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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 853 KB, 900x570, 5-trends-will-boost-copper-demand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8189601 No.8189601 [Reply] [Original]

I have access to 840 tons of quality copper every week. I can steal and sell 50 tons of it.
Help me find a way to transport it and I'll reward you guys somehow.
There is roads and train tracks close-by, I have access to forklifts that can lift 12 tons at once.
I'm serious.

>> No.8189621

Good job posting about it online. This will end well. Good luck.

>> No.8189640

just got off the phone with the fbi. gl op

>> No.8189648

Nigger tier shit. Enjoy living in a shitty failed state due to preponderance of people thinking like you

>> No.8189659

pay some indian kids on fiverr to do it for you

>> No.8189696

smuggle it in your asshole

>> No.8189698

Already stole 20 tons before.

>> No.8189701

Getting sick of your honeypots, Agent Wojakski.

>> No.8189724

Forklift on to a few semis and get the fuck out of there. Gonna need some trust worthy cohorts that can drive a trailer and a safe house.

>> No.8189731

2/10 LARP but I’ll bite of you tell me more about why you have accessories to it and how well surveilled the place is

>> No.8189760


>> No.8189796

Trucks can only take 20 tons at once.

I work at a company who produces copper to the majority of Europe. The place is well surveilled but I also run the surveillance as well as sales.

>> No.8189803

Congratulations on being a nigger

>> No.8189875

Oh, no problem, just tell me your name and where you live OP and I'll help

>> No.8189877

How much did you get for that 20 tons?

>> No.8189894

Just upload it to MEW and wait until it goes up in value, then sell on Binance.

>> No.8189919

>the place is well surveilled but I also run the surveillance as well as sales.
How convenient

>> No.8189932

Around $180k after transportation costs and handling.

>> No.8189957
File: 298 KB, 900x900, F6BB736B-BDC5-4EDB-B3AD-08F4D6F7337E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call the junkyards make a deal with them at half price and tell them to send their trucks.

>> No.8189973

I don't believe you. And let us say it is true. Why the fuck isn't that enough? You stole a quarter of a million dollars!

>> No.8189995

So.. where's the issue? Do what you did before again.

>> No.8189999

Because I've hidden away 50 tons of it and it'll be ruined soon because of corrosion

>> No.8190026

Only have access to one truck and each truck takes 20 tons at maximum

>> No.8190039



Have one of your shipments (((get lost)))

>> No.8190047

So what is stopping you from making three trips?

>> No.8190094

There is like a cooldown period and if the same guy comes twice then it'll notify another sales person and I'll be busted. There is a train track just beside the facillity but idk how to get a hold of a train

>> No.8190126

>incompetent and corrupt
you slavic per chance?

>> No.8190129

If the same guy comes twice in what period of time?

>> No.8190153

make sure you wear a white hardhat
I used to sneak into buildings all the time pretending to be an employee or worker
Its amazing how non confrontational people are at work if you just nod at them

>> No.8190165

Like 2 months.
99% of our shipments is with train and customers rarely buy more than 20 tons with trucks in a span of 3 months.

>> No.8190224

>stealing copper
Nigger, Pajeet or Mudslime confirmed.

>> No.8190245

nice just shorted copper futures

>> No.8190265

>selling stolen copper wire

Gypsy spotted

>> No.8190266

Dump trucks haul 25+ tons a piece... dump trailers 35+ tons a piece...

>> No.8190272

Can you get it on a boat for me and send it across the Atlantic?

How will the copper come, ingots, slugs, wire??

I mean like we can talk but I'm going to need a few specifics.

There are a few super projects here that have shit manufactured for them.
Know the right people, they supply metal to company to produce shit for them.

>> No.8190273

In what form is the copper? Ignots? Shrapnel? Solid ton blocks?

Your not giving much away here boy

>> No.8190295


wire, 5 ton coils.

>> No.8190315


>> No.8190333

sounds like you're trying to bust me lol.
less than 15mm, larger than 6mm.

>> No.8190341


>> No.8190357

Why would you want to steal more if you already have 50 tons that you can't sell?

