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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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[ERROR] No.819662 [Reply] [Original]

Who /lostallhope/ here?

>over 2 months since graduation
>14 interviews
>thousands of applications
>networking yields diminishing results
>losing motivation
>getting obese
>stop exercising
>can't sleep
>revert back to playing video games and jerking it to futanari
>cry at least once a month while cuddling in bed with a framed picture of Mr. Wonderful

I'll die a wagecuck. A poor one too..

>> No.819664

i was in a similar situation except with no interviews and one month after graduation. got emailed by a shitty adviser if i want to join his lab and i joined since i had no other option.

>> No.819677
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I know that feel

>graduate in april
>1 interview so far
>thinking of getting a labour job or going back to my old warehouse job
>all your friends and family are doing good
>lay in bed and contemplate my failure as a human being

>> No.819678

Why is r9k on every single board?

Can you suicidally depressed perpetual losers please just kill yourselves already? Your whiny posts are really ruining this website.

>> No.819711

>gratuated in 2013
>wanted to learn third language abroad and stay there
>visa application denied
>lot of parents' money and nerves were put in it
>major depression
>found one shitty fraud job in 2014
>2 weeks total
>left it
>employment crisis in the country
>can't find a job for almost a year now
>self mental and physical destruction
>no personal live
>no inducement to go out
>i'm a shit person

>> No.819738


> This is only the beginning

>> No.819740

get on my level. Graduated last year. No interviews. Thousands of apps.

>> No.819741

>did no internship in college
>graduate with English degree
>didn't send out applications
>gf hooks me up with a 45k copywriting job at a startup company

Not too bad. While I work I plan to pursue a masters degree (it's free because lol veterans benefits)

>> No.819748

If you're losing motivation after only 2 months, that's a really bad sign of your mental capacity.

>3 months after graduating
>struggling like you (minus all that shit after "losing motivation" i didn't go full retard like that)
>sucked it up
>get a shit minimum wage job at Kmart
>continued applying for real jobs
>3 months later, get a call from one of the jobs I applied for before I started working at Kmart
>want me to come in for another interview for a different position.
>did well enough the first time to be remembered
>did even better the second time
>got the job.

The thought of having to go into Kmart without my 2 weeks notice was my biggest motivation. No more helping old people pick out the right vacuum, no more listening black people complain about the prices, no more fat white housepigs using me as their personal shopper HOLY FUCK WORKING RETAIL SUCKS.

tl;dr: get any available job, stop sulking and keep applying.

>> No.819754

I'm a high school dropout. I make I work 2 jobs. I get paid 14 an hour as sales rep and 10 an hour as security guard. I'm attending a program that will get me a degree while I get my GED. I'm going to be an HR rep. I'm currently paying off hospital bills from a fire I miraculously survived. I also am paying off a car loan that's around 13k. Funny thing is that I'm 18. I'm a fucking retard, bro. If I can manage to get two fucking jobs, you can too. Quit being a little shit and go to college or try harder at life or kill yourself.

>Tl;dr I'm an 18 year old high school dropout and I'm doing better than you. Man the fuck up. You can do better

>> No.819755

what the fuck did you guys graduate with? An art degree?

>> No.819758

>im going to be an HR rep
You're in for a world of disappointment, don't say you're GOING to be, at least say you're TRYING to become an HR rep

>> No.819768


disappointment, yeah. I assume that.

Trying, no. It's going to happen. Why be so negative?

>> No.819787

Inb4 the le STEM meme.

>> No.819799

2 months is nothing.

I graduated with a stem degree almost 2 years ago and had my first interview 7 months later. 3 months later I got a job by cold calling but was underemployed. Actually did another interview the week after I got that job but was turned down. 5 months later got flown out to the other side of the country for a hiring event but didn't get a single offer even after interviewing with 4 people. 1 month later interviewed for a semi random position, shot down again. Next month I got a call from the biggest company I had applied to and did a phone interview for half an hour. Felt like the worst one I did and felt like complete shit afterwards. Somehow got an offer the next day. Now I'm just starting as a systems engineer for the International Space Station. It was a long one and a half years after graduating but it was well worth the wait.

