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8181776 No.8181776 [Reply] [Original]

>only bot users were affected

And we're supposed to feel bad or something?

>> No.8181837

also portfolio tracking apps

>> No.8181880

Look at your portfolio. Do you feel bad now? They got fucked, and we get fucked in turn.

>> No.8181885

why someone would be lazy and enter an API key to track holdings is beyond me. Just do it yourself, more secure

>> No.8181914

I hope bots will end up banned from binance

>> No.8181944


This is literally the best thing that could happen for crypto. I hope they do this.

>> No.8181964

>use a bot
>use mobile app
>balances untouched


>> No.8181974

Easier said than done. How do you spot a poorfag or a bot? Manually removing them?

>> No.8182104

I'm not bothered by short-term panic movements, no.

>> No.8182172


Wrong, these require only READ ONLY api keys which can't be used for trading. I use multiple tracking apps and am not effected.

>> No.8182230

they tried that with the nasdaq 30 years ago. people started building robots that typed on a keyboard.

>> No.8182402

Why would they do that? And lose all the fees us bot authors give them?

Look it's simple - human intellectual labor is obsolete. You're obsolete. You either right now go learn to code and effectively extend your mind by building Bots to let you keep up (basically by getting rich) - or you starve to death with the other peasants as automation takes all the jobs.

My bot is FAR better at trading than any human. All I need to do is tinker with it, roll out improvements etc. It just makes money, forever. It's shorting on BitMEX currently, on most other exchanges it's Tethered or making small scalps as thinks crash. You can NEVER get that good. But that's your choice.

>> No.8182436

Kek, same.

>> No.8182507

how do you determine the rules?

>> No.8182722

You seen AlphaGo? Or the OpenAI bot that learns to beat ANY game in a few hours?

Yeah, that algo. I hooked it up to BitMEX test net, as well as a bunch of sentiment and fundamental data (like mempool stats). Came back a few days later to find it engaged in absolute rape of the market. Switched it to live. And I improved the algo - it's generalized what it's learnt from BitMEX so it's on other exchanges. I'm getting it into stocks now as well.

I did have a mechanical trader before - it only worked on cryptos (because it's such a rigged market kek).

>> No.8182827

Okay, it's doable. Would you agree to solve captcha when doing each trade?

>> No.8182882

The first exchange to ban bots will receive a flood of new users just waiting to escape from faggots like you.

>> No.8182913

is the alphago ai open source? how did you get it

how can it perform good when market is manipulated like this? trends dont exist

>> No.8182965

> that algo
AlphaGo was built strictly around Go by a bunch of PhDs from a company google acquired. You’re an ass clown and aren’t using any ML algorithms on that level.

What did you train your model on? One of the biggest bull markets in history or the market that mt gox has been dumping on since December?

>> No.8183020

This would be fantastic. Fuck them and botters in general.

>> No.8183031

I think you're full of shit. If you worked in the field, you would know that reinforcement learning has a huge replication crisis. Also:
>OpenAI bot that learns to beat ANY game in a few hours
This is just completely untrue.

>> No.8183032

go trade on COSS you big baby

>> No.8183046

Doesn't matter, everyone suffers as a whole because most of the traders are pussies who jump ship the second they see red.

>> No.8183058

So you let the bot do all the work for you? You never trade, never buy or sell?

>> No.8183060

You getting rekt will make my day.

>> No.8183089

Only if they paid me linkies

>> No.8183093

>replication crisis
what is this?

>> No.8183099

What if I told you such an exchange exists? Look up CoinExchange.io. They have no private API which mean bots are unable to connect. Enjoy.

>> No.8183115

>The first exchange to ban bots
Doesn't matter -- all the exchanges are strongly linked now by arbitrage. What happens on one exchange happens on another exchange.

>> No.8183142

bots are the reason coins stay in limbo. fucking greedy cancerous fucks. two different bots battling it out for %1 gains forever and ever
i hope you all get weeded out and justed to mars and back

>> No.8183221

I am happy for one. I don't like people who do sneaky internet thing to make money

>> No.8183295

Then why all coins doesn´t have the same price in every exchange, you dumb fuck?

>> No.8183296
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Yes let's do something that will completely halt the last bit of liquidity in this fragmented shitshow of a market we call crypto.

>> No.8183298

Always when i see this ho i wonder if she was instructed to make the dumbest faces possible

That and the natural punchability of her face have a strong synergy

>> No.8183301

how does that asian cock feel inside your buttholes, bot users? HAHAHAH

>> No.8183405
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>My bot is FAR better at trading than any human. All I need to do is tinker with it, roll out improvements etc. It just makes money, forever. It's shorting on BitMEX currently, on most other exchanges it's Tethered or making small scalps as thinks crash. You can NEVER get that good. But that's your choice.

>> No.8183427

>fucking greedy cancerous fucks.
Hmm, I thought that's applicable to every trader. No?

It's strange that someone might be trading crypto with charitable thoughts in mind, like selling at a loss on purpose

>> No.8183544

seriously fuck faggots using bots. muh oh I can just sit here and passively earn multiple percents a day and shitpost, laugh at normies and people who are trying to invest based on fundamentals. FUCK YOU

>> No.8183562
File: 48 KB, 500x500, HumanFucker9000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad cuck

>> No.8183577


>> No.8183719

Unironically the best time to buy cheap.

