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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8187611 No.8187611 [Reply] [Original]


Long story short the Mt. Gox faggot sold off his coins periodically after Mt Gox exit scammed, hes probably dumping to save his life. He also tried to crash bitcoin when it hit 6k USD. He is dumping the remainders of his stash now.

>Realize this anons
When his stash is fully on the market, the bullrun unheard of will begin.

>Rags to riches and Mt Gox gooks in ditches

>> No.8187657

Howbout some proof

>> No.8187663
File: 490 KB, 498x277, 2b8ff5b2316f176dfd62c0e2feb41ab95023ddaa_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has been selling off since we hit right around $20,000 USD for BTC. (I know it wasnt actually 20k) He has been fracturing his sell offs, probably not to get caught, but that faggot did bottom sell when BTC hit 6k as well, he let the market recover one more time and now hes selling off again.

>> No.8187693
File: 313 KB, 600x372, ajohncigar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here senor. https://captainaltcoin.com/now-we-know-who-sold-the-bottom-at-6k-and-tried-to-crash-bitcoin/

>> No.8187704

I believe this is true

>> No.8187714

deluded. agree if he sells there will be a bullrun, but why would he sell if he knows btc will be higher and can be able to crash it at 20, 30, 50, 100, 200 o 500k? he is already rich.

All we can do, is search for him and kill him

>> No.8187723
File: 113 KB, 768x768, 9095F631-E751-46E1-B769-595537653D3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw mt gox guy is getting rich off my btc

>> No.8187795

Think of it this way, you exit scammed, you need to unload BTC quickly and get some holdable FIAT so you can disappear, you cant cash out all of it at once, so you quickly but still sctructurally sell it off, just in increments where people wont catch on. People want this guy dead, realize that. this fag knows he has to dip and disappear fucking FAST. He doesnt have TIME to wait for a 50k BTC..its not about money anymore its about not being tortured in a basement somewhere or a chinese prison

>> No.8188169

Totally agree on that but my point is, if you think step by step, everytime he sells or sold, he can potentially become more difficult to track. Do we know he didnt market buy zcl at 20$ pre-fork or pumped monero all this time while getting rid of his btc stack? is it just one guy or is it a group? he might have gotten help from other individuals. who has he got as contacts? also this guy could be in fiat but in some other alts too, specially those with privacy-related tech. Everytime he sold more btc, he fueled his escape plan at the same time, also wasting millions of dollars or btc on not leaving any untied knots or breadcrumbs. maybe he couldnt mess with the exchange's data but he can use his economical power to manipulate anything...
which is exactly why most of us came to crypto

>> No.8188185

He's selling to pay off creditors, asshole. It's court ordered, and he's been doing it for months. It didn't all just happen today.
Gee, for 'investors', you guys don't know a fucking thing, do you?

>> No.8188193

I always knew having some trading card shit running an exchange was bad news. Those fuckers scam nonstop.

>> No.8188300

I never wanted JPY they own me BTC
court and trustee are scammers too .They couldn't do more damage to everyone than this

>> No.8188303

>guy holding amounts of bitcoin tried to crash bitcoin

makes sense

>> No.8188327

Who does he owe $500mil still exactly?

>> No.8188374

Why doesn't anyone have balls to kill the cunt? Pretty sure it's easy with pussy jap police

>> No.8188596

3 btc on his head

>> No.8188601

Damn this comic is the incarnation of cuck

>> No.8188620

probably will get rekt gaddafi style if found

>> No.8188690

He's not selling because he wants to. The court told him he has to pay.

>> No.8188771
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>> No.8188853

how much does he have left to pay off?

>> No.8188934

You're looking at this from the point of view as an investor. You should look at it from his point of view. He's a trustee, he has to pay creditors quickly and the fastest way to do this was sell it off at exchanges to get a quick buck. OTCs could've taken a lot of time and bargaining to get what he wanted.

He doesn't give a shit if the market tanks. What matters to him is satisfying creditors and paying them off in bankruptcy proceedings.

>> No.8188950

Why would anyone want to kill him? It is not his fault they got hacked is it?

>> No.8188955

Then the nigger who stole it got nabbed by cops for selling drugs or some other shit and the total happiness in the world increased again, the end.

>> No.8188980
File: 333 KB, 720x400, ldfjkf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't make sense to blame one person. this "mt.gox trustee" is selling on exchanges instead of otc so ??? can profit by shorting. exchanges and numerous entities are cooperating with him. he could sell the bitcoin otc in large batches without raping the market. so now this asshole is making a fortune on top of being able to repay his creditors.

>> No.8189197

Or you should learn to let petty shit go like the comic shows. Nothing stresses me anymore

>> No.8189317

180k left to dump? It'll be ages since bitcoin goes past 20k so

>> No.8189325

best answer, thanks

>> No.8189487


None apparently.

Although court has to decide what will happen to 160K bitcoins

>> No.8189574

I'm assuming the affected customers have a legitimate claim for some compensation due to lost appreciation. That could factor into it as well if allowed.

>> No.8189650

Not only that, but his sales are court ordered. These kids here need to grow up. Nobody's killing anybody over any of this. It's strictly a matter of legal cleanup after their big fuck up.

>> No.8189671

How do you suppose he is making a fortune? From what I've read, he's been ordered to sell only the amount which is required to pay creditors - like any other bankruptcy proceeding.

>> No.8189711

so when all the mtgox coins are on the market which exchange exit scams next and same shit for another year to protect the banks