>> No.819804


Wow, congratulations.

>> No.819819

Thanks man. I read your comment fron earlier. With that attitude and at that age you can only go up, especially after all the shit you've gone through. Things can fall into your lap when you least expect them.

>> No.819823

NASA or space X?

>> No.819845

whats wrong with you people.

I graduated few months back.

With a shitty lib arts poltical science degree.

And instantly got offers from places.

Making 55k right out of college with benefits.

Not that hard

>> No.819869

most likely graduated from an ivy.

>> No.820181

Boeing, but I'll be working closely with NASA.

>> No.820183

Mate they're the foundation of this page.

>> No.820184

Lol most entry levels jobs are not technical and can be done with anyone with half a brain. However, HR and hiring managers are retarded and want "the perfect fit."

>> No.820185

What jobs are you guys applying to? Don't apply to a job you don't have ANY relevant work experience unless it is a technical career and you have an appropriate credential. Well, don't apply to them and be surprised if you don't get it is what I mean. Don't blame ya for trying

>> No.820191


Was looking at jobs that I could apply to with an econ major/math minor. Out of close to 100 jobs that I found, I distinctly only remember 2 that didn't ask for any experience.

There are no fucking entry level jobs anymore.

>> No.820195

You can't get straight to those jobs, maybe. I would work sales and move around from there. It won't be fun but it will give you experience. What were the specific jobs?

>> No.820204

entry level gigs are always posted. They're usually in places with high turnover rates. This mean big fortune 100 companies.

>> No.820209

HR is the retarded monkey. The hiring managers just get the purple animal from HR.

>> No.820215

Good experience

>> No.820229

>HR and hiring managers are retarded and want "the perfect fit."

pls, HR is not a job, it is a division to fill female quotas, and stash qts for ceos

>> No.820349

Literally just apply for jobs on Craigslist, you'll have a better chance of landing an interview as opposed to monster.com or glassdoor. With the latter, I never received a single response after 100+ apps. On Craigslist, I sent out 10 and got 8 responses the next day, all of which paid 13/hr or higher starting. If you're really desperate, there is no excuse to be unemployed.

>> No.820391
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>go to college for business degree at parents behest (they probably just wanted me to get the fuck out of the house)
>2 years of useless bullshit later drop out, near 12k in debt
>jump through a few jobs, land in current job - pay ain't that great but I get insurance at least
>after about 6 months I have a whopping 3k saved
>not enough free time to pursue other interests or opportunities (by the time I get home I'm too burnt out and all I want to do is play vidya or go to bed)
>mfw it's going to take like 2.5 years at this rate just to pay it off
>mfw I will never have enough money to buy a place, or do anything else, let alone invest
What's that story with the guy saying at the end "and there goes, but for me, I"? Feels like that.

>> No.820438


lol, are you me? I've failed over 20 interview processes (about 2/3 for internships, the others for graduate jobs) in the past two years. I'm not even joking when I say the below is who they were with (not exhaustive list)

>5 S&T interviews for investment banks
>a graduate investment banker role and another intern role
>IBM twice
>two engineering roles at two engineering supermajors
>engineering role at huge consulting company
>a big 4 internship
>my country's civil service
>my country's central bank

I applied to SO MANY but I initially failed due to sheer nervourness and autism and ugliness, but now I think it's just ugliness and robotness. I had zero friends ALL throughout uni.

Although I just got an email today about another job at a commodity trader and i am due an interview at some project finance thing

Fuck me, I need to level up my social skills. My CV isn't even special. I just have it and my cover letter perfectly laid out with no dumb mistakes.

>> No.820551

Yeah I'm the same way, but I've given up. It's been over two years since graduation now. Been trying to figure a way out to make enough money just to survive by doing online activities.

>> No.820566

>friend makes 45 an hour as an intern for some shit company with daddy connections
>tfw shitty engineering intern for big oil
>tfw get paid only 35 an hour

I'll never make it boys.

>> No.820582

if there's one thing I hate, it's those "virtual job tryout" things

god, they annoy me so much. Are there any retail places that don't use them?