Nobody got hacked, just shitty bots

>> No.8183728

There are actual investors out there who are in it because they actually believe in the project.
Botting the price to shit is not indicative of such belief.

>> No.8183830


>> No.8183834

so many larping faggots with "bots" with ML better than google and ren cap in this thread. And the other side that think writing a bunch of if -> then statements is unfair because they're fucking braindead.

>> No.8183900

with ur eyes dud. or api

>> No.8183908


The thing is idiots like you won't see the big picture untill its too late. You'll keep looking down on your fellow man untill one day you find that you're alone and in need of help, but there will be no one. You've cucked your way into AI slavery willingly.

>> No.8183941

>what is QASH?

>> No.8183971

>bot still making profit during this crash

Stay salted peanut brains

>> No.8183978

What's the point? The best, most working projects out there are those that make trading better (DEXes, token & ICO platforms etc) which boils down to making more money.

>> No.8184020

coinsquare has no api and they ban people with bot like behaviour

>> No.8184038

I've never used a bot though, why did my shit turn into viacoin?

>> No.8184109

stay mad without bots the whole market would implode in a second

>> No.8184190


>> No.8184191

You honestly can't be this retarded can you. I can make a bot for any exchange it would just take me longer since i would have to reverse engineer their api which is not that hard since web crawlers are popular.

>> No.8184208

Of course the point in the end is always to make money. There are simply various ways of doing this, with varying levels of constructiveness.

>> No.8184222

yeah no api

>> No.8184297

There's a difference between a public and a private API. A public API simply gives you the latest prices and nothing more. With a private API, you can actually trade.

Nearly every exchange has private API, though.

>> No.8184346
File: 59 KB, 1024x917, 1520113796487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this isn't a sign to cash out and move to skycoin, then i don't know what else to say...

>> No.8184348

My point is, most most working crypto projects are those supporting "greedy cancerous fucks". If a project is purported to do something outside of crypto, it's a dud or a scam more often than not.

>> No.8184423

I hope a robot fucks you up the ass with its big metal cock (hard in milliseconds, making your dick obsolete) at some point in the dystopian future you so desire.

>> No.8184451

anyone have a link to OP pic scene?

>> No.8184502

There will be a lot less of em then. They will be more expensive to create and operate.

>> No.8184623

public vs private is more about the api being intended to be used by 3rd partys vs strict internal use
but I get your point, everything can be automated even if the exchanges try to hinder the use of bots
also the private apis don't have such strict rate limits most of the time (if any) which is a nice plus

>> No.8184939
File: 24 KB, 1081x280, Screenshot_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has nothing to do with bots or applications.
See pic related. This is the most plausible explanation of how the keys were activated and taken.

>> No.8184978
File: 58 KB, 599x337, B7B350A8-BB4B-4824-A7BE-A8607FF2CD5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would literally use bot traders throats as toilets.

So no I don’t feel bad at all!

>> No.8184999
File: 65 KB, 645x729, 90996826-4A91-4521-B6CA-7C7086206230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goldfish attention span

>> No.8185078

you people are seriously retarded
lets say there were no bots, no whales, price shot up continuously as people buy and buy
what happens when there are no more buyers?
blow off top and panic sellers down
do you think price can go up forever? do you believe there is an equilibrium price? what is price? the reflection of human sentiment which is always in flux
bots are just another group of players in this game, you think everyone can make money? trading is a game where you try to take other people's money, people like you are just the losers that refuse to learn how to stop losing

>> No.8185144

it's not about bots, they didn't leak APIs, binance didn't get hacked. people who gave write permissions API keys to some bot service got affected because that service was hacked. if you use your own bot or an open source one you're fine

>> No.8185195

lmao you retard don't have any idea what you're saying

>> No.8185235

ITT: Cucks who are emotional as all fuck because of the current bear market. All the weak hands been shaken right now is A+.

>> No.8185270
File: 169 KB, 418x475, 1507578626261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8185278

Binance android app creates an API for you even if you didn't yourself.

>> No.8185282

Roll up the eyes in her sockets, though.

>> No.8185298

If you can't even beat bots in trading you're a fucking unsalvageable brainlet

>> No.8185325

not mine unfortunately, was in my meme folder

>> No.8185413

>unironically giving api keys to 3rd party program.

Lel. They asked for it.

>> No.8185476

im not fucking selling bitch

>> No.8185537

No not at all. The only thing that cheers me up is that botters got raped.


>> No.8186083

>The only thing that cheers me up is that botters got raped.
Apparently botters didn't. Only regular poorfags who had their API key submitted to external apps.

>> No.8186152

Well, in your case the link that you posted
refers to the public API which lists prices for i.e. Coinmarketcap and tracking apps. I looked into that exchange, apparently they indeed don't have a trading API. Which means, no 3d party bots.

The other is CoinExchange.io

>> No.8186170

it's scary to think there are anons that believe this awful larpshit

>> No.8186251

>not using a trading bot in 2018

Well have fun staring at charts 24/7 while my bot buys up all the panic sell orders. I've already made 7% today you broke bois.
Don't work harder, work smarter.