That seems to be your problem - even if you take it there's no buyer

>> No.8190366

Sorry mate not trying to bust you.
Trying to find a buyer for this shit.

>> No.8190376

> Stealing copper
> Buying monopoly tokens

/Business and Finance/

>> No.8190378

Not of the wire, of the entire coil.

>> No.8190386

buy a container and fudge the bill of lading

>> No.8190394

i can set up a train with a broker friend of mine. would need to be off the books right opie?

>> No.8190395

100% snownigger

>> No.8190404

So two flat decks for a total of 20-22 tonnes of copper.

>> No.8190406

no idea, less than 1.5m total.

i have buyers, but no one wants to grab it directly where they are

>> No.8190431

probably also around 1.5m

>> No.8190436

Provide a map of the factory and surrounding areas and youve got a deal

>> No.8190443

I work for a bank and have access to shittons. Help me do anything that will net an early retirement.

>> No.8190454

Well then what do you want?

Fly me to your country for a week, i can drive. line up a truck and the buyer. I'll deliver no problem- pay me my cut and I'm out of the country before the crime is even noticed.

>> No.8190456

And diameter of the entire coil? Is it small enough to fit in the back of a pickup truck? Hilux, f250 etc?

>> No.8190466

How did you do it last time?

>> No.8190471

i have a very detailed map, but i wont post it here lol.
birds eye view as well as how it looks inside. i dont joke around

>> No.8190488

it would fit in a hilux, but i doubt that your suspension can take 5 tons.

got a truck, took 4 coils, drove 40hrs away and sold it with the truck.

>> No.8190495

Ok it’s sinple

Get yourself an Big fuck off pickup or a big fuck off van and load one coil a night in. Repeat until you have the all in safe storage then cut the wires into manageable chunks and sell them to scrap dealers for the rest of your life or until it runs out

>> No.8190506

Why not commit to the 700k Heist in one go op?

Either contact a local transportation and freight agency about the train possibility...
Or commit to the trucks coming at once and just bailing the next day... have buyers ready to pick up and pay the next day and you will be able to get the fuck out of the country with close to a mil in cash I assume. Sounds great to me, daring but that’s life man just go for it when other would only dream

>> No.8190513

>I also run the surveillance as well as sales.
It's gonna be pretty obvious to the people higher up who fucked them over when they start to realize 70 tons of copper is missing and no profits to show for it.

>> No.8190542

Are you really an investigator from a company who lost hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of copper and are lazily trying to crowd source an answer?

>> No.8190553

this would be my last heist so idc if they ask where it went. i'm the one who writes down all the numbers so no one else will double check it

>> No.8190556

Yes please anon, send me the details like your name address target location social security number and private keys

>> No.8190588

sounds like a good sequel for the hurricane heist, the copper caper

>> No.8190635

Also 15mm of copper wire has a weight of approximately 1.56 kg/m

If a coil is 1.5 m high by 1.5 m diameter then that’s 10 circumferences, or 47 meters.

Your coil weighs 74kg


OP is a lying sack of shit

>> No.8190687

1.5m is 1500mm, so 100 circumferences

>> No.8190731

see those quads?
Godspeed Anon, you gonna make it

>> No.8190739

I’m mixing cm with mm, but still only gives you a 743 kg coil

>> No.8190825

There could be several layers, concentric cylinders instead of just one cylinder, 5 tons is definitely possible

>> No.8190855


>t. gypsie

>> No.8190872

>literally the biggest game of shitskin/mudslime criminals
>talks about 700k heist on a public (anonymous lol, as if) usbeki basket weaving forum about it
you are either very stupid, as a criminal, or a LARPing faggot...

>> No.8190897

where the fuck do you think you're going to store all that? where are you going to sell it without drawing attention?
go back to

>> No.8190926

Fucking retard, it's a coil, not a single loop of wire. Also, it's compressed.

ty senpai

u mad bro?

>> No.8191003





>> No.8191039

Where are you located op? Really interested.

>> No.8191070

Northern Europe

>> No.8191095

sounds like a good way to end up in jail. They will hunt you down

>> No.8191106

Hej min ven, hvordan har du det?

