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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8190231 No.8190231 [Reply] [Original]

So much talk today about that autistic fuck Karpeles but today is also the deadline that /our guy/ Dread Priate Roberts has for his Supreme Court appeal petition response.

Life without parole is pretty damn harsh.

>> No.8190253

We communist now

>> No.8190279

He's not getting out. They will make an example out of him, that's all there is to it.

>> No.8190332

They submitted their brief in opposition:


>> No.8190642

that means rip? he'll rot in prison with no hope within the legal system, or he can still continue to appeal somewhere?

does he have any option left totry to reduce his sentence beside presidental pardon?

>> No.8190708

cock meat sandwiches 4 life that sucks

>> No.8190746

especially when you have over 600k bitcoins hidden
imagine the life he could live

>> No.8191058

fuck this fag he tried to kill people. have fun in jail

>> No.8191119
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> low-life snitches attempting to destroy the best thing that ever happened to the Internet
> "people"

>> No.8191165

This. If you're rich you can kill.people. if you shake the system you're made an example out of. There's serial child rapists in prison that will eventually see the light of day.

>> No.8191180

didnt he kek himself?

>> No.8191214

why not just hire a small army to blow up the prison lets go anons

>> No.8191263

he gave orders but not a single person was actually murdered. the judge considered it the same thing as if they happened. similar to giving the same sentence to a driver for speeding as a driver that was speeding and hit a car and killed a family.
he felt like it's just a game, and most of it actually was. he'd have very likely acted differently if those murders actually happened.

as proof of the first murder he ordered, the guy (remotely directed by a DEA agent who was corrupt and also got like 6 years after the events) used a can of beans to make it look like he drown in his own vomit..

>> No.8191442

not sure what your point is. so he TRIED to kill people by giving orders.

> similar to giving the same sentence to a driver for speeding as a driver that was speeding and hit a car and killed a family.
no, similar to someone who gave orders for a car to kill a family, but then it doesn't happen.
FUCK ROSS and fuck the faggots who always post about "he didn't do it" "no proof" "the murders didnt actually happen though"

this faggot deserves multiple life sentences. and he'll be in jail until he dies.
deal with it

>> No.8191508
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>deal with it

>> No.8191603

I miss going to the Silk Road and reading his manifestos, those were the days

>> No.8191640

Why did Roberts give up his BTC to feds?

>> No.8191736

fuck you faggot. going fucking tactical nuke pussy fucking faggots like you when bitcoin brings us the ancap utopia it promises