>> No.820639
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God dammit!! God damn you little fedora fuckers! I get sick of reading your whiny job shit all the time on /biz/. Let me set you young punk meat beaters straight...for a change...on some things about life:

1. Life is tough.
2. Life is tougher if you're stupid.

Take that fucking Chinese tattoo on your anterior side of your fucking upper left arm. Did you send in an application for a tattoo on the internet?? FUCK NO. You got drunk with your little goth girlfriend with the purple hair who shows her tits on Chaturbate when you're not around and together you went to a drugged up neckbeard dressed all in black, smoking a camel who "tatted" your arm an called you bro the whole time while purple tits held your little red threaded wrist and told you it's like anal for the first time and it's OK to be nervous but don't confused the hand sanitizer for lube like you did last time! And you wept a little but you went TO THE MAN IN CHARGE and got a tattoo didn't you??

And what about those dayglo orange soccer shoes on your little hairy white feet? Did you send in an application for those fucking shoes? No. You went right to where they were with your friend Roland and you giggled like a girl getting eaten out like a piece of boarding house pie as the shoes were put on your hairy little feet with the start tattoo under your ankle. And remember the skinny girl who works for the supermarket that you bumped uglies with during the kiln festival? You didn't apply to have some advanced rogering with her! No, you went up to her after 6 pints and said "I'd like to break you open like a 9 dollar shotgun and drive you to Denver!" And she said, Um, like, OK and all...." and you took her to your rented room or dorm room and you put a tie on the door so everyone would know you were in there "vigorously discussing Uganda" with her.

My point is, numb nuts, that never apply online for a job. Contact the CEO by letter and you'll be better off.

>> No.820649

Are you fucking serious mate?

>> No.820675

> not getting into organized crime

Do you even darkside of the American dream?

You think the grandparents and great grandparents of today's billionaires didn't commit crime like a motherfucker?

>> No.820685

>be one year into my Masters (Civil Engineer)
>no internship experience
>this summer is the final summer for me to find an internship
>connections have failed me so far and no one replies to applications
>half of the companies advertised at career fairs are in fucking construction so i have no idea on how to approach them
how fucked am I? should i just take a part-time job just to have something on there and to have an extra letter of recommendation?

>> No.820768

Isn't civil engineering ideal for the construction industry?

>> No.820946

yeah but i have no idea how things are run from their perspective. from what i know, we just give them the plans and they do their thing until they need to clear something with us.

>> No.820983

Keep lifting, that is way more important than you know. Drive around and stop in any business and see if they're hiring. Show your face and get out of the house everyday you can

>> No.821622

>HR rep

The one who should kill themselves is you, faggot.

>> No.821634

Jelly, but you deserve it.

>> No.821698

> basically works for ULA.
Nice job dude. you got in the industry.

>> No.821723

Tell me about the story, anon. What was it's name?

>> No.821744
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>graduate may 2014
>didn't do a single internship or work at all through college
>send out tons of applications and only get 3 interviews in over 6 months
>set my sights a little lower and land 4th interview
>get job, shitty pay, but understandable given my no experience
>just got promoted Monday, literally doubled my salary
There's still hope even for you losers like me who didn't do dick through college and took more than a few months to find a job.

>> No.821750

No, a double major in Arts with Ethnic and Women's Studies, actually. My degree is worth as much as anyone else's but patriarchal society has made people think otherwise. This is why we need Feminism.

>> No.821764
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Fucking this.

I took a job as a telephone operator about a year and half ago and I've somehow ended up head of HR for my company. We've got about 100 employees and turn over about 5 million a year now.

Work hard yes, but also look for chances and openings. Position yourself in the right place at the right time. Look at who's retiring soon, look at where the company is struggling. Make time for these people and start fixing problems.

This sometimes means doing overtime unpaid, but if you really want to do well, you need to show that you're ready, capable, flexiable and loyal.
Companies are desperate for people like that, even if it doesn't always seem like it, they need people they can count on.
Be that person and you'll fly.

>> No.822162

What was your major?