>> No.8191138

but I call LARP
you wouldn't risk driving a truck 40h straight in from Northern Europe. To much risk in case of almost certain regular pull over.

>> No.8191233

Can you rent a warehouse; make multiple trips to store as much as you can, and then sell it to someone else on the condition that they transport it?

>> No.8191264

fuckin v&

>> No.8191377


lol? more about this please

>> No.8191434

any chanse your in sweden? could help

>> No.8191601

I work heavy transport, metal is what we ship in.l and out, all god damn day. This is a nigger tier larp. Copper even right now with prices lower than peak is still watched out the ass whenever it comes in. Weve shipped barges full of copper 5k plus tonnes at a time and our customers hire third party inspectors who watch everyone like a fucking Nazi camp overlord. Not to mention our own bosses are up our asses in addition.

OP youre an idiot

>> No.8191623


how the fuck do you lose 50 tons of copper

>> No.8191666

OP could be a higher up, why do you assume he's a peon?

>> No.8191703


>> No.8192089
File: 102 KB, 588x573, the_hobbit_smaug_07_by_jd1680a-d7ufrpa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melt it down and forge it into a giant copper dwarf statue, then something something something, and walla you have a huge fucking copper dwarf

>> No.8192258

can you post a picture of all the copper you have? Just to make sure you are not trolling

>> No.8192304

give us some more info about you

>> No.8192373

How is it a dwarf if it's big?

>> No.8192381

GTA V LARP, the thread.

>> No.8192929

>There is a train track just beside the facillity but idk how to get a hold of a train

build one out of copper

>> No.8192951

>Its amazing how non confrontational people are at work if you just nod at them

Just don't do an autistic arm wave and massive nodding fit ffs. Just a quick upper nod to acknowledge their existence is enough to put them at ease.

>> No.8193024

The accountants will

>> No.8193026

Get the nogs from St Louis to stage a protest. Smuggle copper into cars when they leave.


>> No.8193093

Looks like you're going to need that train, but I have no idea how to clear the line and hire a train, and noone on /biz/ will be able to help either. Would probably create a huge paper trail to, they'd just have to ask the railway where the theft train went. Honestly you're better off just taking a little at a time by truck.

>> No.8193130

Go clean your room anon and quit larping it’s sad

>> No.8193136

Here is the simple answer that will inevitably bring up more questions:

>Do what you did last time x [amount of copper you want to steal/amount of copper you stole last time] times.

>> No.8193138

$700k not worth my time. i only do $100m+ jobs

>> No.8193140

It's a right fucking shame you aren't doing this in Ireland or the UK now: I could ask around and have some pikeys do the job for you easily.

Copper is the element that is most magnetic to pikeys.

>> No.8193346

And sell it, where? If that much copper goes missing, the companies you'd have to sell it to would be warned, or have undercover agents posing as reps, to arrest you when you try to sell it. Happens all the time, even small time crooks who strip empty houses for the wire get caught if they get too greedy. I guarantee if you steel even a fraction of it, you won't find anyone to let you store it, or buy it from you. That much copper doesn't just show up, without it being stolen.

>> No.8193383

No, you didn't. That much copper disapearing would not go unnoticed, and every scrap dealer and metal supplier in the EU would be on the alert for that much copper trying to be sold.

Nice larp, but fuck off.

>> No.8193414

ITT: OP is a syrian muslim immigrant and is trying to steal the white mans copper dont help him

>> No.8193753
File: 13 KB, 202x184, 1352254589414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8194183

How does the U.S. military (((lose))) tons of weapon caches? How does an airplane just (((disappear)))?

>> No.8194309

we should unironically set out bait copper and execute people on the spot when they try to steal it

>> No.8194391

Unfortunate (((circumstances))). Bonus points if you have (((insurance))) on the copper.

>> No.8194906

I'm curious where the fuck 40 hours of driving takes you. He must be in Russia. It takes me 5-6 hours to drive from NYC to VT/Canada border. Hell you can probably drive from maine to miami in under 40 hours.

Anyways OP, I wish you luck

>> No.8195405

Are you fucking retarded? Do what you did last time, just more.