If you check https://github.com/distribuyed/index you'll see BarterDEX as the ONLY -FULLY- running decentralized exchange. All others are either Alpha, Beta or in development. Blocknet also is using some basic Bitcoin build wallet. VS Agama for KMD, there is really no comparison.

> Also no Assetchains with Blocknet, kek.

>> No.8199253
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Also, notary nodes coming to KMD soon, expect a huge pump

> https://www.komodoplatform.com/en/blog/2018-notary-node-elections

Any elected node can expect to receive 1800 KMD monthly.

>> No.8199268

oh it's you. what's up haven't argued with you in forever, more than a year.
yeah man you don't really know what you're talking about desu, blocknet is better desu. don't really wanna go through and argue with every point, have you respond, etc, no energy tonight.
by the way, when you say "doing atomic swaps at this level" >>8198454 it doesn't really make sense when you word it that way, just a heads up. anyways, best of luck my friend

>> No.8199345


It's me? I have only been sitting on my growing stack of KMD for only a week. Rest assured you'll see more of my shilling over the weeks. Can't argue, why? Because there are no arguments for the case of KMD against Block? Winner is clear here, pretending to be to lazy to argue doesn't really help here.

> by the way, when you say "doing atomic swaps at this level" >>8198454 it doesn't really make sense when you word it that way,

Ok let me word it like this:

> Nobody is doing atomic swaps on an decentralized exchange
> Nobody is doing anywhere near of 400 atomic swaps daily
> Nobody is adding new atomic swap pairs weekly

>> No.8199375

by the way retard, measuring development by number of github commits is laughably retarded, you're making yourself look downright stupid to anyone with a brain.
a commit could be something as small as changing one letter in a comment line.
there are better ways to measure legitimacy of development. the komodo github has 0 "issues". issues are a good thing, it usually shows community involvement and people working together in general. the blocknet github for example has almost 200 issues.
also looking at the actual code tells you much more than looking at number of commits. i can't emphasize enough how retarded you are.
if you do want to talk about commits, komodo has 250+ in the past month and komodo has less than 100.
> 0 issues
seems legit! thanks op! you've really got it all figured out!

>> No.8199376

When is Komodo gonna rebrand? Then I will buy

>> No.8199405
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pic of op

>> No.8199433


And this is your only argument? How big are your Block Bags?

Where is Blocknet's DEX?
Where is Blocknet's wallet?
Where are Blocknet's swaps?
Where are Blocknet's ICO's?
Why is Blocknet only on 3 exchanges?

Anyways, thanks for pumping my topic.
Running to the store, please keep it page 1 for me meanwhile, thanks.

>> No.8199453

good point

blocknet can eat my asshole tho

>> No.8199485


#YearOfTheDEX #YearOfTheDoge

>> No.8199580

you bringing up "bags" is projection.
would it even be literally possible for me to be bagholding? my hold is basically at an all time high. meanwhile this thread smells like bagholder in desperation, the chart supports the theory, and your attitude seals the deal.
good luck counting those github commits!

>> No.8199634


Yet Komodo is the project that works. Blocket is currently vapor.

>> No.8199636
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forgot pic for desperate shill


>> No.8199683
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>not working
ok. https://github.com/BlocknetDX/blockdx-ui/releases

>> No.8199703


> Alpha
> Mockup of GUI
> implying that it's not vapor


>> No.8199802

this board is more retarded every day with the influx of redditors and shills