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[ERROR] No.819187 [Reply] [Original]

>be me - engineering major class of '07
>fast forward to today
>MBA student at some AACSB accredited b-school - literally accredited just this year
>econ became an elective for some reason
>not enough students enroll
>econ class cancelled two semesters in a row

If I don't take/understand ECON, am I fucked if I am...
A) managing an engineering company?
B) managing a real estate investment company?

>> No.819224
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Son, are you seriously asking us if you taking a couple classes will greatly help in the future of the options A and B. You are retarded. Yes it will give you a good foundation, but really whats stopping you from learning it on its own? Your a engineering major, how hard is it to look up previous class syllabuses and just do the course work on your own? The answer is right in front of you, no need to complicate things. The good thing about doing it by yourself, you can curtail the course to your own needs. So just pick up a econ book and start learning.

>> No.819227
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If you do not have a basic understanding of how economics work then yes you will fail at managing some aspects in a company. But then again you dont need a basic understanding of it for some positions, and its really a matter of how you can apply that knowledge. If you think understanding economics will help you be better at your job then do it, but if you start reading it and then realize that you wont be able to apply this anywhere in your career then maybe its best to pursue another topic of interest, perhaps marketing or even HR? Oh please dont laugh at HR, HR in my country is filled with a bunch of retarded woman. Put a decently qualified man in the middle of a department full of woman and see that man get promoted because he will be doing all the work while the rest of coworkers bitch about how much they ate. But then again, if you are not good at office politics then dont even think about working in a department full of woman because they will eat you alive. Options, its just a matter of seeing them right?

>> No.819233

I have *some* idea of econ - I took it in high school and read the news a lot.

You're right, I'll just buy a used econ book listed on a course syllabus and blast through it.

So is Econ mostly cause/effect logic with some math? Enlighten me.

Marketing was hammered into our heads as part of the curriculum. I got A's. HR is an elective - I think I'll take that as well.

>> No.819242
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If you have any and I mean any aspirations in managing a company. Do not consider HR as an elective. HR courses will be your backbone in the business, knowing the workings of the HR system in your country will prove useful when you the inevitable happens. Which can be one of the following
A) The hiring of a retarded employee- think its easy to fire someone now days? ha think again, there are so many protections that workers have now days that's its not even a laughing matter. Knowing all these protections is vital if you want to work around them. Think it like this you become a cop to learn how to cheat the system.
B) Confrontation with other coworkers or employees- Corporations are all about paperwork, and knowing your way around a HR department can prove to be vital in any dispute with a coworker. There is a high chance that most of your coworkers will be retarded in the future, as when there is a dispute at the workplace they would treat it like any other dispute. Rather then you having a knowledge of the workings of HR will be fully prepared for any possible repercussions from the a fore mentioned dispute. When that dispute is brought up 6 months down the line (Which it will be)

On a side note HR does do hiring so essentially when they are teaching you what to look for in a resume you can turn it all around to put in on your own resume, and it teaches you how to sell yourself for potential jobs/promotions/pay raises.

I am not HR, i dont pretend to be. But I have more developed knowledge of the hr system then most people, and it has saved my skin countless of times.

>> No.819244
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Econ is a really really really easy subject at the basic levels, the higher levels thats when the math comes into play. I don't know your situation but to me the higher levels of econ math wont be any use to you. If you arent pursuing a direct financial career you really needn't concern yourself with the math in econ. Not much of a econ guy, that is not my position in life. I have a understanding of how basic economics work and thats really all that is needed. Because with that basic understanding I can then listen to a complicated answer given by a expert who is being paid a tremendous amount for his specialized knowledge of economics and still understand what the hell he is talking about. And most people cant say that, i think you are trying to narrow down this topic to something more specific so you can ask specific questions. But really you cant do that without starting at step one which is getting the book and laying the brick down for the foundation (basic understanding)

>> No.819257

Thanks. Live long and prosper.

>> No.819415

Despite what econ majors may tell you, you don't need to know much about Econ to manage a business. If you want, just go on Khan Academy and watch their econ videos.

>> No.819428

>high school
as useless as an art class
>the news
You never see true Econ in the news, just Politics in disguise.
>Khan Academy Econ
That isliterally High School tier. Let him pick a book.

>> No.819459
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I was simply claiming that I don't have absolutely zero exposure to the topic in general, nothing more.

>> No.819780
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If you think high school is useless then obviously you took nothing from high school. Whats useless is post secondary education. Because half the idiots just funnel into meaningless degrees and wonder why they work at starbucks. At least with high school you can build off the knowledge and figure out what you want to do in your life. No high school isnt useless, i really dont know how you can get a good educational foundation without high school. I mean sure you can teach yourself everything but really high school gives you a good general knowledge foundation which you then should specialize as you add to it. But I am sure you are one of those kids in the back of the class to smart for his peers and teachers so he just calls everything stupid with no base or point. The sad part is Anon, every work place has high school elements like it or not and if you failed in understanding the need for high school then i don't think you will get very far.